Title: A Longitudinal Study of Science Teacher Preparation
1A Longitudinal Study of Science Teacher
- Charles W. (Andy) Anderson, Gail Richmond, Ajay
Sharma, Shinho Jang, Kelly Grindstaff, In-Young
Cho - Michigan State University
2Acknowledgement of Support
- This work is made possible in part by grants from
the Knowles Foundation and the U.S. Department of
3Overview of Secondary Teacher Preparation Program
- Five-year program
- Application/admission in sophomore year
- BA/BS degree in 4 years
- Fifth-year internship w/certification
- Field- and university-based experiences
- Diverse placements
4Overview of Courses
- TE 150 (pre-admission)
- TE 250 (pre-admission)
- TE 301 (Junior year)
- TE 401, 402 (Senior or Pre-internship year)
- TE 501, 502, 801, 802, 803, 804 (Internship year)
5Identity Core Values
- Respect
- Interest and motivation
- Connection to students
- Science learning
6Problems of Practice
- Relearning science content developing goals for
students content understanding - Understanding students assessing their learning
- Developing teaching strategies
- Accessing/managing resources relationships
7Transforming Scientists Science into School
- Ajay Sharma and Charles W. Anderson
8Purpose of the Study
- To examine the transformation of science from a
scientists lab to a classroom. - To explore the implications of this
transformation for teacher candidates.
9Science as Practiced by Scientists
- Science should not be seen as a sharply defined
concept, but should be considered as denoting a
series of paradigmatic examples including other
closely similar activities. - Two major common strands that run through the
different paradigmatic examples associated with
doing science - Engagement in two dialogic relationships - with
nature and with scientific community - that go
hand-in-hand, deeply and inalienably intertwined,
each enriching and building upon the other. - Scientific discourse as an organ of persuasion.
10Scientific research from a dialogic perspective
- Scientists while collecting data engage in a
dialogue with nature. - This dialogue provides them an experiential base
from which they seek patterns, and draw
explanations. - Doing science also involves engagement in
dialogic discursive relationships with other
researchers for rhetorical purposes.
11Science from a rhetorical perspective
- Communicating scientific research is a big part
of a scientists work. - Research communication as an act of persuasion.
- The influence of rhetoric on how scientific
knowledge is presented and communicated.
12Scientific Communication
- Genre of scientific communication - effective in
persuading those who share experience and
discourse. - Empirical evidence as a rhetorical tool in
research communication. - Rhetorical demands on a scientific text act to
present an edited, even distorted, image of
scientific inquiry. - Increasing nominalization in scientific texts.
- Research communication as dialogic interaction.
13School Science
- Recontextualization of the scientific discourse.
- Effects of recontextualization on how science is
presented and taught in classrooms - Transformation of scientific knowledge into a
crystallized, secure, fixed, body of knowledge. - Increasing nominalization in textbooks.
- The change in the nature of dialogic relations.
- Scientific authority replaces empirical
experience as the preferred means of persuasion. - Students lack a meta-level awareness of the role
and power of empirical evidence as a legitimate
means of persuasion. - Performance for grade exchange students
reproduce authoritative knowledge in exchange for
14The nature of tensions between educator and
teacher candidate beliefs about science teaching
- Gail Richmond Charles (Andy) Anderson
15Assignments/Data Sources
- Teaching cycles (5)
- Clarifying goals
- Big ideas (patterns, models, theories)
- Examples of real-world systems, phenomena
- Objectives for student learning (practices
relating big ideas to examples through
application and inquiry - Planning and teaching classroom activities
- Assessment, revision, reflection
- Analysis of 3 students learning
- Assessments for multiple purposes
- Analytically derived claims for learning
- Reflection on experiences rationale for
- Relearning science content/Developing goals for
student understanding
17What we value
- Helping students make sense out of the world by
engaging them in application (making sense of
patterns in experience) and inquiry (using
scientific models and theories to solve practical
problems or understand the material world)
18What teacher candidates value
- Application inquiry
- Facts, definitions, algorithms
- Science appreciation
19Angelyn Application and Inquiry
- Objectives were focused on application/inquiry
and how students could demonstrate their
understanding (e.g., Students will explain how
the cell cycle helps living things maintain a
stable internal environment Students will
evaluate claims regarding potential agents that
lead to mutations in the DNA that may lead to
cancer) -
- it is very easy to teach science as discrete
units of information and this is a dangerous way
to teach. In order to truly learn and love
science the students must see how it all works in
concert and be able to connect one idea to the
next. Even if a lesson is well planned and
potentially great it must lie in the correct
sequence with the other lessons for the students
to get the most out of it. (TE 401 Lesson 1
20- After teaching this topic I have come to
better understanding of how this topic fits into
