Title: Tara Peters
1Presenting with PowerPoint
2Outline - Day 1
- Presenting with PowerPoint
- Using PowerPoint
- Slide template
- Design considerations
- Presenting tips
3Using PP - Let's Create a Template
- Open PowerPoint
- Blank presentation
- Unique
- Pictures/logos
- Flexibility
4Using PP - Choose Slide Layout
- Choose the blank slide to design your own
5Using PP - Slide Master
- Select View?Master?Slide Master
- All slides will have your template
- Add your own style
6Using PP - Header Picture
- Insert?Picture?From File
- Select Desktop/Honors/mountain.gif
- Drag image to upper left corner
7Using PP - Format Title
- Click the title text box outline
- Change font (Tahoma)
- Change font size (36)
- Select justification (Right)
- Move to upper right corner
- Select View?Toolbars?Draw
- On the Draw toolbar select Draw?Order?Bring to
8Using PP - Format Title
- Do you see this on your screen?
9Using PP - Modify Slide Master Template
- Delete the three text boxes at the bottom
- While holding shift select them
- Press delete
10Using PP - Create Footer
- Add color
- Use logos from Web sites
11Using PP - Create Footer Border
- Create a footer border
- Select rectangle tool from the Draw toolbar
- Draw a rectangle to cover the bottom of slide
- Double-click rectangle to format
- Change fill
- Pull down Fill?Color menu
- Select Fill Effects then Texture
- Select Paper Bag
12Using PP - Getting Web Logos
- Open Web Browser
- Enter www.ualberta.ca/ualberta/img/UA6.jpg
- Right click the logo
- Select Save Picture As
- Save in Desktop/Honors folder
- Get Canadian Psychological Association logo from
www.cpa.ca/ - Close Browser
13Using PP - Web Logos Note
- Most logos are proprietary and should never be
altered or used unless you are certain that the
institution would appreciate your
14Using PP - Insert, Place, Link Logos
- Insert?Picture?From File
- Shrink the images
- Move logos to each corner
- Press Ctrl and use arrows to position just right
- Insert?Hyperlink
- www.cpa.ca
- www.ualberta.ca/ualberta/img/UA6.jpg
- Links only work during Slide Show
15Using PP - Is This What You See?
16Using PP - Format Text Area
- Text area options
- Font (Arial/Times)
- Font Size (32-28)
- Placement (center)
17Using PP - Format Background
- Change background color
- Format?Background
- Select More Colors from the pull-down menu
- On the Standard tab page, pick a brown
- Click the Custom tab
- Use the bar on the right to pick a beige
- Select OK then Apply
18Using PP - Create Slides
- See your template on a slide/slide show
- View?Normal
- View?Slide Show
- Check Hyperlinks
- Right click?End Show
- Create more slides with the template
- Insert?New Slide
- Insert Title Slide
- Insert Bulleted List slide
19(No Transcript)
20Using PP - Opps, Looks Funny
- The background breaks the title header
- View?Master?Slide Master
- Draw a rectangle over the header
- Keep same height as the mountains
- Double-click the rectangle
- Fill white Line no line
- Draw?Order?Send to Back
21Using PP - That's Better!
- View?Normal
- All of your slides should reflect this change
22(No Transcript)
23Using PP - "I don't need a Template"
- You may not want the clutter of the template
design when showing figures or data tables
- Insert the new slide you want to be different
- Format?Background
- Then check omit background graphics from master
- Be sure to click Apply, not Apply to all
- Don't worry, there's always undo
24Using PP - What's Next
- What have we covered?
- Design considerations
- Presenting tips
25Using PP - What did we cover?
- Using drawing tools
- Inserting slides
- Editing slide template
- Erasing template
- Hyperlinks
- Creating new slides
- Using Slide Master
- Inserting images
- Saving Web logos
- Formatting text
You're practically an expert! Remaining
functions will be covered next week
26Design - Why Did We Do What We Did?
- You rattled off a number of instructions on how
to build templates, but why should we follow
these suggestions?
- Important elements of presentation design
27Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Why insert a title slide?
- Presentation title, name and institution.
- Good slide while you're waiting to begin
- Introduce your talk
28Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Saves time
- Adds life with little work
- Consistent look
- Directs audience's attention
29Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Logical place for slide title
- Create outline and follow it
- Use outline sections as slide titles
- Keep title on relevant slides
- Add some visual appeal
- Directs attention
- Easily find your title
- Content is consistently below
30Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Your, your lab's or institution's logo
- Logo of funding provider
- Acknowledge resources
- Context for the audience
- Visual appeal
31Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Why did we use those fonts?
- Easy to read
- Title different but easy to read
- Content usually Times or Arial
- Keep fonts consistent
32Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Why did we use those font sizes?
- Easy to see
- Title 36-point
- Content 32 or 28-point
- Dictates slide capacity
- Consider the room where you present
- larger room, larger font
33Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Balance slide
- Leave white space around edges
34Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Why bother with bullets in the template?
- Force yourself to be concise
- Keep any sentences short
- Point form
- Say it, audience shouldn't read it
35Design - Tips Disguised as QA
Obviously presentation won't fit on one so why
ask a silly question?
