Title: Airway Management Part 1
1Airway ManagementPart 1
- EMS Professions
- Temple College
2Topics for Discussion
- Airway Maintenance Objectives
- Airway Anatomy Physiology Review
- Causes of Respiratory Difficulty Distress
- Assessing Respiratory Function
- Methods of Airway Management
- Methods of Ventilatory Management
- Common Out-of-Hospital Equipment Utilized
- Advanced Methods of Airway Management and
Ventilation - Risks to the Paramedic
3Objectives of Airway Management Ventilation
- Primary Objective
- Ensure optimal ventilation
- Deliver oxygen to blood
- Eliminate carbon dioxide (C02) from body
- Definitions
- What is airway management?
- How does it differ from spontaneous, manual or
assisted ventilations?
4Objectives of Airway Management Ventilation
- Why is this so important?
- Brain death occurs rapidly other tissue follows
- EMS providers can reduce additional
injury/disease by good airway, ventilation
techniques - EMS providers often neglect BLS airway,
ventilation skills
5Airway Anatomy Review
- Upper Airway Anatomy
- Lower Airway Anatomy
- Lung Capacities/Volumes
- Pediatric Airway Differences
6Anatomy of the Upper Airway
7Upper Airway Anatomy
- Functions warm, filter, humidify air
- Nasal cavity and nasopharynx
- Formed by union of facial bones
- Nasal floor towards ear not eye
- Lined with mucous membranes, cilia
- Tissues are delicate, vascular
- Adenoids
- Lymph tissue - filters bacteria
- Commonly infected
8Upper Airway Anatomy
- Oral cavity and oropharynx
- Teeth
- Tongue
- Attached at mandible, hyoid bone
- Most common airway obstruction cause
- Palate
- Roof of mouth
- Separates oropharynx and nasopharynx
- Anterior hard palate Posterior soft palate
9Upper Airway Anatomy
- Oral cavity and oropharynx
- Tonsils
- Lymph tissue - filters bacteria
- Commonly infected
- Epiglottis
- Leaf-like structure
- Closes during swallowing
- Prevents aspiration
- Vallecula
- Pocket formed by base of tongue, epiglottis
10Upper Airway Anatomy
11Upper Airway Anatomy
- Sinuses
- cavities formed by cranial bones
- act as tributaries for fluid to, from eustachian
tubes, tear ducts - trap bacteria, commonly infected
12Upper Airway Anatomy
- Larynx
- Attached to hyoid bone
- Horseshoe shaped bone
- Supports trachea
- Thyroid cartilage
- Largest laryngeal cartilage
- Shield-shaped
- Cartilage anteriorly, smooth muscle posteriorly
- Adams Apple
- Glottic opening directly behind
13Upper Airway Anatomy
- Larynx
- Glottic opening
- Adult airways narrowest point
- Dependent on muscle tone
- Contains vocal bands
- Arytenoid cartilage
- Posterior attachment of vocal bands
14Upper Airway Anatomy
- Larynx
- Cricoid ring
- First tracheal ring
- Completely cartilaginous
- Compression (Sellick maneuver) occludes esophagus
- Cricothyroid membrane
- Membrane between cricoid, thyroid cartilages
- Site for surgical, needle airway placement
15Upper Airway Anatomy
- Larynx and Trachea
- Associated Structures
- Thyroid gland
- below cricoid cartilage
- lies across trachea, up both sides
- Carotid arteries
- branch across, lie closely alongside trachea
- Jugular veins
- branch across and lie close to trachea
16Upper Airway Anatomy
17Upper Airway Anatomy
- Pediatric vs Adult Upper Airway
- Larger tongue in comparison to size of mouth
- Floppy epiglottis
- Delicate teeth, gums
- More superior larynx
- Funnel shaped larynx due to undeveloped cricoid
cartilage - Narrowest point at cricoid ring before 8 years
18Upper Airway Anatomy
From CPEM, TRIPP, 1998
19Upper Airway Anatomy
20Glottic Opening
21Lower Airway Anatomy
- Function
- Exchange O2 , CO2 with blood
- Location