the bigger picture. I realized that the
students needed to connect cancer to replication,
translation, transcription, the cell cycle, and
homeostasis. I was approaching this topic
(cancer) with blinders on. I wanted the students
to understand cancer, but what I never really
realized was that this topic was an example or
platform, in which to connect the topics
mentioned above all together. (TE 402 Lesson
21- Its more than facts. To learn any unit in
science really should go through the whole
Whats the question? What are we seeing? What
do we think? Whats our proof? Like that. And I
think it should be infused in every
lesson.(Interview, 21-April-02)
22Jared Facts, definitions, algorithms
- Objectives had fact- or list-generating orientati
on (e.g., List the factors that affect climate
Name the inner outer planets) or were not
directed at what students can do (e.g.,
Understand how we measure earthquakes Understand
how you can be safe during an earthquake and what
you can do) -
- My assessment task for this lesson was a
worksheet that had vocabulary and section
questions. As I went through my lesson I was able
to ask questions about ideas from the lesson and
see if the students understood them and when I
thought they did I would tell them to look at the
worksheet and fill it in so that as they went
along they would be able to follow what was
happening and so they could go back and refer to
past information if I asked them a question. (TE
402 Lesson 2 Paper)
24- The handouts I usually go over with them, so
that they understand what they got wrong and what
is right, cause I do not like them to leave
their classroom and know that granite forms from
gneiss rocks, marble forms limestone. If they
screw that up, I like them to know before they
leave the classroom. . They had to define what
is sedimentary rock. The good definition is
important for them. And another one was the
classification of sedimentary rocks. That in the
book gives secondary headings or sub-secondary
headings.(Interview , 12 April)
25Sheila Science appreciation
- Objectives were vague not focused on concrete
ways students could demonstrate understanding
(e.g., Relate motion of objects to unbalanced
forces in two dimensions), although ability to
construct appropriate objectives improved over
time. - So for the most part this 3-day lesson was good.
The activities were fun and kept the kids
entertained while learning.I liked the activity
that I did with the scientists and their views of
the solar system. This got them thinking of the
different views and how they looked and it
allowed them a little fun time with cut, paste,
and color. I also liked the activity where they
drew the planets, colored them the way that they
actually looked, and found facts on each planet.
(TE 402, Three-Day Lesson Paper)
26- I had a hard time, at the beginning, to think
what I already know. Like what experiences they
brought in, coming up with examples, real world
examples..I was having a real tough time with
that. Patterns were (a) big thing in my
planning. Cause I wanted them to see those. The
whole inner and outer and you know. What the
atmospheres, they are different and similar to
earth. So that was as big thing. And then
explaining why that happened. That was really
what I want them to saywhy? (Interview, 19 April
27Results (continued)
- Understanding students assessing their learning
28What we value
- The goal of helping students develop a deep
understanding of science, which requires using
what you know about students to - Identify barriers to their understanding
- Create situations that motivate them to learn
- Develop fair assessments that address core
concepts in meaningful ways
29What Teacher Candidates Value
- Understanding students for assessment of learning
- Grading fairly Quantitative approach
- Grading fairly Qualitative approach
30Angelyn Assessing student understanding
- Although Stans first 3 responses are lacking
this connection, his last three begin to
demonstrate this pattern in his thinking. For
example he states that the function of a nerve
cell is to carry messages to the brain and that
for its shape it connects to other cells. I
(am) assuming that he understand(s) that nerve
cells connect to other cells to pass this message
along. Again his example of function doesnt
match exactly to the shape, but at least the main
idea of sending a message is present in both
examples He seemed to finally make the
connection on this last example and this might be
due to his prior knowledge. He wrote that its
function is to destroy antigens and it helps it
identify the antigen. Although I can assume
that he (is) referring to antibodies on the
outside of the picture of the cell he never
really says that, so Im not entirely sure he
grasped the pattern. I think that he is close to
making the connection, but he needs more coaching
and fading. (TE 401 Lesson report)
31Jared Grading Fairly/Quantitative
- I dont like pre-assessment. I think
pre-assessment is a pain. When you give them (a)
pre-assessment, they cant write anything because
they did not learn it yet. (Interview, 12 April
2002) - The answers that they gave me to the same
questions when I asked them were not the same
ones on the assessment. It is like in the few
minutes before they got the handout they forgot
everything. Most of the answer were not to (sic)
completely wrong they just seemed to get confused
with the question or mixed up the names of the
scientists.I believe they learned but I just
think that they have just confused a few things.
