Infusing Career Development Strategies into Programs of Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Infusing Career Development Strategies into Programs of Study


'Describe how career guidance and academic counseling will be provided to CTE students... Guidance staff should be provided with high quality professional ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Infusing Career Development Strategies into Programs of Study

Infusing Career Development Strategies into
Programs of Study
  • Ray Davis, Ph.D.
  • Gisela Harkin
  • OVAE
  • United States Department of Education

Career Guidance and Perkins IV
  • Providecareer guidance and academic counseling
    programs designed to promote improved career and
    education decision-making
  • Perkins Act of 2006 The Official Guide

Career Guidance and Perkins IV
  • Provide academic and career and technology
    education teachers, faculty, administrators, and
    career guidance and academic counselors with the
    knowledge, skills and occupational information to
    assist parents and studentswith career
  • Perkins Act of 2006 The Official Guide

Career Guidance and Perkins IV
  • Provide career guidance and academic
    counselingimproves which may include the usage
    of a graduation and career plans.
  • Perkins Act of 2006 The Official Guide

Career Guidance and Perkins IV
  • Local education and business partnerships
    including work-related experiences for students,
    such as internships, cooperative education,
    school-based enterprises, entrepreneurship, and
    job shadowing
  • Perkins Act of 2006 The Official Guide

Career Guidance and Perkins IV
  • Describe how career guidance and academic
    counseling will be provided to CTE students
  • (New Local Plans Requirements)
  • Perkins Act of 2006 The Official Guide

Career Guidance and Perkins IV
  • Describe how comprehensive professional
    development of CTE, academic, guidance, and
    administrative personnel, will be provided that
  • (New Local Plans Requirements)
  • Perkins Act of 2006 The Official Guide

How Personal Pathways Work
Steps to Success
Employment Career Advancement Continuing
Education and Lifelong Learning
Postsecondary Career Preparation Achieving
credentials college, certification,
apprenticeship, military
9-12 Career Preparation Academics and technical
courses, intensive guidance, individual
graduation plans
Grade 8 Transition Choosing a career cluster and
major (can change easily at any time later)
6-8 Career Exploration Discovering interest areas
K-5 Career Awareness Introduction to the world
of careers
Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • Guidance is a whole-school, standards-based
    curriculum that must involve teachers,
    administrators, career specialists, parents,
    elected officials, and local workforce
    representatives, and guidance staff.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • Schools and school counselors themselves must
    begin to see the school counselor as a manager of
    comprehensive school guidance who specializes in

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • State models of career guidance should be
    standards-based and based on the states
    comprehensive guidance standards. If the state
    has no state guidance standards, the career
    guidance model should be structured around the
    standards of the National Career Development

(No Transcript)
Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • The state should implement a system of data
    driven accountability that ensures that all
    students are provided with career guidance in
    grades K-12.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • Guidance accountability should be aligned with
    LEA school improvement plans, school report
    cards, and AYP goals.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • All states should develop a comprehensive data
    management system to provide stakeholders and
    educational leaders with information on students
    career and academic development. This system
    should provide data to enable educators to study
    effectiveness of career interventions and
    assessments as the basis of academic and career

Success in South Carolina
  • Quick Facts
  • Over 225,000 student portfolios in SC
  • More than 310,000 assessments completed
  • Nearly 600 sites signed up to use the system
  • Top Interests
  • Finance
  • Health Science
  • Architecture Construction
  • Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
  • Top Skills
  • Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Arts, AV Technology, Communications
  • Education Training
  • Human Services

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • All states should utilize an individual career
    and academic planning instrument for all students
    that annotates K-16 career development and
    academic planning and can be used by educators,
    parents/family representatives, and the students.
    This document should be the catalyst for
    academic and career decision making and
    communications between the school and their
    students and their parents/family
    representatives. Annual conferences for all
    students and the students parent/family
    representative should be used to review this
    document are essential.

  • The process of creating individual learning
    planshelps engage students in their own
    development, a critical component in their

Chait, R., Muller, R.D., Goldware, S., Housman,
N.G. (2007). Academic interventions to help
students meet rigorous standards State policy
options. Washington, DC Institute for
Educational Leadership.
South Carolinas e-IGP
Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • Administrators should prioritize the guidance
    function to maximize career guidance. LEAs
    should adapt the ASCA Models recommendations of
    permissible and non-permissible duties for school
    counselor allowing them to manage the schools
    guidance program and to provide quality career

ASCA Guidelines Appropriate (counseling)
  • Designing individual student academic programs
  • Interpreting cognitive, aptitude and
  • achievement tests
  • Counseling students with excessive tardiness or
  • Counseling students with disciplinary problems
  • Counseling students about appropriate school
  • Collaborating with teachers to present guidance
    curriculum lessons
  • Analyzing grade-point averages in relationship to
  • Interpreting student records
  • Providing teachers with suggestions for better
    study hall management
  • Ensuring student records are maintained in
    accordance with state and federal regulations
  • Assisting the school principal with identifying
    and resolving student issues, needs and problems
  • Collaborating with teachers to present proactive,
    prevention-based guidance curriculum lessons

ASCA Guidelines Inappropriate (non-counseling)
  • Performing disciplinary actions
  • Sending home students who are not appropriately
  • Teaching classes when teachers are absent
  • Computing grade-point averages
  • Maintaining student records
  • Supervising study halls
  • Clerical record keeping
  • Registering and scheduling all new students
  • Administering cognitive, aptitude and achievement
  • Signing excuses for students who are tardy or
  • Assisting with duties in the principals office
  • Working with one student at a time in a
    therapeutic, clinical mode

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • State leaders should work with counselor and
    teacher education programs to ensure that
    preparation programs prepare candidates for
    education careers by inserting in the curriculum
    information on career clusters, programs of
  • national and state legislation, contextual
    learning, and career development practices.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • Career awareness guidance must be heavily
    emphasized in grades K-5 for the programs of
    study to be most effective.

