Comp. Architecture assumed known - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Comp. Architecture assumed known


Basic loader loaded using Front Panel in the old days (in ROM today) ... On some Pentiums, microcode is loaded during boot. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Comp. Architecture assumed known

Comp. Architecture assumed known
  • Basic structure
  • CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O
  • Busses
  • Memory hierarchy registers, cache, RAM, disk
  • Fetch execute cycle
  • Machine code
  • PC, SP, CC, stacks
  • Interrupts
  • Hardware
  • Enabling, Disabling
  • Software
  • Vectors, Priority
  • System clock
  • DMA
  • Granularity
  • a b c how many machine instructions?
  • Other architecture features such as TLB and Modes
    not assumed known

History Operating the machine
  • Key steps
  • Load a machine code program into computers RAM
  • Run it
  • Monitor what it does, and get answer
  • Once upon a time ..done with front panel switches
    and lights
  • Repeat
  • Set up RAM address
  • Set up data, hit enter
  • Until all program code and data have been
  • Then
  • Set up register contents, including start
    address in PC
  • Hit Run button or keep hitting Single Step
  • Watch selected register or RAM location on

Loader to the rescue
  • Key problem to do the above more easily
  • e.g. to load code and data direct from punched
    cards or even from disc
  • Need program to control the external device
    that reads data
  • able to detect errors data is stored with a
  • able to specify where in RAM to put code and
  • - this may be specified in the input, absolute
    address format
  • - may be decided at load time, relocatable
  • Hierarchy of loader programs - Bootstrapping
  • Basic loader loaded using Front Panel in the
    old days (in ROM today)
  • Absolute binary loader loaded using basic
  • Relocating loader loaded using absolute binary
  • User code and data is loaded using the relocating
  • or perhaps using the absolute binary loader
  • Makes sense to keep loader in memory permanently
    if possible ROM
  • Loaders are system software, not written by the

Situation Today
  • On todays machines, there is no run button,
    the CPU starts running on power up, either
    starting from a fixed memory address, or from an
    address it reads from a fixed memory address.
  • - there had better be sensible code starting at
    that address.
  • This startup code is in a non-volatile memory
    chip on the motherboard.
  • Usually does various power-on self tests (POST),
    then loads a program from floppy disc
    CD USB or whatever
  • On some Pentiums, microcode is loaded during
  • User can set a password, choose boot order,
  • (Recent cost to Ireland of not doing this right
  • This program loads up other programs, transfers
    control to them.
  • major security vulnerability

Operators Tasks
  • Key task
  • To load and run a user program to process user
  • Main steps
  • Set up the users machine code cards on the
    input device
  • Run the relocating loader if not there,
    bootstrap it
  • Set up the machine code cards for the library
  • Continue the loader
  • Set up the users data cards on the input device
  • Run the users program this then reads in its
    input cards
  • Once upon a time, above steps would be done by
  • Then they became the job of the operator
  • Now, they are largely done by the operating
  • Note the amount of time likely to be wasted
    setting things up

Other Operator Tasks
  • Using other system software
  • Often, user provides source code, which must be
  • Operator loads up compiler, feeds source code as
  • If compiles o.k., takes machine code and proceeds
    as above.
  • If not o.k., gives error printout to user
  • Sometimes, operator asked to run system utility,
    e.g. sort
  • Now, these tasks mainly done by OS
  • Managing the system
  • Is this user authorised? suborn the
  • Is this the correct program fool the operator
  • Maintaining security suborn the
  • Making backups steal / copy
    the backups
  • These tasks are still done by hand system
  • major security vulnerability

Improving operations
  • Key problem
  • Too much CPU time wasted while things being set
  • Simple batch operation
  • Set up multiple jobs (user code and data) for
    input as a batch
  • Now the CPU is idle for a smaller proportion of
    the time
  • But needs a fancier version of the loader, a
  • Monitor (N.B. this word is also used to with
    another meaning)
  • Able to read in code for a job, transfer control
    to it, get control back, then read in code for
    next job, and so on.
  • Understands Job Control Language used on
    control cards which separate one job from
    another, and also on cards separating code from
    data within a job.
  • Contains loader, device drivers, JCL
    interpreter. Most of it stays resident in RAM
    permanently if possible.
  • Takes a lot of load of the operator primitive
    operating system