(TE 401 Lesson 2 Paper)
32Sheila Grading Fairly/Qualitative
- During class she gave correct answers to
questions that I posed to the class, and she
seemed to really understand itshe even said she
got it, which she never does. When I handed out
the quick-write she was right up at the desk
asking me if what she was thinking was
right.(Rob) is a very quiet boy and doesnt
really get involved in class. I need to try to
get him more involved. I forget about the
students that dont raise their hands..Kellis
response was the best out of the three of
them.She was the one that was paying attention
during the lesson and gave answers to questions
that were asked. Kelli seems to try pretty hard
when doing her work. She doesnt always do real
well, but she seems to give all of herself to her
work. (TE401 Lesson 2 Paper)
33Tensions between Values and Practices in Learning
to Teach Elementary Science
- Shinho Jang, Gail Richmond, and Charles W.
34Background of the Four Elementary Candidates
- Amy B.A. in Outdoor and Environmental
Recreation A State Park Naturalist a yearlong
internship at an outdoor science school. - Ken B.A. in Elementary Education not enjoyed
learning chemistry and physics. - Steve Pre-medicine major took many science
courses two years of laboratory experience in
the Medical Center. - Leigh B.A. in Botany and Plant Pathology worked
at the Plant Research Lab helping with a research
project for more than 12 years.
35Core values and concerns
- Two goals Student Interest Science Learning
- Amy I found that many of the students have
negative associations with science, or really
dont know much about it. I have worked hard to
prepare a lesson that is both fun and engaging
(Journal, 05/26/2002). - Steve I want to make sure that Im not just
playing games or doing fun experiments without
getting the points across that theyre trying to
discover through the experiments like the laws or
whatever (Interview, 07/19/2002).
36Understanding and teaching science content
- Made different choices to reconciling their
desires - Contrast in their approaches
- Some candidates saw their dual goals as
inherently in conflictnot seeing science content
as intrinsically interesting. - Other candidates saw their dual goals as
inherently in connectionseeking activities that
would make science intrinsically interesting to
37Understanding and teaching science content
- Ken hands-on activities that were interesting
for his students - I believe that science can almost teach
itself to students as long as it is set up
properly for the students to discover and
explore. That is how I learn best and how a lot
of children learn best. The role of the teacher
is to set up situations where students can learn
best and then get out of the way (Autobiography,
05/23/2002). - Steve essential facts and definitions, even if
that required a more didactic style of teaching. - What Im trying to do in the classroom is to
transfer knowledge, and transfer true knowledge,
thats the ideal (Interview, 07/19/2002).
38Understanding and teaching science content
- Amy the intrinsic interest of science lay in
developing students appreciation of nature and
empathy for animals and plants in our natural
environment. - This (lesson) will be accomplished through
student involvement with a hands-on activity in
which they pretend they are black bears in a
forest gathering food (Lesson plan, 06/10/02). - Leigh the intrinsic interest of science lay in
the power of model-based reasoning - When given a range of different liquids
students will be able to calculate, compare, and
describe the viscosities of the liquids based on
their use of a viscometer (Lesson Plan,
39Understanding student thinking
- Their ways of understanding students varied
- Some candidates saw the goals of student
interest and student learning as separate - Other candidates sought to connect intrinsic
student interest in science with student
40Understanding student thinking
- Ken finding evidence of students motivation,
enthusiasm, and enjoyment - I think its imperative that I can keep the
kids interested, because if theyre just
following my instructions and theyre not
learning anything and, its really not any fun for
them. The kids are going to pull a lot more out
of it if the kids are excited and interested in
what you are talking about (Interview,
06/20/2002). - Steve finding evidence of students acquired
certain facts and correct definitions - I just wanted to see if they actually knew
the things that were actually taught them. For
that one we had the blanks of the life cycle, and
they filled in the blanks I think that they were
able to distinguish between physical traits of
the animals. I mean they could tell what was
related, they knew that in the life cycle stage,
they both started out as eggs (Interview,
41Understanding student thinking
- Amy for conceptual understanding through
students personal experience in interactions
with nature and environment - I would ask them those questions about why
they chose to do this and just talk to me a
little bit about your black bear, to see if they
understood (Interview, 06/21/2002). - Leigh for model-based reasoning for inquiry and
application - Remember last week in our density-measuring
device we had corn syrup, water, and oil. This
means a liquid, which is more viscous than
another one doesnt always have a higher density,
too. Which two liquids from our experiment last
week are an example of this? Why? (Laboratory
Worksheet, 06/10/2002)
- Comparison with Secondary candidates
- Steve and Leigh similar to the more and less
successful secondary candidates - Textbook knowledge or Model-based reasoning
- Ken and Amy different from secondary
candidates - Science appreciation Activity oriented
- Ken and Amy Rhetorical similarities but
important differences in practice - Ken having very limited fact-oriented view of
scientific knowledge, leading him to reject facts
as worthwhile goal - Amy having naturalists view, emphasis on
experience with nature, but with clearer goals
and ideas about student development
- Key difference among candidates ability to
reconcile goals of learning and motivation - Leigh and Amy looking for ways to help students
see intrinsic interest of science - Ken and Steve pursuing one goal at the expense
of the other - Possible causes
- the different levels of scientific knowledge
- ways of thinking about science that the
candidates brought with them to the program.