- From glottic opening to alveolar-capillary
22Lower Airway Anatomy
- Trachea
- Bifurcates (divides) at carina
- Right, left mainstem bronchi
- Right mainstem bronchus shorter, straighter
- Lined with mucous cells, beta-2 receptors
23Lower Airway Anatomy
- Bronchi
- Branch into secondary, tertiary bronchi that
branch into bronchioles - Bronchioles
- No cartilage in walls
- Small smooth muscle tubes
- Branch into alveolar ducts that end at alveolar
24Lower Airway Anatomy
- Alveoli
- Balloon-like clusters
- Site of gas exchange
- Lined with surfactant
- Decreases surface tension ? eases expansion
- ? surfactant ? atelectasis (focal collapse of
25Lower Airway Anatomy
- Lungs
- Right lung 3 lobes Left lung 2 lobes
- Parenchymal tissue
- Pleura
- Visceral
- Parietal
- Pleural space
26Lower Airway Anatomy
27Lower Airway Anatomy
- Occlusion of bronchioles
- Smooth muscle contraction (bronchospasm
- Mucus plugs
- Inflammatory edema
- Foreign bodies
28Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Typical adult male total lung capacity 6 liters
- Tidal Volume (VT)
- Gas volume inhaled or exhaled during single
ventilatory cycle - Usually 5-7 cc/kg (typically 500 cc)
29Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Dead Space Air (VD)
- Air unavailable for gas exchange
30Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Dead Space Air (VD)
- Anatomic dead space (150cc)
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Physiologic dead space
- Shunting
- Pathological dead space
- Formed by factors like disease or obstruction
- Examples COPD
31Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Alveolar Air (alveolar volume) VA
- Air reaching alveoli for gas exchange
- Usually 350 cc
32Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Minute Volume Vmin(minute ventilation)
- Amount of gas moved in, out of respiratory tract
per minute - Tidal volume X RR
- Alveolar Minute Volume
- Amount of gas moved in, out of alveoli per minute
- (tidal volume - dead space volume) X RR
33Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Functional Reserve Capacity (FRC)
- After optimal inspiration, amount of air that can
be forced from lungs in single exhalation
34Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)
- Amount of gas that can be inspired in addition to
tidal volume - Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)
- Amount of gas that can be expired after passive
(relaxed) expiration
35Lung Volumes/Capacities
- Movement of air in, out of lungs
- Control via
- Respiratory center in medulla
- Apneustic, pneumotaxic centers in pons
- Inspiration
- Stimulus from respiratory center of brain
(medulla) - Transmitted via phrenic nerve to diaphragm,
spinal cord/intercostal nerves to intercostal
muscles - Diaphragm contracts, flattens
- Intercostal muscles contract ribs move up and
out - Air spaces in lungs stretch, increase in size
- ? intrapulmonic pressure (pressure gradient)
- Air flows into airways, alveoli inflate until
pressure equalizes
- Expiration
- Stretch receptors in lungs signal respiratory
center via vagus nerve to inhibit inspiration
(Hering-Breuer reflex) - Natural elasticity of lungs pulls diaphragm,
chest wall to resting position - Pulmonary air spaces decrease in size
- Intrapulmonary pressure rises
- Air flows out until pressure equalizes
- Respiratory Drive
- Chemoreceptors in medulla
- Stimulated ? PaCO2 or ? pH
- PaCO2 is normal neuroregulatory control of
ventilations - Hypoxic Drive
- Chemoreceptors in aortic arch, carotid bodies
- Stimulated by ? PaO2
- Back-up regulatory control
- Other stimulants or depressants
- Body temp fever? hypothermia?