Improving throughput - Spooling
  • Key problem
  • Too much CPU time wasted while external devices
    are reading or writing, e.g. card reader or
  • Spooling
  • When CPU needs input, provide it from a fast
    device, tape or disk
  • When CPU does output, spool it to a fast
    device, tape or disk.
  • When CPU is idle, have it copy input cards onto
    fast device
  • When CPU is idle, have it send output from fast
    device to slow device.
  • Note there are now multiple threads of control.
    CPU can be outputting results for one job to
    printer, while processing another jobs input.
  • The CPU is still likely to be idle a lot waiting
    on input or output. Why not have additional jobs
    in memory for it to switch to, so waste fewer
  • Hence Multiprogramming

Multiprogramming (1)
  • Many programs in memory at the same time.
    Operating system allocates CPU in turn to
    runnable ones. Many threads of control /
  • Involves interrupt hardware and a system timer.
  • Only one program running at any moment in
    uniprocessor system.
  • If this program is stopped, values in registers
    etc. must be saved if program is to be restarted
    later (note the etc. it covers a lot)
  • This state information is sometimes called the
    programs context
  • cf. http//
  • process program context
  • The OS keeps the information on each process in a
    Process Control Block (PCB)
  • When the running process is stopped by the OS,
    its PCB is updated by the OS, and put on a queue
    to be continued later.
  • The OS then decides which of the halted processes
    should continue, restores the registers etc. from
    its PCB, and that process resumes.

Multiprogramming (2)
  • What happens
  • Suppose Process A is running, Process B,C,D ready
    to run.
  • Interrupt occurs
  • may be caused by timer, or by Process A making a
    system call
  • Kernel of OS handles the interrupts
  • saves As context in its PCB, puts this PCB on
  • Scheduler determines that C (say) should run
  • Dispatcher copies Cs PCB data back into
    registers etc.
  • Last register copied back is typically the
    Program Counter, so process C is now running.
  • Referred to as a process switch - save
    everything into PCB,or context switch expect to
    be back in a moment, save less

Processes vs. threads
  • A process typically owns a certain range of
    addresses, access to certain devices and files,
    and other resources allocated to it by the OS, as
    well as the register values and its stack space.
  • As a process is switched in and out, what it
    owns will not change much. The register values
    and stack will most likely change a lot.
  • Some systems use a Thread Control Block (TCB) to
    hold the register values, keep track of the
    stack, keep track of whether runnable, and some
    other stuff. For a context switch, only the TCB
    needs to be involved. Process switching involves
    the whole PCB including the TCP.
  • Some systems allow multiple threads and multiple
    TCBs per process. All of them share the resources
    owned by the process.
  • In an existing process, the overheads of creating
    a new thread, deleting a thread, switching
    between threads, or terminating a thread are low
    compared to creating, switching or terminating
  • An example - the Java run time environment can be
    implemented as one process with multiple threads.
  • In Linux, processes can share memory space etc.
    threads are implemented as processes.

Operating System
  • Software which does many of the tasks once done
    by the operator.
  • And also
  • controls all access to the machine hardware
  • schedules and runs processes and threads -
  • provides a system for storing files
  • authenticates users
  • allocates resources to users
  • restricts what users can do
  • OS routines are called by user programs. If the
    OS is software, why cant a user use the same
    codes, take over control?
  • Because (1) CPU has two modes, user and
    privileged (2) Certain instructions (e.g. I/O
    )dont work in user mode (3) Change to
    privileged mode done by software
    interrupt (4) To change interrupt vectors or
    handler need to first get into privileged mode
  • Try Google for Linux System Call Table
  • Note how do we know these are what they
    should be?