45Learning from Field Experiences Teacher
Candidates Goals and Practices
- Kelly Grindstaff, In-Young Cho, and Charles W.
46Looking at Classroom Practice Data Sources
- Lesson Plan and Reports from four one-day
lessons, and one three-day lesson - included goals for student learning, teaching
activities, assessment of student learning, and
reflections on what they would do differently - Observations of classroom teaching
- Interviews about teaching
- Statements of teaching philosophy
47Foci of Case Studies
- Personal background experience with science
- Teaching situation
- Ideas about what students should learn and how
students learn - Ideas about student and teacher roles in
classrooms - Classroom practice and judgments about classroom
48Jared what and how students (should) learn -
reproducing fact
- The assessment for this section was the two page
handout that reviewed what the students should
have learned in the lecture - Lesson 1 Report,
fall semester - The first big idea of the solar system is the
Earth-centered Model ..The second big idea is
the Sun-Centered Model . - Lesson 2 Report,
fall semester - They (the students) had to define what is
sedimentary rock. A good definition is important
for them.
49Jared roles of teachers and students -
- If they feel bored, they wont try to learn
- I look at participation as the biggest thing .
Because it (matters) more that they actually did
the work, they took the time to sit down, be
quiet, follow the directions . - Interview,
spring semester - When students are given a chance for hands-on
work, they are more likely to do their work and
participate more in class - Lesson Plan and
Report, spring semester
50Jared perceptions of practice - unmotivated
- Summer is a student who can understand if she
wants to pay attention in class. For the most
part she does not . - I have to get them more involved and not just
filling out worksheets. This will be hard with
so many students who like to talk and not get any
work done. - It is like in the few minutes before they got the
handout they forgot everything. - They (the students) were having a hard time
following the chart and linking what they learned
in the lesson the day before to the lab.
51Jared background situation
- Earth science major and history minor
- Senior year placement (4 hours per week) in a
lower track earth science class in an urban
school - Dissatisfied with mentor teacher
- Had attended a Catholic high school
- High academic achievement
- Thought he would like to get a job in a suburban
middle school
52Jeff - what and how students (should) learn -
relevant facts
- My biggest concern in teaching is being able to
relate this information, or any information for
that matter, to my students lives. I believe
that if students cannot see the things that we
are talking about in class in the real world
then they will be far less likely to retain or
even reuse this information. - Lesson 1 Plan
Report, fall semester
53Jeff roles of teachers and students - transmit
- We have pacing guides of things we need to cover
in each unit, and these are more specific
scientific principles than a general
understanding of science as a whole. - I decided on notes rather than a demo since I am
trying to get used to putting things out. So
I am limited by what information she (his mentor)
wants me to transmit. - interview, fall semester
54Jeff perceptions of practice - success
relevant fun
- I was very pleased with the students response to
the lesson. I got satisfaction out of hearing the
students point out parks that they had played in
before .The student really took to the map
exercise. They said things like,can we color in
all the things or should we only do gravel mines
for now? - 3-day Lesson Report, semester
spring - Maybe there isnt a much better way than I did it
today but that doesnt mean I cant keep
searching for it. - interview, fall semester
55Jeff background situation
- Biology major and chemistry minor
- Senior year placement (4 hours per week) in an
urban middle school science classroom teaching
earth science - Felt experience was the best teacher
- Average academic achievement
- Thought he would like to get a job teaching high
school biology
56Educational philosophy
- Lisa Barab everyone can learn science
- I strongly believe that all students can learn
science. Therefore, I must find a way to teach
it in a way that incorporates this belief. I plan
to accomplish it by guiding students through the
process needed to develop a sound conceptual
understanding of science. This process begins
with activating the students existing knowledge
to link new knowledge to what they already know
and understand well.
