P1246990945flTbJ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... calculate pollutant concentration in a grid of cells of a few hundreds of meter size ... In the land of Sumer Ishtar was the goddess of Love and War ! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: P1246990945flTbJ

Fifth framework programme of the European
Community for research, technological development
and demonstration activities (1998-2002)
Energy, Environment and Sustainable
Development Key Actions The city of tomorrow and
cultural heritage

Rome Final Conference 17 18 March 2005
  • Integration of a relevant number of existing and
    newly developed software tools
  • Evolution of modelling techniques in crucial
    environmental areas citizens behaviour, vehicle
    emissions, road safety, exposure and health
  • Creation of integrated modules within the overall
    Suite (transport module, direct impacts module,
    dispersion module, overall evaluation module)
  • Keeping Space and Time total flexibility (from 1
    road in 1 hour to a network in 1 year)

Final Assessment
  • Has ISHTAR Project achieved all the key expected
    results ?

WP1 Policies effects on citizens behaviour
  • WP leader ISIS (Italy)
  • Results a Software tool, the CTM (Cellular
    Transport Methodology)
  • Task Simulation of the effects of policies and
    measures on citizens behaviour in terms of
    modification of the mobility patterns
  • Main output
  • Predicted new Origin Destination matrices
    representing the modified behaviour of the
    population related to the implementation of the
    postulated measure

WP2 Integrated Transport Analysis Module
  • WP leader STRATEC (B)
  • Role of WP2 on the basis of the modified O-D
    matrices provided by WP1, to describe at best the
    movements distribution within the city network
    (calculation of flows of vehicle, speed)
  • Results
  • VISUPOLIS (by PTV) born from the merging of
    VISUM (strategic model) with METROPOLIS (dynamic
    model) will be integrated within the ISHTAR Suite
    (good simulation of congestion and demand
    distribution at peak hours) and applied in Paris
    case study
  • Other traffic models (e.g. TRANSCAD in Rome and
    Athens) will be used as input providers to the
    suite without a strict software integration

WP3 Integrated Transport Direct Impacts
(pollutant emissions, noise, accidents)
  • WP Leader ENEA
  • Results The direct impacts model integrated
    within the suite is TEE-2004 (Transport Energy
    and Environment), developed by ENEA and ASTRAN.
    This code has been further developed and adapted
    for the ISHTAR project starting from the TEE2002
  • Specific achievements in ISHTAR are
  • Refinement of the vehicle kinematics description
  • Inclusion of new models for
  • the estimation of cold start emission
  • parking process
  • emissions of new categories of pollutants
  • noise emissions (acoustic power)
  • accident occurrence (with and without pedestrians)

WP4 Pollutants Dispersion
  • WP4 leader Graz University
  • Task to calculate pollutant concentration in a
    grid of cells of a few hundreds of meter size
  • Results tool provided by ARIA Technologies (F)
  • Gaussian model
  • gaseous pollutants and particulate matter
  • no chemical reactions
  • canyon model recently introduced

WP4 Noise propagation Module
  • Results the selected and integrated Noise model
  • By Bernt Braunstein GmbH (DE)
  • Commercial tool adapted to the ISHTAR suite
  • Provides noise levels (Lden) in the receptor
    points placed at ground level and centres of
    building facades
  • Can provide also the exposure of population to
  • Requires detailed 3D description of buildings

WP5 Models suite application and demonstration
with 7 case studies
  • WP5 leader TUG
  • ATHENS-ATTIKI new motorway from city to airport
  • BOLOGNA Infrastructure in Imola
  • BRUSSELS selective traffic banning from city
  • GRAZ new tunnel in city (focus on noise)
  • GRENOBLE new Public Transport lanes
  • PARIS Car Free Day
  • ROME Selective Banning in HEAVEN area

WP6 Population Exposure and Health Impact Module
  • Leader World Health Organisation
  • Software tools produced TEX and HIT
  • TEX (Transport Exposure) EXPOSURE MODULE
  • GIS application (under Arc View by ESRI)
  • disaggregated exposure to air pollutants
  • Static exposure in residential areas and dynamic
    exposure in traffic links
  • HIT Health Impacts of Transport
  • assessment of health impacts related to noise and
    air pollution
  • Traffic Accidents split in slight, severe, fatal
  • Use of dose-response curves
  • Morbidity, mortality effects

WP7 Air Pollution Damage of Monuments
  • WP7 leader ENEA
  • Results a new Software developed by ENEA and
    PHAOS (GR)
  • Calculation of
  • the crust formation
  • the loss of material
  • the cost of maintenance and/or restoration

