Title: The Fulbright Alumni Community
1- The Fulbright Alumni Community!
2Welcome to the Fulbright Associations 2007
Annual Meeting
The Fulbright Alumni Community!
32007 Fulbright Annual Meeting of Members
- Welcome-President Marilyn Berg Callander
- Introductions of Board Members, Staff
- 2007 Accomplishments
- Financial Information
- Introduction of New Directors Officers
- Remarks from President-Elect Suzanne Siskel
- Discussion and Q A
- Wrap-Up
4Fulbright Association Mission
- The Fulbright Association is the membership
organization of Fulbright alumni and supporters
committed to fostering international awareness
and understanding through - Advocating increased worldwide support for
Fulbright exchanges - Enriching the Fulbright experience and
- Facilitating lifelong interaction among alumni
and current participants.
5Advocating Increased Support
- The Fulbright Association monitors the status of
legislation affecting the Fulbright Program and
mobilizes the Fulbright alumni community to
support the Fulbright Program. - This is done through
- Advocacy Plus Project
- Action Alerts
- Web Site
- Snail Mail
- Visit the Fulbright Associations state of the
art advocacy web site for tools to enable you to
easily contact your members of Congress.
Current Action Alerts
Enter your ZIP code to find your members of
Use this feature to find contact information on
all the media outlets in your area. Simply enter
your ZIP code and click GO. (Great feature to
find where to send letters to the editor!)
7Enriching the Fulbright Experience
The Fulbright Association works to enrich the
Fulbright experience of current Fulbrighters in
many ways.
- Visiting Fulbrighters
- Many Chapters offer special educational and
cultural programs supported by funds from the
U.S. Department of States Bureau of Educational
and Cultural Affairs - Visiting Fulbrighters are invited to Chapter
events - Visiting Fulbrighters can find and connect with
others through the Associations online
- U.S. Fulbrighters Abroad
- U.S. Fulbrighters are given a free e-Membership
in the Association and can take advantage of
features such as the Mentoring Service and Career
Center (for finding a job upon return to the
U.S.) at www.FulbrightCareerCenter.org - U.S. Fulbrighters can find information on
Fulbright groups around the world at
www.fulbright.org/gfn - Fulbrighters can find and connect with other
current and former Fulbrighters through the
Associations online community.
8Facilitating Lifelong Interactions
- The Fulbright Association facilitates lifelong
interaction among Fulbright alumni and current
participants in a variety of ways using both
online and offline methods. - Examples include
- Alumni-run Chapters
- Online Community
- Annual Conference
- Member-run Task Forces
The Fulbright Alumni Community! Online at
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Online Communitywww.fulbright.org
The Fulbright Associations online community
contains many features designed to facilitate
lifelong connections among Fulbrighters.
Features include Online Directory of
Fulbrighters Find information on a Fulbrighter
in your area or field of study or business. Or
use the directory to locate someone you have lost
touch with. Career Center Post your resume,
search for jobs, and find useful links to other
career resources on the Internet. Mentoring
Service For Fulbrighters by Fulbrighters, this
service is set up to enable Fulbrighters to find
a mentor in a certain area or field and to allow
Fulbrighters to give back by offering to be a
mentor. Alumni Notes Post a note about recent
career moves, books published, awards received,
etc. Chat Connect with Fulbrighters in
real-time using the chat room and engage in
discussions on the topic of your choice.
The Fulbright Associations online community is
password protected and not available to the
general public.
12Chapter Informationwww.fulbright.org/chapters
Chapters are organized locally by Fulbright
Association members to provide opportunities,
through volunteer service, for continued
involvement with the Fulbright program and with
other alumni and visiting Fulbrighters currently
in the U.S. Currently, the Fulbright
Association has 51 affiliated chapters serving 35
states and the District of Columbia.
Find information on the chapter in your area by
clicking on your state. Traveling around the
U.S.? Find out if there is a chapter where you
will be going and connect with the Fulbright
13Calendar of Eventswww.FulbrightEvents.org
The Fulbright Associations Calendar of Events
contains information on events sponsored by the
Association and its chapters. Also listed in the
calendar are events sponsored by Fulbright alumni
organizations in other countries and events of
interest to the Fulbright community. 150
Fulbright-related events were posted in
2006! Traveling? Be sure to check out the
calendar to see if there will be any
Fulbright-related events taking place.
14J. William Fulbright Prize for International
Created in 1993 by the Fulbright Association, the
J. William Fulbright Prize for International
Understanding honors individuals who have made
extraordinary contributions toward bringing
peoples, cultures, or nations to greater
understanding of others. The Prize carries a
50,000 award provided by The Coca-Cola
15International Fulbright Alumni Development Project
- Purposes
- support the formation of new Fulbright alumni
organizations in targeted countries (usually
countries without Fulbright Commissions/Foundation
s) - help existing and forming associations improve
operations. - The project increases Fulbright alumni
organizations capacity to - 1) support Fulbright Program goals
- 2) serve alumni and current Fulbright grantees
- 3) increase knowledge sharing and relationship
building among Fulbright alumni organizations
16Financial Position
17Fulbright AssociationAsset Allocation
Policy(revised August 2004)
18Be sure to check outwww.fulbright.orgfor more