High Level Languages - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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High Level Languages


It is also used when someone bookmarks your page. Make it short and meaningful. 1 ... marks the border between script name and data being sent. 1. High Level ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: High Level Languages

High Level Languages
  • Lecture 5
  • HTML

Chris Coleman cqc_at_cs.nott.ac.uk
Last time
  • On Friday we did
  • Regular Expressions

This time
  • Today
  • Introduction to HTML
  • Document structure
  • Basic style
  • Style Sheets
  • Headings
  • Links
  • Validating HTML
  • Sending data to scripts

Programming for the Web
  • The next part of the course is how to write Web
    based programs
  • We'll be covering
  • How Web documents are made
  • How to get Perl to produce them
  • This lecture will be on HTML, the language of Web

HTML Intro
  • Web documents are written in a language called
  • This course cannot cover HTML in any great depth
  • We'll be doing just enough to allow us to write
    Web applications
  • Up to you if you want to learn more

HTML Viewing your documents
  • HTML documents are plain text files with the
    extension .html
  • You can create them in any text editor
  • I recommend NEdit (again)

HTML Viewing your documents
  • Once you've created a document you can view it by
    pointing your Web browser at the location, e.g.
  • Alternatively, if you place the files in your
    public_html directory on the server your
    documents will appear on the Web

HTML Viewing your documents
  • You should also make sure the permissions are
  • chmod 644 mypage.html
  • Your document is now available at
  • http//www.cs.nott.ac.uk/username/mypage.html

HTML Viewing your documents
  • If you name your file index.html it will the
    document loaded whenever someone views your
    directory without specifying a document name
  • http//www.cs.nott.ac.uk/djm
  • is the same as
  • http//www.cs.nott.ac.uk/djm/index.html

  • A HTML document is made up of a mixture of free
    text (like this sentence) and tags which
    describe the document
  • A tag is identified by being between angle
    brackets, e.g.

  • Some tags appear in pairs, e.g.
  • you can make some text bold
  • and some other text italic
  • or even both
  • A tag that starts with a / is a closing tag, so
    we start a bold section before the word bold
    and close it afterwards.

  • Note the nesting around the word both, you
    should always close the innermost tag first.
  • This is wrong
  • or even both

  • Other tags exist on their own
  • An example is the br tag which forces a new-line
  • This is line 1
  • This is line 2
  • Note that HTML won't go to a new-line when it
    sees a return, you'll need

HTML Documents
  • A HTML document is essentially a collection of
    nested tags
  • The outer most one is html which encompasses the
    whole document

HTML Running example

HTML Documents
  • We now sub-divide the html section into two parts
  • head
  • body
  • head contains information about the document and
    body what is actually to be displayed

HTML Running example

HTML Titles
  • The most used tag in head is title
  • This specifies the text that will appear in your
    browser's title bar
  • It is also used when someone bookmarks your page
  • Make it short and meaningful

HTML Running example
  • My first Web page

HTML Documents
  • That's all we need in terms of document structure
  • The rest of this lecture is going to be about
    things to put in the body section

HTML Adding text
  • You can add a block of text to your document by
    surrounding it with p tags
  • The quick brown fox jumped
  • over the slow lazy dog
  • Don't forget HTML ignores extra white space so
    all of that will appear as one line (browser
    width permitting)

HTML Adding text
  • You can use things like b (bold) and i (italic)
    within a paragraph block
  • You can use br as well to force line breaks

HTML Running example
  • This page shows some features of HTML.
  • One thing you can do is add style like
    bold and italics to your text.

HTML Headings
  • HTML has six levels of headings from h1 (biggest)
    to h6 (smallest)
  • Usually only h1 to h3 are used
  • These headings can be placed in the body tag
    directly and should not be within p tags

HTML Running example
  • Welcome
  • This page shows some features of HTML.
  • Styles
  • One thing you can do is add style like
    bold and italics to your text.

HTML Links
  • Links to other documents are specified with the a
  • The a tag has an attribute called href
  • Attributes are extra pieces of data specified in
    the opening tag
  • e.g. blah blah

HTML Links
  • In the href attribute you can put just the name
    of the document if it's in the same directory as
    the current one
  • I have another page
  • Alternatively, you can specify the full location
  • Search Google

HTML Tables
  • Tables provide a way of formatting HTML and
    provide basic positioning on the page.
  • Not very hard to understand but require quite
    alot of code. As such not described here.
  • But have a look at
  • http//www.pageresource.com/html/table1.htm
  • May be usefull for the coursework...

HTML Cascading Style Sheets
  • Cascading Style sheets (CSS)
  • Used to define how to display HTML elements
  • Styles stored either in an external style sheet,
    or within a CSS definition in the section.
  • Definitions look like
  • selector property value
  • body color black
  • multiple properties can be defined if split with
    a ''
  • p text-align center color red

HTML Cascading Style Sheets
  • An inline stylesheet example
  • hr color sienna
  • p margin-left 20px
  • body background-image url("images/back40.gif")
  • External CSS are defined in plain text files with
    a .css extension
  • Linked to specific pages with the tag.
  • href"mystyle.css" /

  • The type of HTML we have discussed so far is
    XHTML v1.0
  • What is XHTML?
  • EXtensible HyperText Markup Language
  • Aimed to replace HTML
  • A stricter and cleaner version of HTML
  • XHTML is HTML defined as an XML document
  • Pages can be read by all XML enabled devices.

