Title: Automatically Personalizing User Interfaces
1Automatically Personalizing User Interfaces
- Daniel Weld
- University of Washington
- Corin Anderson
- Oren Etzioni
- Pedro Domingos
- Krzysztof Gajos
- Keith Golden
- Cody Kwok
- Tessa Lau
- UW AI Group
3Two Interface Trends
4Steelcase-Inspired Software
-- David Gelernter
- Need Increased Adaptivity
- Beyond inconsistent defaulting
- Adapt to available devices, interaction modes
- Adapt to user location, tasks goals
- Adapt to user calendar current time
- Adapt to network connectivity,
5Adaptivity Customization
- Consistent Across Applications
- Adaptation in every dialog
- Bridging Applications
- Data gathering
- Transformations
- Deep Deployment OS layer
- Motivation
- Deliberative Software Agents
- Programming by Demonstration
- Adapting User Interfaces to
- Screen Size
- User Behavior
7Genesis Internet Softbots
Etzioni Weld CACM 94
- Interface Principles
- Goal-Oriented
- Integrated
- Balanced
- Safe
User says what she wants Agent determines how
when to achieve it ? planning-based softbots
Single, expressive uniform interface E.g.,
printing files vs. FTPing them
DT-lite Softbot must balance the cost of
finding information on its own with the nuisance
of asking the user.
Asimovs first law Safety, tidiness
thriftiness constraints in planner
8UW Softbot Family Tree
- Specifying goals is bottleneck
- Logical spec. language ?!_at_!
- Forms interface
- Limited to anticipated use
- Not scalable
- Often easier to just do task!
- Except data integration tasks
- Natural language interfaces
- Popescu et al Yates et al 03
- Programming by demonstration
- Motivation
- Deliberative Software Agents
- Programming by Demonstration
- Adapting User Interfaces to
- Screen Size
- User Behavior
10Programming by Demonstration
Lau Weld IUI-99
Wolfman et al. IUI-01
Lau et al. ICML-01
- If its too hard for users to specify goals
- Lets watch them
- And try to help
- Like plan recognition
- Initial domains
- Email
- Text editing
- Cross domain
Demand on user
Domain engr
Macro Record
On / Off
Straight Ln
12SmartEdit 1
Lau et al. ICML-01
18PBD as a learning problem
- Action is function input state output state
- Editor state text buffer, cursor position, etc.
- Actions move, select, delete, insert, cut,
paste, - Given a state sequence, infer actions
- Many actions may be consistent with one example
- Challenge Weak bias low sample complexity
19Version Space Algebra
- Version space set of complex functions
- Define version space hierarchically
- Algebraic operators for combing VSs
- Union È analogous to set union
- Join cross-product with consistency
predicate - Transform convert functions to different types
- Can factor a version space
20SMARTedit's version space
21Fast Consistency
- Test consistency of example against entire
version space - Quickly prune subtrees
- Innovations
- Independent join allows BSR representation
22Preliminary User Study
- 6 undergrad CS majors
- 7 repetitive tasks with later w/out SMARTedit
- Tasks 4 to 27 iterations, 1-5 min to complete
- Evaluation metrics
- Time saved completing task with SMARTedit's help
- user actions (keyboard mouse) saved
- User feedback
23Time saved using SMARTedit
Time (sec) Cost Saved
Six Users
Task Number
24Action Savings with SMARTedit
Six Users
Percent of Actions Cost Saved
Task Number
25Observations from PBD
- Overhead of macro recorder UI is high
- Most repetitive tasks short
- How many shell scripts do you write / day?