- Drugs/meds increase or decrease
- Pain increases, but occasionally decreases
- Emotion increases
- Acidosis increases
- Sleep decreases
43Gas Measurements
- Total Pressure
- Combined pressure of all atmospheric gases
- 760 mm Hg (torr) at sea level
- Partial Pressure
- Pressure exerted by each gas in a mixture
44Gas Measurements
- Partial Pressures
- Atmospheric
- Nitrogen 597.0 torr (78.62) Oxygen 159.0 torr
(20.84) Carbon Dioxide 0.3 torr (0.04) Water
3.7 torr (0.5) - Alveolar
- Nitrogen 569.0 torr (74.9) Oxygen 104.0 torr
(13.7) CO2 40.0 torr (5.2) Water 47.0 torr
- Ventilation vs. Respiration
- Exchange of gases between living organism,
environment - External Respiration
- Exchange between lungs, blood cells
- Internal Respiration
- Exchange between blood cells, tissues
- How are O2, CO2 transported?
- Diffusion
- Movement of gases along a concentration gradient
- Gases dissolve in water, pass through alveolar
membrane from areas of higher concentration to
areas of lower concentration - FiO2
- oxygen in inspired air expressed as a decimal
- FiO2 of room air 0.21
- Blood Oxygen Content
- dissolved O2 crosses capillary membrane, binds
to Hgb of RBC - Transport O2 bound to hemoglobin (?97) or
dissolved in plasma - O2 Saturation
- of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen (usually
carries gt96 of total) - O2 content divided by O2 carrying capacity
- Oxygen saturation affected by
- Low Hgb (anemia, hemorrhage)
- Inadequate oxygen availability at alveoli
- Poor diffusion across pulmonary membrane
(pneumonia, pulmonary edema, COPD) - Ventilation/Perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
- Blood moves past collapsed alveoli (shunting)
- Alveoli intact but blood flow impaired
- Blood Carbon Dioxide Content
- Byproduct of work (cellular respiration)
- Transported as bicarbonate (HCO3- ion)
- ? 20-30 bound to hemoglobin
- Pressure gradient causes CO2 diffusion into
alveoli from blood - Increased level hypercarbia
51Inspired Air PO2 160 PCO2 0.3
Alveoli PO2 100 PCO2 40
PO2 40 PCO2 46 - Pulmonary circulation - PO2
100 PCO2 40
PO2 40 PCO2 46 - Systemic circulation - PO2
100 PCO2 40
Tissue cell PO2 lt40 PCO2 gt46
52Diagnostic Testing
- Pulse Oximetry
- Peak Expiratory Flow Testing
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- End-Tidal CO2 Monitoring
- Laboratory Testing of Blood
- Arterial
- Venous
53Causes of Hypoxemia
- Lower partial pressure of atmospheric O2
- Inadequate hemoglobin level in blood
- Hemoglobin bound by other gas (CO)
- ? pulmonary alveolar membrane distance
- Reduced surface area for gas exchange
- Decreased mechanical effort
54Causes of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Airway Obstruction
- Tongue
- Foreign body obstruction
- Anaphylaxis/angioedema
- Upper airway burn
- Maxillofacial/laryngeal/trachebronchial trauma
- Epiglottitis
- Croup
- Tongue
- Most common cause
- Snoring respirations
- Corrected by positioning
56Foreign Body
- Partial or Full
- Symptoms include
- Choking
- Gagging
- Stridor
- Dyspnea
- Aphonia
- Dysphonia
57Laryngeal Spasm
- Spasmatic closure of vocal cords
- Frequently caused by
- Overly aggressive technique during intubation
- Immediately upon extubation
58Laryngeal Edema
- Causes
- Angioedema
- Anaphylaxis
- Upper airway burns
- Epiglottitis
- Croup
- Trauma
- Significantly increases mortality
- Obstructs Airway
- Destroys bronchial tissue
- Introduces pathogens
- Decreases ability to ventilate
- Frequently occult
60Obstructive Airway Disease
- Obstructive airway disease
- Asthma
- Emphysema
- Chronic Bronchitis
61Gas Exchange Surface
- Pulmonary edema
- Left-sided heart failure
- Toxic inhalation
- Near drowning
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary embolism
- Blood clots
- Amniotic fluid
- Fat embolism
