Title: Tectonic Overview of the VerkhoyanskKolyma Orogenic Region
1Tectonic Overview of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma
Orogenic Region
U.S.-Russia Joint Workshop on the Plate Tectonic
DECEMBER 9-12, 2004
The Moma Range, Eastern Yakutia, August 1998
Andrei Prokopiev, Diamond and Precious Metal
Geology Institute, Yakutsk, Russian
Federation Jaime Toro, Dept. of Geology and
Geography, West Virginia University, USA
- Review of the Verkhoyansk from N to S
- Kular-Nera Slate Belt
- Cratonal and Miogeoclinal Terranes
- Kolyma-Omolon, Okhotsk, Kotelnyi
- Island Arc Terranes and Ophiolites
- Plutonic Belts
- Paleomagnetic Review
- Cenozoic Tectonics
- Tectonic Reconstructions
- Outstanding Problems
3Geological map of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma orogenic
4Middle Paleozoic grabens in the basement
(after Tretiakov, 2004)
5Main Tectonic Units of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma
orogenic region
(after Parfenov et al., 2001)
6Schematic Cross Section
(after Parfenov et al., 2001)
7Structural scheme of the Verkhoyansk
fold-and-thrust belt
Verkhoyansk Ridge
(after Prokopiev, 2001)
8Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt West
Verkhoyansk sector
Late Paleozoic - Early Mesozoic passive
continental margin
(after Parfenov, 1991)
9Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt
Olenek sector
Kharaulakh segment
(after Prokopiev, 2001)
10Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt West
Verkhoyansk sector
Orulgan segment
Kuranakh segment
(after Prokopiev, 1998)
11Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt West
Verkhoyansk sector Baraya segment
(after Prokopiev, 1998)
12Priverkhoyansk foreland basin
Mesozoic structural stage
(after Prokopiev, 2001)
13Priverkhoyansk foreland basin
Ust-Vilyui gas condensate field
- Three Lower Jurassic sandstone reservoirs (180 m
total) interbedded with siltstones. - Gas production 2.5 million m3/day
- Condensate fraction 25 g/cm3
(after Safronov et al., 2001)
(after Gaiduk, Prokopiev, 1999)
14Main structures of the South-Verkhoyansk sector
of Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt
(after Prokopiev, 2001)
15Geological cross-section across the central part
of South Verkhoyansk
(unpublished data)
Fold and thrust (Belaya river)
16Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt South
Verkhoyansk sector
Geochemical composition and age of granitoids
Overlap and stitch assemblages
40Ar/39Ar dating 119 to 123 Ma
17Paleotectonic reconstructions across the South
Verkhoyansk and the Okhotsk terrane
(Prokopiev, Toro et al., 2003)
18Kular-Nera slate belt Strike-slip deformation
(after Parfenov et al., 2001)
19 Kinematics of deformation in the Verkhoyansk
fold-and-thrust belt
150-130 Ma
130-70 Ma
(after Prokopiev, 1998)
20Kolyma-Omolon Superterrane (microcontinent)
- Cratonal Terranes
- Miogeoclinal Terranes
- Oceanic Terranes
- Island Arc Terranes
- Accretionary Wedge Terrane
21Omulevka miogeoclinal terrane
Structures of accretion deformations (after
Oxman, 2000, 2002)
22 Munilkan oceanic (ophiolite) terrane
P-T-t evolution ophiolites and metamorphic rocks
(after Oxman, 2003, 2004)
23Omolon cratonal terrane
Stratigraphic columns
(after Tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny
..., 2001)
24Pri-Kolyma miogeoclinal terrane
Stratigraphic columns
(after Tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny
..., 2001)
25Island Arc Terranes
26Alazeya Is. Arc Terrane
Oloy Is. Arc Terrane
(after Tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny
..., 2001)
27Polousnyy-Debin and Kenkelda accretionary wedge
(after Tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny
..., 2001)
28A Pri-Kolyma, B - Beryozovka, C - Kenkel'da and
Alazeya terranes
(after Tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny
..., 2001)
29The Ilin-Tas antilinorium and Zyryanka basin
(after Gaiduk, Prokopiev, 1999)
30Results of 40Ar/39Ar dating of granitoids of Main
and Northern batholith belts, transverse belts
Oloy magmatic arc
Uyandina - Yasachnaya magmatic arc
(after Layer et al., 2001 and unpublished data)
31Paleomagnetic data
(after Nokleberg et al., 1998 Tectonics,
geodynamics and metallogeny ..., 2001)
32Cenozoic tectonics
Uyandina and Irgichan pull-apart basins
The northern part of the Lower Aldan basin
(after Tectonics, geodynamics and metallogeny
..., 2001)
33Paleotectonic reconstructions
(after Sengor and Natalin, 1996)