- Should focus on pure adaptivity
- E.g., automatic segmentation
- Motivation
- Deliberative Software Agents
- Programming by Demonstration
- Adapting User Interfaces to
- Screen Size
- User Behavior
27Early Adaptation Mitchell,Maes
- Predict Email message priorities
- Meeting locations, durations
- Principle 1 Defaults minimize cost of errors
- Principle 2 Allow users to adjust thresholds
28Adaptation in Lookout Horvitz
Adapted from Horvitz
29Resulting Principles
Horvitz CHI-99
- Decision-Theoretic Framework
- Graceful degradation of service precision
- Use dialogs to disambiguate
- (Considering cost of user time, attention)
Adapted from Horvitz
30Principles About Invocation
- Allow efficient invocation dismissal
- Timeouts minimize cost of prediction errors
31Adapting to Device Characteristics
Custom Interface Rendering
Func Interface Spec
Device Model
- Approaches
- Templates
- Expert System
- Optimization
Hierarchy of State vars Methods
Screen size Available widgets Interaction modes
32Optimize Widgets Layout
- Available widgets F(type(state-var))
- E.g. for an integer
- For hierarchy
- Tabs, adjacent panes,
Gajos Weld, draft 2003
- Optimization methods
- Branch bound vs. local search
- Cost function minimize user effort
- Navigation manipulation
- Component importance (? trace data)
34SUPPLE Output
35SUPPLE Output
36SUPPLE Output
- 260,000,000 possibilities
- Simulated annealing fastest
- Can improve with bin-packing methods
37Web Pages on Small Screens
38Web Site Adaptation in Proteus
Anderson et al. WWW-01
- Personalizing in two steps
- 1. Learn model of visitor from access logs
- Transform content per learned model
- Hill-climbing thru space of websites
- Transforms shortcuts elision
- Expected utility of candidate site
- Sum of utility of each screen of each page
- Discounted by access difficulty (links,
39Analysis of Proteus
- Why Proteus worked well
- Suggested useful shortcuts
- Elided mostly unnecessary content
- Why Proteus worked poorly
- Sometimes elided useful content
- Users didnt find shortcut, tho it existed
- Flaws with implementation, not concept
Links followed
- Eliminating features is dangerous
- Accurate prediction is crucial
- Saliency of new UI operations is crucial
- How name shortcuts?
- Must partition dynamicity
- Maintain separate dynamic static areas
- Always allow previous navigational methods
- Duplicate functionality if necessary
41Partitioned Dynamism
42Partitioned Dynamism
43Partitioning Failure
- Must partition dynamicity
- Accurate prediction also crucial
45Predicting User Behavior
Anderson et al. IJCAI-01
- Model as Sequential Process
- Markov Models
- Mixtures of Markov Models
- Second-Order
- Conditioning on Position in Trace
- Etc.
times s?d was followed
Total visits to s
46Weakness of Markov Models
- Each state is trained independently
- Abundant training data at one state cannot
improve prediction at another state - Large state models ? vast training data
- Problem Web trace data is sparse
- A single visitor views 0 of any site
- New dynamic content not in training data
47Reasoning about Uncertainty
Sanghai et al. Thurs 1210 Cholula 3
Bayes Net
Markov Model
48Relational Markov Models
Anderson et al. KDD02
- Domains often contain relational structure
- Each state is a tuple in relational DB sense
- Structure enables state generalization
- Which allows learning from sparse data
49Defn Markov Model
- Q set of states
- Pages in a web site
- Each state a relation
- ProductPage(Apple_iMac, in_stock)
- A transition probability matrix
50Domain Hierarchies
- Instance of relation
- with leaf values is a
- state, e.g.
- ProductPage(iMac, in_stock)
51Domain Hierarchies
- Instance of relation with
- non-leaf values is a set of
- states an abstraction, eg
- ProductPage(AllComputers, in_stock)
52E-commerce Site Markov Ver.
53RMM generalization
- Want to estimate P(s ? d) but no data!
- Use shrinkage
54RMM generalization
- Want to estimate P(s ? d) but no data!
- Use shrinkage
- Can do this with abstractions of d and s
- Let ? be an abstraction of s and ? of d
55RMM generalization
- Want to estimate P(s ? d) but no data!
- Use shrinkage
- Can do this with abstractions of d and s
- Let ? be an abstraction of s and ? of d
56RMM generalization
- Want to estimate P(s ? d) but no data!