62Causes of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Thoracic Bellows
- Chest trauma
- Fib fractures
- Flail chest
- Pneumothorax
- Hemothorax
- Sucking chest wound
- Diaphragmatic hernia
63Causes of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Thoracic Bellows
- Pleural effusion
- Spinal cord trauma
- Morbid obesity (Pickwickian Syndrome)
- Neurological/neuromuscular disease
- Poliomyelitis
- Myasthenia gravis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Gullian-Barre syndrome
64Causes of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Control System
- Head trauma
- Cerebrovascular accident
- Depressant drug toxicity
- Narcotics
- Sedative-Hypnotics
- Ethanol
65Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Respiratory Distress/Dyspnea Possible Life
Threat - Assess/Manage Simultaneously
- Priorities
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
- Disability
66Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Airway
- Listen to patient talk/breathe
- Noisy breathing Obstructed breathing
- But, all obstructed breathing is not noisy
- Adventitious sounds
- Snoring Tongue
- Stridor Tight Upper Airway
67Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Breathing
- Look
- Symmetry of Chest Expansion
- Signs of Increased Effort
- Skin Color
- Listen
- Mouth and Nose
- Lung Fields
- Feel
- Mouth and Nose
- Symmetry of Expansion
68Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Breathing
- Tachypnea
- Bradypnea
- Signs of distress
- Nasal flaring
- Tracheal tugging
- Retractions
- Accessory muscle use
- Tripod positioning
- Cyanosis
69Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Circulation
- Dont let respiratory failure distract you!!!
- Tachycardia Early hypoxia in adults
- Bradycardia Early hypoxia in infants, children
Late hypoxia in adults
70Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Disability
- Restlessness, anxiety, combativeness hypoxia
until proven otherwise - Drowsiness, lethargy hypercarbia until proven
otherwise - When the fighting stops, a patient isnt always
getting better
71Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Focused Exam
- Respiratory Patterns
- Cheyne-Stokes diffuse cerebral cortex injury
- Kussmaul acidosis
- Biots (cluster) increased ICP pons, upper
medulla injury - Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation increased
ICP mid-brain injury - Agonal brain anoxia
72Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Focused Exam
- Neck
- Trachea mid-line?
- Jugular vein distension?
- Subcutaneous emphysema?
- Accessory muscle use?/hypertrophy?
73Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Focused Exam
- Chest
- Barrel chest?
- Deformity, discoloration, asymmetry?
- Flail segment, paradoxical movement?
- Adventitious breath sounds?
- Third heart sound?
- Subcutaneous emphysema?
- Fremitus?
- Dullness, hyperresonance to percussion?
74Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Focused Exam
- Extremities
- Edema?
- Nail bed color?
- Clubbing?
75Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Increased resistance
- Changing compliance
76Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Pulsus Paradoxus
- Systolic BP drops gt 10 mm Hg w/inspiration
- May detect change in pulse quality
- COPD, asthma, pericardial tamponade
77Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- History
- Onset gradual or sudden?
- What makes it worse, better?
- How long?
- Cough? Productive? Of what?
- Pain? What kind?
- Fever?
78Assessment of Airway/Ventilatory Compromise
- Past History
- Hypertension, AMI, diabetes
- Chronic cough, smoking, recurrent colds
- Allergies, acute/seasonal SOB
- Lower extremity trauma, recent surgery,
immobilization - Interventions
- Past admission? Ever admitted to ICU?
- Medications? Frequency of prn medication use?
- Ever intubated before?
79BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Supplemental Oxygen
- Increased FiO2 increases available oxygen
- Objective Maximize hemoglobin saturation
80Oxygen Equipment
- Oxygen source
- Compressed gas
- Tank size
- D 400L
- E 660L
- M 3450 L
- Liquid oxygen
81Oxygen Equipment
- Regulators
- High Pressure
- Cylinder to cylinder
- Low Pressure
- Cylinder to patient
- Humidifier
82Delivery Devices
- Nasal cannula
- Simple face mask
- Partial rebreather mask
- Non-rebreather mask
- Venturi mask
- Small volume nebulizer
83Nasal Cannula
- Optimal delivery 40 at 6 LPM
- Indication
- Low FiO2
- Long term therapy
- Contraindications
- Apnea
- Mouth breathing
- Need for High FiO2
84Venturi Mask
- Specific O2 Concentrations
- 24
- 28
- 35
- 40
85Simple Face Mask
- Range 40-60 at 10 LPM
- Volumes greater that 10 LPM does not increase O2
delivery - Indications
- Moderate FiO2
- Contraindications
- Apnea
- Need for High FiO2
86Non-Rebreather Mask
- Range 80-95 at 15 LPM
- Indications
- Delivery of high FiO2
- Contraindications
- Apnea
- Poor respiratory effort
87Partial Rebreather
- Range 40 60
- Indications
- Moderate FiO2
- Contraindications
- Apnea
- Need for High FiO2
88BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Airway Maneuvers
- Head-tilt/Chin-lift
- Jaw thrust
- Sellicks maneuver
- Other Types
- Tracheostomy with tube
- Tracheostomy with stoma
- Airway Devices
- Oropharyngeal airway
- Nasopharyngeal airway
89BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Mouth-to-Mouth
- Mouth-to-Nose
- Mouth-to-Mask
- One-person BVM
- Two-person BVM
- Three-person BVM
- Flow-restricted, gas powered ventilator
- Transport ventilator
90BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Mouth to Mouth
- Mouth to Nose
- Mouth to Mask
91BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- One-Person BVM
- Difficult to master
- Mask seal often inadequate
- May result in inadequate tidal volume
- Gastric distention risk
- Ventilate only until see chest rise
92BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Two-person BVM
- Most efficient method
- Useful in C-spine injury
- improved mask seal, tidal volume
- Three-person BVM
- Less utilized
- Used when difficulty with mask seal
- Crowded
93BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Flow-restricted, gas-powered ventilator
- Cardiac sphincter opens at 30 cm H2O
- High volume/high concentration
- Not recommended for children, poor pulmonary
compliance, or poor tidal volume - Oxygen delivered on inspiratory effort
- May cause barotrauma
94BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Automatic transport ventilators
- Not like real ventilator
- Usually only controls volume, rate
- Useful during prolonged ventilation times
- Not useful in obstructed airway, increased airway
resistance - Frees personnel
- Cannot respond to changes in airway resistance,
lung compliance
95BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Pediatric considerations
- Mask seal force may obstruct airway
- Best if used with jaw thrust
- BVM sizes neonate, infant450 ml
- Children gt 8 y.o. require adult BVM
- Just enough volume to see chest rise
- Squeeze - Release - Release
96BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Stoma patients
- Expose stoma
- Pocket mask
- Seal around stoma site
- Seal mouth, nose if air leak is evident
97BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Airway obstruction techniques
- Positioning
- Finger sweep with caution
- Suctioning
- Oral airway/nasal airway (tongue)
- Heimlich maneuver
- Chest thrusts
- Chest thrust/back blows for infants
- Direct laryngoscopy
98BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Suctioning
- Manual or powered devices
- Suction catheters
- Rigid
- Soft
99BLS Airway/Ventilation Methods
- Gastric Distention
- Common when ventilating without intubation
- Complications
- Pressure on diaphragm
- Resistance to BVM ventilation
- Vomiting, aspiration
- Increase BVM ventilation time