- To make a point
- Don't overload slides, insert another
- Text shouldn't fill more than 50 of slide
- Don't worry!
- The rest of the information
36Design - Tips Disguised as QA
37Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Why "waste space" with header and footer?
- Previously mentioned advantages
- Visual appeal
- Limit amount of text you can add
- If you wonder if you've exceeded slide capacity,
you have!
38Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Why use background color?
- White can seem too bright
- Soften your slides
- Add elegance
39Design - Problem
Problem ? spending more time designing slides
than content
- Impress audience with content, not slides
- Design must not take away from content
40Design - Problem
- Colours
- Fonts
- Slide capacity
- Structure
- Consistency
- Simplicity
41Presenting - Content
42Presenting - Content
- Most Importantly
- Know your topic!
- Practise your presentation!
43Presenting - Communicating
- Communicating to audience
- Be enthusiastic
- Speak loud and clear
- Make eye contact
- Move and point to screen if need be
- but don't fidget
44Presenting - Communicating
- Communicating with audience
- Does your audience understand?
- Ask them questions
- Engage but don't scare your audience
- Good presentation may amuse
- Excellent presentation will leave audience with
greater understanding
45Presenting - Handouts
- Provide Handouts
- From PowerPoint
- File?Print
- Print What Handouts
- Customize
- Develop handouts from scratch
46Presenting - Etiquette
- Etiquette
- Be prepared
- Be rested
- Dress appropriately
- Practise
- Test presentation equipment
- Relax
47Presenting - Etiquette
- Etiquette
- Remain focused on your topic
- Consider audience knowledge level
- Explain topics clearly yet concisely
- Gauge your audience
48Outline - Day 2
- Presenting with PowerPoint
- Graphing
- Inserting objects
- Data representation
- Animation
- Slide Transition
- Sounds
- Transporting presentation
- Lots of work today!
- Many, many graphing features
- Touch on basics
- Try on your own!
50Graphing Insert Object
- Insert Word object
- Can be edited within PP
- Survey data
- Insert?Object
- Choose "create from file"
- This uses existing file
- Browse for file
51Graphing - Entering Data
- Insert?Chart
- Or Insert?New Slide Type Chart
- Complete data table
- Enter variable names and values
52Graphing - Edits
- Has no title
- Useless legend
- Missing labels along x-axis
- Too much going on along y-axis
- Too 3D
- Too green
- Etc
53Graphing - Edits
- Chart?Chart Options
- Title Tab, add title
- Legend Tab, uncheck Show Legend
- Double click on x-axis labels
- Select Scale Tab
- Enter 1 in "Number of CategoriesLabels" box
- You can also change the font in this window
54Graphing - Edits
- Double click on y-axis labels
- Select Scale Tab
- Enter desired values in check boxes
- Major Unit controls labels
- Chart?Chart Type
- Let's use first column type (just bars)
- Double click on green bars
- Format (lines/colors)
55Graphing - Data Presentation
- Is there a better way to the present data?
- Let's take a look
57Graphing - Recode Data
- With the chart selected, View?Datasheet
- Reorganize data
58Graphing - Data Presentation
- Need legend
- Chart?Chart Options
- Change groupings
- Data?Series in Columns
- These options reverse the groupings
- Change orientation
- Chart?Chart Type
- Select Bar
59Graphing - Inserting Charts
- Use graph saved from another application
- If Word, Excel etc Insert?Object
- For gif, jpg etc Insert?Picture?From File
60Graphing - Enter Line Values
- On Draw toolbar select line tool
- Draw the line
- Format line
- Color ? something salient
- Width ? 4pts
- On Draw toolbar select text tool
- Enter box with r-value (.64)
- Enter box with p-value (lt .05)
61Graphing - Animate Graph
- Slide Show?Custom Animation
- Under "Check to animate slide objects"
- Check the box beside "Line"
- Appears in "Animation Order" window on the "Order
Timing" tab - Click the "Effects" tab
- Select an effect (how the line will appear)
- Repeat for each text box
62Animation - Details
- Gradual revelation as topic is explained
- Only works during slide show
- Can be timed instead of on mouse click
- Animations can disappear on next event
- Can add sound to an event
63Slide Transition
- Slide Show?Slide Transition
- Select features
- Againdon't annoy your audience
- Insert?Movies Sound?Sound from File
- Use with discretion
- Can also play movies
65Transport - Options
- Print slides make into transparencies
- Transparencies available at SUB copy shop
- File?Pack and Go
- May require more than one floppy disk
- Presentation uploads to any computer
- File?Save as Web Page
- FTP into GPU account to post on Internet
66Transport Plan Ahead
- Back up plan computers fail!
- Don't leave transfer to the last minute!
Please take a moment to tell me what you thought
of this presentation.
69Design - Tips Disguised as QA
- Balance slide
- Leave white space around edges
70Design Tips Disguised as QA
Obviously presentation won't fit on one so why
ask a silly question?
- To make a point
- Don't overload slides, insert another
- Text shouldn't fill more than 50 of slide
- Don't worry!
- The rest of the information