- Use shrinkage
- Can do this with abstractions of d and s
- Let ? be an abstraction of s and ? of d
57Calculating Shrinkage Weights
- Intuitively, the lab should be large when
- Abstractions are more specific
- Training data is abundant
- Three methods for assigning weights
- Uniform
- Heuristic (Based on lattice depth, of examples)
- EM (Data intensive)
59The Google Generation
- Most WWW traces very short
- Cant beat trace 2
- Not true in desktop / mobile apps
- Adapt to user behavior
- Adapt to device characteristics
60Striving for Duplex
61Still Striving for Duplex
63Confirm (Twice!)
64State machine (partial)
Six clicks required!
65Remember Partitioned Dynamicity
- Proteus Users didnt find shortcuts!
- Saliency of new UI operations is crucial
- Must partition dynamicity
- Maintain separate dynamic static areas
- Duplicate functionality
66With Controlled Adaptation
Maintain Stable Navigation
Optimize For User Behavior
67Or Rather
Curry to Boolean
68Challenges for AI
- Formalizing interface descriptions
- Pebbles, iCrafter, XIML,
- Customization languages
- Rec start/stop shortcut make default
- Datamining the clickstream
- Improved prediction ? dim ? data
- Interface transformation algorithms
- Complex constraint satisfaction
High-level Customization
- Goal-oriented softbots
- Programming by demonstration
- Adaptive interfaces / websites
Pure Adaptation
- Principles
- Partitioned Dynamicity
- Techniques
- Version-Space Algebra
- Relational Markov Models
70The End
- Todays computer interfaces are one size fits
all. Users with little programming experience
have very limited opportunities to customize an
interface to their task and work habits.
Furthermore, the overhead induced by generic
interfaces will be proportionately greater on
small form-factor PDAs, embedded applications and
wearable devices. Searching for a solution,
researchers argue that productivity can be
greatly enhanced if interfaces anticipated their
users, adapted to their preferences, and reacted
to high-level customization requests. But
realizing these benefits is tricky, because there
is an inherent tension between the dynamism
implied by automatic interface adaptation and the
stability required in order for the user to
predict the computers behavior and maintain
control. This talk will list challenges for the
field, describe principles governing effective
adaptation, and present new algorithms for data
mining user action traces and dynamically
transforming interfaces.
72Gentle-Slope Systems
ClicknCreate (Multimedia Fusion)
C Plugins
Difficulty of use
Sophistication of what can be created
Adapted from Myers et al.
73Learning programs from traces
- Illustrated VS algebra with SMARTedit
- Grand vision cross-domain PBD
- Learn an abstract programming language
- SMARTpython learn Python programs
- Lau PhD thesis
- Loops, conditionals,
74Reqs for Interface Representation
- Same as Pebbles Project?
- State variables
- Typing
- Commands
- Hierarchical organization
75Adaptation in Pebbles
See next talk
76State abstractions form lattice
ProductPage(AllProducts, AllStockLevels)
ProductPage(AllProducts, in_stock)
ProductPage(AllComputers, AllStockLevels)
ProductPage(AllComputers, in_stock)
ProductPage(AllDesktops, AllStockLevels)
ProductPage(AllDesktops, in_stock)
ProductPage(AppleDesktops, AllStockLevels)
ProductPage(AppleDesktops, in_stock)
ProductPage(iMac, AllStockLevels)
ProductPage(iMac, in_stock)
77Guiding the Search
- Expected utility based on model of visitor
- Model learned by mining server access logs
- Sum value of each screen of each page
- Discount by difficulty of reaching screen from p
- Depends on how manylinks followed and howmuch
scrolling required
78Specifics of Screen Evaluation
Expected utility of sij
79Proteus Empirical Study
- Observe real users on the desktop
- Info-seeking goals drawn from random distribution
- Personalize based on observations
- Measure performance on mobile device
- Number of links and scrolls, amount of time
- Compare unmodified and personalized sites
- Half users did unmodified first, others vice versa
80Average number links followed
81RMM generalization
- Want to estimate P(s ? d)
- Use shrinkage
- Can do this with abstractions of d and s
- Let ? be an abstraction of s and ? of d
- Want to estimate P(s ? d) but no data!
- Use shrinkage
- Can do this with abstractions of d and s
- Let ? be an abstraction of s and ? of d