Multiprogramming problems
  • In a multi-programmed setup, cannot assume any
    order in the way threads of control are scheduled
    by the system.
  • When resources are shared by different threads,
    various problems emerge that are not present in a
    single threaded setup. They can be very tricky to
    find, as they can depend on a scheduling of the
    threads which happens very rarely.
  • Lost update One thread works on data in the
    middle of another thread working on it, and
    result is overwritten.
  • Synchronisation How to get consumer thread to
    wait on producer thread
  • Deadlock Each thread needs a resource held by
    the other, both are blocked.
  • Solving these kinds of problems usually involves
    being able to ensure mutual exclusion while one
    thread is working on shared data, able to exclude
    others from working on it.
  • The OS is responsible for setting up, scheduling,
    and closing down threads, and is the obvious
    location for tools to allow them co-operate and
    avoid these problems.
  • Multithreading in Java gives a simple example
    of how things can go wrong try running it .

Multithreading in Java (1)
  • class Globals
  • public int count,outs,ins
  • Globals(int initcount)
  • count initcount
  • outs ins 0
  • public void updatecount(int i)
  • count i

Multithreading in Java (2)
  • class Producer extends Thread
  • Globals current
  • public Producer(Globals current)
  • this.current current
  • public void run()
  • while(true)
  • current.updatecount(1)
  • current.ins
  • //System.out.println(Produced "

Multithreading in Java (3)
  • class Consumer extends Thread
  • Globals current
  • public Consumer(Globals current)
  • this.current current
  • public void run()
  • while(true)
  • current.updatecount(-1)
  • current.outs
  • //System.out.println(Consumed "

Multithreading in Java (4)
  • class Mythreads
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Globals current new Globals(0)
  • Consumer outthread new Consumer(current)
  • Producer inthread new Producer(current)
  • inthread.start()
  • outthread.start()
  • while(true)
  • System.out.println("Diff "

  • (current.ins - current.outs - current.count)
  • "
    Count " current.count
  • " In
    " current.ins " Out " current.outs)

Multithreading in C
  • A C compiler can generate calls to the OS
    routines for creating and managing processes and
    threads. In C these calls are mostly explicitly
    made by the programmer. The Java run time system
    hides this lower level from the Java programmer.
    Well be mostly using C.
  • C uses fork() to create new process that
    continues same program as existing thread.
    Difference is that fork() returns process id of
    new thread to calling thread, returns 0 to child
    thread. Many other related OS calls.
  • main()
  • int pid / local variable /
  • pid fork() / new thread, both threads
    continue /
  • if (pid) / true if non-zero so in
    original caller thread /
  • caller thread activities go here usually
  • else / pid 0, so in child
    thread /
  • child thread activities go here usually
  • POSIX threads library gives better support for
    manipulation of threads cf. Molay Chpt 14

The Trouble with Threads
  • They access shared data (almost always)
  • They break in on each other at totally
    unpredictable times
  • Result bad behaviour, such as in
    Multithreading in Java 1 4, which behaves
    unpredictably and not as might be expected.
  • Cure we cant avoid sharing data, but maybe we
    can prevent break-ins.
    (locks come into this somewhere)
  • Want to make some sections of code atomic, i.e.
    cant break into these are known as critical
    sections, only one thread can be in a CS at a
    time, others must wait.
  • Want mutual exclusion if one thread is
    working on some shared data, make other threads
    wait to get at it until first thread is done with
    it put processing of shared data in a critical
  • Need a kind of lock if open, a thread can
    pass through, setting the lock to prevent other
    threads coming through after it - these then have
    to wait until the thread that has the lock
    releases it again.
  • In Java, each object has a lock, which a thread
    can try to acquire by using the keyword
    synchronized - can be used to fix problems
  • In C, we interact with OS services to control
    threads, maybe via POSIX threads library.

The Trouble with Locks (1)
  • Whats to stop two threads trying to set the lock
    at the same time?
  • This can actually happen in a multiprocessor
    system. With a single processor, both threads
    cant be active simultaneously, but one might be
    just setting the lock when the other gets in to
    set it, and both end up thinking they can go
    ahead lost update type of problem again.
  • Need to make the lock operation itself atomic.
    Trickier than it seems usually depends on some
    atomic hardware feature, though pure software
    solutions do exist (cf Dekkers Algorithm or
    Petersons Algorithm)
  • When a thread tries to execute a locked section
    of code, it must wait, but how?
  • The disappointed thread might just keep trying,
    checking the lock over and until it is open and
    the thread can get it. If the lock gets set for
    only a very brief time this busy waiting is
    o.k., but otherwise it is very wasteful of
    machine cycles, usually best avoided.
  • Instead, suspend the dissappointed thread and put
    it on a queue or set of threads waiting for this
    lock. Now when lock is released, need to be able
    to resume one of the waiting threads.

