Title: FireProof Your Career:
1FireProof Your Career 5 Strategies To
ProtectYour Future In Volatile Times
2Webcast Features
- Use the QA feature in the lower right-hand side
of your screen to submit a question to the online
expert. Lynne will answer as many questions as
possible. - Remember the audio is through your phone.
- The presentation will be available for download
throughout the program. - This event will be archived on the Career Webcast
page (http//www.astd.org/content/careers/careers.
3 4Our Presenter
Lynne Waymon Professional
Speaker CEO of Contacts Count Co-author with
Anne Baber of the FireProof Your Career ToolKit
5Doing the Numbers
- In 2007, more than 1.5 million Americans were
laid off. - In February, 2008 more jobs were lost than in any
other month in the last 5 years - In 2008, will you be outsourced, merged,
down-sized, eliminated, pink-slipped, or
otherwise - derailed?
6Whats Your Situation?
- Poll question
- Answer each question by
- selecting Yes or No.
73 Truths About Job Security
- Job security and career security are not the same
- They dont owe you anything
- You can absolutely re-invent yourself
- P.S. Dont take it all personally!
85 Career Security Strategies
- 200 people interviewed
- Field-tested, practical, in your control
- Easier when you join a career change
support/strategy group - Will help you get a better job faster, even if
you dont get laid off!
9Rate Your Readiness To Bounce Back From A Lay Off
- Poll Question
- Answer each question by
- selecting Yes or No.
10Questions?Send them to the Online Expert,
11 1 Liberate Your Mind
- Re-define the contract you have with yourself and
with your employer - Become
- psychologically self-employed
12 1 Action Steps
- Manage your career from your home office, not
your employers premises - Think of yourself as an expert with multiple
options, not as an employee whos tied to one
job. Say I currently work for . . .
13 2 Line Up Your Finances
- Get financially fit by spending less, saving
more, and managing better - Act your wage!
142 Action Steps
- Eliminate credit card debt
- Get expert advice
15 3 Learn for Employability
- Assess your EQ and update your technological
tools, job-specific skills, and transferable or
soft skills - The only job for life
- is learning.
16 3 Action Steps
- Imagine the one question youd hate to be asked
at your next job interview - Identify a transferable skill and find a way to
fit mastery of it into your busy life
17 4 Lean Out of Specialization
- Dont get pigeonholed in one specialty or
type-cast in one role - Slide, glide, ooze, leap, or roll over into
adjacent careers - How wise the little mouse
- who never entrusts his life
- to one hole only.
18 4 Action Steps
- Join a task force, committee, or project that
takes you outside of your cubicle, team, division
- Seriously explore the career youve always had in
the back of your mind, put never thought was
practical or possible
19 5 Link Up With People
- HBR says that networking is the key professional
skill that gives you access to - Private information
- Diverse skills sets
- Power and influence
- Become a go-to person.
20 5 Action Steps
- Get visible and active in your professional
association - See networking as teaching and giving, not
talking and taking
21 5 Action Step Bonus
- Develop several answers to, What do you do?
- Give a talent or skill
- Tell a time that you saved the day, solved the
problem, or served the client
22Where Are You Most Vulnerable?
Poll Question Choose no more than two Yes
answers. Think Which statements best describe
your situation?
23In Summary
- Real career security is knowing that no matter
what happens to your job, you will continue to be
able to earn a living
24Next Steps
- Eliminate the word they from your vocabulary
- Make networking an art . . . Not an accident with
resources at www.ContactsCount.com - Go to www.FireProofYourCareer
- and explore whats available there
- Start a support/strategy group to help you
weather the change
25Thanks for attending
- Lynne Waymon
- 301-589-8633
- Silver Spring, MD
- www.FireProofYourCareer.com
- www.FuturizeYourCareer.com
- www.ContactsCount.com
26Career Center Webcasts
- We look forward to presenting future Career
webcasts. If you have a suggestion for a Career
webcast, email webcast_at_astd.org.