The importance of an early start
  • As children move toward adolescence, they must
    accomplish four major career development tasks.
    Specifically, they must (a) become concerned
    about the future, (b) increase personal control
    over their lives, (c) convince themselves to
    achieve in school and at work, and (d) develop
    competent work habits and attributes.
  • Super, Savickas, Savickas (1996). The
    life-span, life space approach to careers. In D.
    Brown L.Brooks (eds.).

  • 2005 South Carolina Education and
  • Economic Development Act
  • Grades PK-5
  • the foundation for the clusters of study
    system in elementary school by providing career
    awareness activities
  • 2006-07 school yearschool guidance and
    counseling programwith career awareness and
    exploration activities must be integrated into
    the curricula for students in the first through
    fifth grades
  • model(to) assist school districts and
    communities with theschool guidance and
    counseling program to support the personal,
    social, educational, and career development of
    pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade students

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • All LEAs should develop a parental involvement
    component to educate parents/family
    representative on the necessity of career
    guidance in a global society. LEAs should
    develop plans to empower parents/family
    representative with career information and the
    career decision making process to support their
    childs career development.

From SCs Career Guidance Model Parental
  • Beginning in early in the elementary years, it is
    critical to educate the parents to be good
    consumer advocates for their students career
    guidance K-12explain to all K-5 parents
  • What career guidance is (and is not.)
  • Their districts plan to deliver K-12 career
  • The parents role to monitor progress.
  • How K-5 career awareness provides a foundation
    for the 6-12 career guidance years
  • Guidance standards
  • Workplace issues that will affect the job market
    their children will be entering

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • LEAs should provide all students with multiple
    reliable and valid career assessments throughout
    K-12 to enable them to develop and clarify their
    career self-concept. The results of these
    assessments should be used to support academic
    and career planning and create a strong
    foundation for lifelong career decision making

  • 2005 South Carolina Education and
  • Economic Development Act
  • Grades 6-8
  • middle grades programs must allow students to
    identify career interests and abilities and align
    them with clusters of study for the development
    of Individual Graduation Plans
  • promote increased awareness and career
    counseling by providing access tooccupational
    information system
  • counseling and career awareness programs on
    clusters of study must be provided to students in
    the sixth, seventh, and eighth gradescareer
    interest inventories and information to assist
    them in the career decision-making process.
  • the end of the second semester of the eighth
    gradestudents shall select a preferred cluster
    of study.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • All students should have technology driven access
    to career information delivery systems and
    computerized-assisted career guidance systems
    that provide career awareness, college and career
    exploration, and career preparation through
    career assessments, labor market information, and
    virtual learning.

Palmetto Pathways in South Carolina
  • Palmetto Pathways A Visions System Designed for
  • System design and development led by Dr. JoAnn
    Harris-Bowlsbey in cooperation with key
    stakeholders from all state agencies
  • Taskforce collaborated to expand the current
    system into Palmetto Pathways.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • All students should engage in extended learning
    opportunities to enhance understanding of ones
    self, academic learning, and careers. These
    opportunities should begin in elementary grades
    and extend through post-secondary. Extended
    learning opportunities include, but are not
    limited to, job shadowing, career mentoring,
    internships, cooperative education,
    apprenticeships, service learning, volunteering,
    and CTSO and student organizational involvement.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • Guidance staff should be provided with
    standards-based career guidance lesson plans that
    promote career development in both group and
    individual settings. These lesson plans should
    facilitate the grade level themes of career
    awareness (grades PK-5), career exploration
    (grades 6-8), and career preparation (grades

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • The LEAs should incorporate guidance staff in
    advisory committees for programs of study.

Perkins IV and the Future Direction for Career
  • Guidance staff should be provided with high
    quality professional development to empower them
    to deliver appropriate interventions, quality
    career guidance, and current information and
    resources to support all students in career

  • Many students are unaware of how critical this
    skill, goal setting and planning, is to a full
    rewarding, and successful life.goals give us our
    bearing and point us in a purposeful direction.

Pellitteri, J., Stern, R., Shelton, C.,
Muller-Ackerman, B. (Eds.) (2006). Emotionally
intelligent school counseling. Mahwah, NJ
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Available to counselors and others to help
    students plan a coherent educational path or
    program of study
  • ACRN Web site
  • Products available
  • National Career Development Guidelines
  • Career Decision Making Tool

  • Career Development Toolkit
  • Evaluation Template
  • Parent Brochures
  • Spanish-language materials
  • State resources
  • Live Demo of the ACRN Web site

  • Contact
  • Gisela Harkin
  • (202) 245-7796
  • Ray Davis (after Jan.9, 2009)
  • (803) 734-3825
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