2To what extent do we confuse words and images?
To what extent do words create stereotypes?
- Recognizing what you like (what you see) and why
you like it is called visual literacy. Ideas
to consider 1) the relationship between words,
images and objects in the real world 2) the
idea of representation 3) the distinction
among form and content in art 4) conventions
in art and 5) iconography.
3Using this image, define representational art.
4Define abstract art.
5In what ways are these two images different?
6- What of these two would you characterize as
abstract? Which is non-objective?
7Define non-respresentationl art. How would you
describe this work of art?
8FORM is everything physical and visible in a work
of art, and is covered in the chapters on the
elements and principles of art.
CONTENT equals subject matter plus meaning. What
is the subject matter in this painting? What is
the meaning?
9What do you see here that might suggest that the
meaning is deeper than what the subject matter
10What is the subject matter in this painting?
What is the meaning? Why is this different from
the Leonardo Da Vinci Last Supper?
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13What is depicted here? What does this suggest?
How has the WAY the artist has shown the subject
above determined HOW we understand what it is?
14(No Transcript)
15What is shown here? What visual clues help
you determine subject matter and meaning? In
what specific ways is this different from the
other two works of art?
16- Discuss the difference between subject matter and
meaning in this painting by Frida Kahlo.
17- What would you characterize as most important
about this piece by Monet -- form or content?
18What is meant by artistic conventions?
19- Explain what this means
- When we see the Baule mask only through the
conventions of our own culture, we fail to
understand its meaning and function, and
denigrate the African culture as well.
20The study or description of visual images or
symbolic systems is called iconography. What
else can we learn by examining the details?
21- How is this Buddha statue different from the
typical Western understanding of the Buddha? - How is it typical of the Buddhist understanding
of images of the Buddha?
22Issues of iconography and cultural conventions.
23- What do these images tell us about artistic
conventions? Compare with the Byzantine image in
the last slide.
24- Explain some of the conventions and iconography
at work in this stained glass window from the
Chartres Cathedral. How does art give power to
the ideas expressed?
25What are visual conventions? Above, Treaty
Signed at Medicine Creek Lodge, by John Taylor,
1867, sharply contrasts with the next imagehow
do you account for that?
26The above image, painted by Howling Wolf in
1875-78, is also called Treaty Signed at
Medicine Creek Lodge. Explain the difference.
27- Native American playing cards, c. 1880.
28- The coming together of cultural conventions