With the following options
OPTION 1 damage on monument materials without
specifying a monument OPTION 2 damage on
specific monument(s)
WP8 Software Integration and Interfacing
  • WP8 leader INRETS
  • Tasks
  • Producing the ISHTAR Suite Interface
  • Producing the ISHTAR Suite Manager
  • Guidelines for realising software connectors
    (of the various tools)
  • Management of ISHTAR Suite Data Base
  • Connection with a Geographic Information System

WP8 Software Integration and Interfacing
Main INPUT data
The ISHTAR Suite
WP9 Overall Analysis Modules
  • WP leader London Metropolitan University
  • Task to quantify or evaluate the benefits of
    postulated policies compared to current status
    and business as usual trends
  • Results New software tool realised, based on
    two alternative methodologies
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • MultiCriteria Analysis

WP11 Dissemination and Exploitation
  • WP Leader ENEA
  • Main tasks
  • Definition of Networks of potential users
  • Participation in Conferences and Special Events
  • Dissemination Material annual brochures, Web
    Site, Final Public Reports, CD, CORDIS web site
  • Technology Implementation Plan - drafted in Jan
  • Establishment of an exploitation task force
    including partners interested in the marketing of
    the suite

Conclusions - Project status
  • Single tools essentially finalised and working
  • Integration work to be refined
  • Interface to be improved
  • Case studies to be re-run with the integrated
    software suite

Conclusions - Suite status
  • Prototype delivered in March 2005 (end of
  • Subject to further use by most of the ISHTAR
  • To be used as a beta version by interested
    potential users (please ask for this !!)

  • Which perspectives of near future marketing or
    further Research and Development ?

Future perspectives
  • Marketing the suite and calculation services
    after a pre commercialisation testing phase of 9
    to 12 months (start on April 2006 ?). The
    possible outcomes of the EC Thematic Strategy on
    Urban Environment
  • B. Further research and development
  • Regional dimension
  • Adding more impacts
  • on line data monitoring systems
  • short term forecasts and adverse events
  • Developing environment and health dimension

A key step Software Agreement Signature
  • Planning of Pre commercialisation and Marketing
    phases following project conclusion
  • Involves partners and external organisations (BB
    ... PTV .... ESRI.....)
  • Anticipates revenues from Suite sale and
    calculation services
  • Defines the duty of a warranty period following
    project end
  • Implies the activation of an Exploitation Task
    Force including partners wishing to participate
    in the commercialisation
  • Major input for the Technology Implementation
    Plan due at project end

Activities for the pre commercialisation phase
  • Further testing of the modules and of the
    integrated suite
  • Refinement of the interface and assessment of the
    software connectors vs the data model
  • Agreement of an upgrading activity for all
  • Agreement and implementation of error management
    standards and of software quality criteria
  • Definition of the principles and detailed terms
    for the marketing of the tool and the provision
    of services

Who will market the suite ?
  • A legal entity being one of the partner, or a
    group of sw providers, or a new company e.g being
    a spin-off of a partner
  • Example Spin off project denominated Spinta
    (push) involves ENEA, receives funds from the
    Italian government and aims at the exploitation
    of research projects results through the building
    of new enterprises New exploitation company
    in 12 months ?!

RD in FP6 and ISHTAR follow up
  • Interest shown by several partners for an ISHTAR
    future in FP6
  • Possibility to cover part of the costs for the
    planned Pre commercialisation
  • Possible integration with other complementary FP5
    projects (see initiatives from LUTR cluster)
  • CLEAR cluster on AQ Modelling can work as a lab
    of proposals
  • Strategic directions more impacts (e.g. on
    water), regional scale, complementary models
    (pedestrians, other emission sources), improved
    exposure model
  • Proposition of an Integrated Project expected
    (e.g. EH related)

  • ISHTAR Web Site
  • www.ishtar-fp5-eu.com
  • Emanuele Negrenti
  • (Project Coordinator)
  • negrenti_at_casaccia.enea.it
  • Alessandro Agostini
  • (Responsible for Dissemination and Exploitation)
  • alessandro.agostini_at_casaccia.enea.it

  • In the land of Sumer Ishtar was the goddess of
    Love and War !
  • The word means Star, very close to the English
    term !
  • In the cities of yesterday (e.g. Babylon)
    citizens could reach a balance between
    development and environmental quality
  • The city of tomorrow will be a great life
  • or a place of increasing conflicts from where to
    leave ?
  • The answer depends on the commitment of us all !
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