The Trouble with Locks 2
  • Making the lock operation atomic
  • At the lowest level, i.e. the hardware, two main
  • Approach 1 Turn off interrupts,
  • if lock not set then set it else prepare
    to wait,
  • turn on interrupts
  • Often used on single processor systems since
    interrupts are needed to break into a running
    thread, nothing can break into the thread that
    turns off interrupts. N.B. should only turn off
    interrupts for very short time. But wont work
    on multiprocessor system, as threads keep running
    on other processors.
  • Approach 2
  • register set, exchange(register,lock), if
    (registerset) wait
  • Requires an atomic machine instruction that can
    exchange data in memory with data in a register.
    If the lock was already set, wait, otherwise you
    have set it, proceed. Works for multiprocessor.
  • These are used to build more convenient higher
    level constructs, such as semaphores,
    monitors and message passing

  • Low level mechanism for mutual exclusion
  • Typically provided at the operating system level
  • Due to Dijkstra, who based it on train signals
    (i.e. semaphores)
  • Basically,
  • an integer variable, a queue for waiting
  • and two operations, wait and signal,
  • Used (different versions exist)
  • init initialise the variable to something 0
    (often 0)
  • wait if (--variable
  • suspend thread and put on this semaphores
  • signal if (variable
  • take a suspended process from the
    semaphores queue and put it on ready to
    run queue used by operating system.
  • Widely used at OS level care needed, as easy to
    get mixed up if many semaphores and lots of code

  • Programming language level construct for mutual
  • Developed by Tony Hoare, also Per Brinch Hansen
  • N.B. totally different to batch job monitor
    mentioned earlier.
  • Easier to use, fewer programming errors, than
  • Compiler may implement it using operating system
    semaphore calls.
  • Basically
  • very like an object - data and methods - but
    with a lock and a queue for waiting threads
  • thread must acquire the lock in order to use any
    part of monitor, so only one thread using any
    part of monitor at a time
  • lock is re-opened when thread leaves monitor
  • lock also re-opened when thread in monitor waits
    on a condition also need a way to keep track of
    threads that are waiting on a condition
  • need to be able to signal waiting threads when
    condition becomes true, so that one of them will
    again try to re-obtain the lock, continue in the
    monitor from where it did the wait
  • Modified monitor structure is used in Java to
    support multithreading

Locking hierarchy
  • The locking needed to support use of
    multithreading comes in various guises, typically
  • High Level Language Level
  • Monitor type construct easier for programmers
    to use
  • Compiler may implement monitor by generating
    calls to operating system semaphore functions
  • Programmers may also be able to use semaphores
  • Operating System Level
  • Message passing (distributed operating systems)
  • Semaphores or similar constructs
  • Trickier to program with than monitors
  • Implementation usually based on atomic hardware
  • Computer Hardware
  • Disable interrupts (single processor system)
  • Atomic exchange or test and set machine

Java Threads - Locking
  • Quick summary wont need this again
  • Based on monitor concept, but not exactly the
  • Every object has a lock, a set to hold threads
    waiting on the lock, and a set to hold threads
    that have called wait().
  • A method can be made a critical section by using
    synchronized this obtains the lock on the
    object on method entry, releases it on exit, in
    between a thread that tries to use a synchronized
    method of the object must wait.
  • Lock can be obtained instead by using
    synchronized(myobject) instructions - now the
    instructions cannot be broken into by another
    thread which also uses synchronized(myobject)
    N.B. if another
    thread does not use synchronized(myobject), it
    can get in at any time, since it does not try to
    acquire the myobject lock.
  • Once a thread has acquired a lock it can acquire
    it again many times, e.g. by nested calls to
    synchronised methods in the same class. The lock
    must be released as many times as it was gained
    to unlock the object.
  • wait() causes thread to release the lock, become
    suspended in wait() set.
  • notify() causes thread in wait() set to be moved
    to the waiting on lock set. Method that used
    notify() runs on to completion. Moved thread will
    get the object lock again sometime it then
    continues from where it called wait().
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