57Educational philosophy
- Mike Barker - importance of educational career in
individual life - As a student and teacher, I have discovered the
tremendous value education has in a persons
life. My goal is to identify the students who
have overlooked the importance of learning and
give them access to all the opportunities
education offers. If I can do this for just a
handful of students, my teaching career will be a
complete success.
58Educational goals for science teaching
- Lisa Barab - conceptual understanding
- Constructing conceptual understanding through
scientific inquiry, incorporating students prior
knowledge and life experiences - - My teaching of science will incorporate
application of scientific knowledge to practical
life experiences and employ the significance of
science inquiryAltogether, these will make
learning science exciting and interesting, and
more importantly understandable.
59Educational goals for science teaching
- Mike Baker transfer of knowledge and problem
solving skills - Make students become successful citizens in the
future by providing students with useful tools of
correct understanding of procedures and
mathematical relationships - - In some circumstances, the best explanation
may occur once the foundation is established,
which may take more than one lesson. On the
other hand, offering a rudimentary explanation
will assist the students in remembering a set of
60Perception of teachers and students roles
- Lisa Barab facilitator and critical thinker
engaged in scientific inquiry - - provoke students interest in classroom
activities - - careful analysis of students reasoning skills
and understanding - - participate fun and plausible scientific
inquiry process -
61Perception of teachers and students roles
- Mike Baker transmitter and user of algorithmic
tools - - help students to accomplish their academic
potential - - provide students with key problem-solving
skills - - transfer of knowledge in a procedural form
62Personal background and teaching situation
- Lisa Barab
- - Physical chemist father
- - High academic achievement
- - Science research experience
- - Great interest in science
- - Teaching chemistry in suburban high school
63Personal background and teaching situation
- Mike Baker
- - A manager of R D technology in chemical
engineering company - - High academic achievement
- - Strong self-confidence in science content
knowledge and teaching strategy - - Positive attitude about science teaching
- - Teaching chemistry in suburban high school
64What shapes practical knowledge and performance
in science teaching ?
- Educational philosophy
- Educational goals for science teaching
- Perceptions of teachers role in science
classroom - Classroom teaching situation
- Personal prior knowledge and experiences
66Expectancy X Value Model
- The likelihood that an individual will expend
effort on a task is proportional to the product
of two factors - the degree to which they value both the outcome
of and engagement with the task (i.e., the
product and the process) - the degree to which they expect to be able to
perform that task successfully, provided they
apply themselves
67Zone of Proximal Development
- Practices a newcomer can carry out only with the
support of more knowledgeable individuals - (e.g., Vygotsky, Lave Wenger)
68Combined Framework
- Those practices that appear within an
individuals ZPD are those that she may not be
able to successfully carry out independently, but
they are practices she both values highly and has
a high expectancy of success with support from us
or others
69 70Implications
- We try to convince candidates of the importance
of our values by - --designing assignments consonant with our
values - --assigning grades for successful completion of
these assignments - We help increase expectancy for success by
providing scaffolded opportunities to learn more
about - --the learning process
- --their content understanding
- --the students they teach
71Implications (continued)
- Our goals may not have been reached because we
may not have sufficiently understood our
candidates ZPDs - --For candidates who hold values consistent with
our own, no problems arise (practices are within
their ZPDs) - --For other candidates, problems arise because
the practices are outside their ZPDs. They may
reinterpret our assignments to focus on practices
that they valued more highly or for which they
had a greater expectancy of success
- What we hope to do
- --modify our expectations of the candidates
- --try to modify their values and expectancies of
success - Target goals
- --create assignments that more consistently
engage them in the practices that are within
their ZPDs - --help candidate develop more sophisticated
teaching practices
73Factors Affecting Candidates Practice
- Personal resources and values Science knowledge
and experience, insights into students, core
values and priorities, etc. - Culture of school and classroom Resources,
opportunities, values - Culture of teacher preparation program
Resources, assignments, opportunities, values
- Importance of school placements and experiences
in schools - Importance of experiences with science and
resulting knowledge and ideas about the nature of
science - Conceptual change problems in teacher
preparation We know better what we need to work
75Please visit our website
- http//SciRes.educ.msu.edu/TEScience/Index.htm