  • XHTML Basic Rules
  • Elements must be properly nested
  • bold and italic
  • documents must be well formed
  • XHTML elements must be nested correctly in pairs
  • Tag names must be lowercase
  • All Elements must be closed eg.
  • Hello World
  • Horizontal Rule
  • This is a paragraph

  • Three types
  • STRICT - This is pure XHTML.
  • TRANSITIONAL - A more compatible version with
    current browsers.
  • FRAMESET - Everything in traditional, including
    frames as well.
  • Include as the first line of each page a Document
    Type Definition (DTD)
  • "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  • "http//www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transition

XHTML Validation
  • Validation Checks structure and syntax of
  • Visit the URL below
  • http//validator.w3.org/
  • Then either
  • A) Save source of a page to a local file, and
    upload to the server.
  • B) Enter the URL of the page you wish to
  • A list of errors on your page will then be

HTML Sending data to scripts
  • A key part of Web programming is being able to
    send data to the script from the page
  • Two ways to do this
  • Embedded within a link
  • A form
  • We'll cover how to receive this information next

HTML Sending data to scripts
  • A link containing extra data may look like this
  • 4"
  • link here
  • The a tag itself is quite standard, an opening a
    tag, some text which forms the link and then the
    closing tag
  • The difference is all in the href attribute

HTML Sending data to scripts
  • href"test.cgi?iddjmampnameduncanampage24"
  • test.cgi is the name of the script we're sending
    data to
  • The ? marks the border between script name and
    data being sent

HTML Sending data to scripts
  • href"test.cgi?iddjmampnameduncanampage24"
  • The data is in pairs, each pair is separated by
    an amp
  • Within the pair, the data is in the form of

HTML Sending data to scripts
  • Properties of this method
  • Links with data can be embedded directly into
  • No requirement for user to enter values
  • Values are fixed
  • Destination can be bookmarked
  • Limit on the amount of data that can be sent
  • Sending characters like space requires a little
    more work

HTML Forms
  • The other way of sending data to a script is with
    a HTML form
  • You've seen these before on pages like Google or
    anywhere you've been able to enter or select data
    and submit it to a server

HTML Forms
  • A form is enclosed within form tags
  • The action attribute specifies the script to
    processes the form
  • The method attribute should be either get or push
    (more later)

HTML Forms
  • There are a number of form related tags that
    allow data to be entered
  • Most of these are variants of the input tag and
    have a name attribute which is the key for the
  • First, we'll look at text input

HTML Text input
  • maxlength"20" value"youridhere" /
  • The text input type shows a single line text
  • size specifies the size on screen (optional)
  • maxlength is the maximum number of characters the
    input will accept (optional)
  • value is the default text in the box (optional)

HTML Checkboxes
  • value"yes" /
  • A checkbox is a switch that can either be on or
  • value is the data sent if the checkbox is ticked
  • If you have checked"checked" then the checkbox
    is on by default

HTML Radio buttons
  • /
  • Radio buttons allow you to specify a group of
    buttons, of which only one can be checked at a
  • Radio buttons behave as a group when they have
    the same name
  • Other attributes are the same as for checkboxes

HTML Hidden
  • page" /
  • This specifies some data to send along with the
    form that is fixed and the user has no input to

HTML Select boxes
  • Drop-down selection boxes are done by first
    having a surrounding select tag
  • This tag should have a name attribute

HTML Select boxes
  • Within the select tag use option tags for each
    option in the drop down
  • The option tag should have a value attribute
    which is the data that will be passed to the
    script if this option is selected
  • The text in the option tag is what the user will
  • selected"selected" is used to specify the default

HTML Select boxes
  • English
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German

HTML Submitting a form
  • The submit input type provides a button that lets
    the use send the data
  • The value attribute specifies the text to appear
    in the button (option)

HTML Forms summary
  • Properties of this method
  • User can enter data
  • Range of visual entry methods
  • Results can be bookmarked (get method)
  • Results cannot be bookmarked (post method)
  • Limit on data able to be sent (get method)
  • No limit on data able to be sent (post method)
  • Easy to send characters like space

HTML Summary
  • This really was only an outline
  • Plenty of HTML guides around on-line
  • www.jalfrezi.com is one
  • HTML is not difficult! - For the coursework it is
    assumed that you 'know HTML'. Therefore, if it's
    not in the notes Look it up on the web. Don't
    just assume you don't need to know it!

  • We covered
  • Introduction to HTML
  • Document structure
  • Basic style
  • Headings
  • Links
  • CSS
  • Sending data to scripts
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