34Paleotectonic reconstructions
L. Devonian to E. Carb.
L. Triassic to E. Jurassic
Carb. to E. Triassic
Aptian to Campanian
E. Cretaceous
M.-L. Jurassic
(after Parfenov, 2001)
35Paleotectonic reconstructions
(after Bondarenko, 2004)
36Outstanding Research Questionsin the Verkhoyansk
fold-and-thrust belt
- Late Proterozoic rift of North Asia Margin.
- Siberia-Laurentia Connection?
- Mid-Paleozoic Rift
- Conjugate margins ? links to outboard terranes
- Verkhoyansk clastic wedge, stratigraphic links to
the Arctic - Control on Mesozoic Structures
- Origin of the Baraya Salient
- Priverkhoyansk foreland subsidence
37Outstanding Research Questionsin the Verkhoyansk
- Mesozoic Shortening
- Deep structure
- Along-strike variation of structural style
- Regional kinematics
- Timing of deformation- thermochronology
- Driving mechanisms for deformation
- Collision/terrane accretion/subduction/strike-slip
- Origin of magmatic rocks
- Role of strike-slip deformation
- Tertiary-recent tectonics
38Outstanding Problems
The Growth of a Continent
- The available tectonic models of Northeast Asia
are incomplete and contradict one another - (Fujita, Newberry, 1982 Parfenov, Natalin,
1986 Zonenshain et al., 1990 Bogdanov, Tilman,
1992 Sokolov, 1992 Parfenov, 1991, 1994, 1995,
1996 Sengor, Natalin, 1996 Nokleberg et al.,
2000 Tectonics, 2001). - Kinematics of accretion
- Effect of inhomogeneity of the craton boundaries
- Relationship between the Pz and superposed Mz
tectonic events - Definition of subduction and collisional
Goal ? A Coherent Tectonic Model
39Questions and Unsolved problems
Tectonic Evolution
- Problem of outlining an Early Paleozoic active
continental margin along the eastern edge of the
Siberian continent.
- Nature and age of paleo-oceanic basins east of
the Siberian continent in the Late
Paleozoic-Mesozoic (Oimyakon, South Anyui)
- Tectonic setting, age, and inner structure of
- Tectonic setting and age of Early Paleozoic arc
complexes of the Alazeya upland.
- Nature and age of metamorphic complexes at the
basement of the Omulevka and Prikolyma terranes.
40Questions and Unsolved problems
Accretionary Tectonics
- Where is the accretionary wedge complex between
the Verkhoyansk foldbelt and Kular-Nera terrane
and the Kolyma-Omolon microcontinent?
- North ? collision with Kolyma-Omolon
microcontinent - South ? accretion along Okhotsk margin
- Can we distinguish structures and magmatism due
to these two synchronous processes?
41Questions and Unsolved problems
Evolution of Sedimentary Basins
Setting and evolution of Late Pz and Mz basins
surrounding the Kolyma-Omolon microcontinent
(Polousnyy, Inyali-Debin synclinoria,
etc.). Rift? Accretionary Prisms? Syn
-collisional? Post-collisional?
Sedimentological and geochemical characterization
Links between basin evolution and
tectonic/magmatic events
Determination of source areas and links.
42Questions and Unsolved problems
Volcanic Arcs and Magmatic Belts
- Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic volcanism on passive
and active continental margins.
- Geodynamic setting of the Main and Northern
Granite Belts?
- Mantle plumes and their role in Late Mesozoic
geodynamic events.
- In what direction did the subduction zone dip
between N. Asia and Kolyma-Omolon?
43Questions and Unsolved problems
Role Extensional Tectonics
- Recognition of Proterozoic and Mid-Paleozoic rift
events in the Kolyma region
- Are there metamorphic core complexes in the
Okhotsk, Omolon, Omulevka and Prikolyma terranes?
- Mechanisms for large-scale extension in the
Indigirka belt.
- Origin of the Indigirka lowlands?