Chapter 4: Processes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 4: Processes


Operating System Concepts. Modified by Dr. Kocan. Chapter 4: Processes. Process Concept ... Operating System Concepts. Modified by Dr. Kocan. I/O Tables. I/O ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 4: Processes

Chapter 4 Processes
  • Process Concept
  • Process Scheduling
  • Operations on Processes
  • Cooperating Processes
  • Interprocess Communication
  • Communication in Client-Server Systems

Synthesized from Stallingss and text book slides
Major Process Management Functions
  • Interleave the execution of several processes to
    maximize processor utilization while providing
    reasonable response time
  • Allocate resources to processes
  • Support interprocess (IP) communication and user
    creation of processes

Process Concept
  • An operating system executes a variety of
  • Batch system jobs
  • Time-shared systems user programs or tasks
  • Textbook uses the terms job and process almost
  • Task is also used in the literature
  • Process a program in execution process
    execution must progress in sequential fashion.
  • A process includes
  • program counter
  • stack
  • data section
  • Can be traced
  • list the sequence of instructions that execute

Switch processes
Assume no virtual memory
From Stallings book
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Process C
Process A
Process A
Process B
Process C
Process C
Process State
  • As a process executes, it changes state
  • new The process is being created.
  • Submission of a batch job
  • User logs on
  • Created to provide a service such as printing
  • Process creates another process
  • A new process has not yet been loaded into main
  • running Instructions are being executed.
  • waiting (blocked) The process is waiting for
    some event to occur.
  • ready The process is waiting to be assigned to
    a process.
  • terminated The process has finished execution.
  • Batch job issues Halt instruction
  • User logs off
  • Quit an application
  • Error and fault conditions

Reasons for Process Termination
  • Normal completion
  • Time limit exceeded
  • Memory unavailable
  • Bounds violation
  • Protection error
  • example write to read-only file
  • Arithmetic error
  • Time overrun
  • process waited longer than a specified maximum
    for an event

Reasons for Process Termination
  • I/O failure
  • Invalid instruction
  • happens when try to execute data
  • Privileged instruction
  • Data misuse
  • Operating system intervention
  • such as when deadlock occurs
  • Parent terminates so child processes terminate
  • Parent request

Diagram of Process State
(No Transcript)
Using Two Queues
Print I/O event
Disk I/O event
Suspended Processes
  • Assume no virtual memory
  • Entire process must be loaded into memory
  • All processes in all queues must be resident in
    main memory
  • Processor is faster than I/O so all processes
    could be waiting for I/O
  • Processor is idle
  • Enlarge main memory ??
  • Implies enlarged processes ?
  • Swap these processes to disk to free up more
  • SWAPPING itself an I/O operation (disk is faster
    compared to tape, printer)
  • Blocked state becomes suspend state when swapped
    to disk
  • Suspend queue the processes that temporarily
    kicked out of memory
  • Two new states
  • Blocked, suspend the process in the secondary
    memory and awaiting an event
  • Ready, suspend the process in the secondary
    memory and available for execution

One Suspend State
Ready queue is empty There are blocked
After swapping-out, the OS can admit a new
process or bring into the memory a suspended
process (preferred)
Difficulties of Single Suspend State
  • It is not good to bring a suspended-blocked
    process into memory
  • Not ready for execution
  • If event occurs (the suspended one is waiting
  • The process is potentially available for
  • Still, for performance purpose, the OS can swap
    in-out processes

Two Suspend States
Possible but not necessary transitions
Some of the Transitions
  • Running?Ready/Suspend
  • Preempting the process because a higher-priority
    process on the Blocked/Suspend queue has just
    become unblocked, needs more memory
  • Blocked/Suspend?Ready/Suspend
  • Event occurs
  • Ready/Suspend?Ready
  • No ready process in m. memory or ready/suspend
    process has higher priority than the ready
  • Blocked/Suspend?Blocked
  • Event will occur soon. The blocked/suspend
    process has higher priority than ready/suspend

Reasons for Process Suspension
Operating System Control Structures
  • Information about the current status of each
    process and resource
  • Tables are constructed for each entity the
    operating system manages
  • Memory Tables
  • I/O Tables
  • File Tables
  • Process Table

(No Transcript)
Memory Tables
  • Allocation of main memory to processes
  • Allocation of secondary memory to processes
  • Protection attributes for access to shared memory
  • Information needed to manage virtual memory

I/O Tables
  • I/O device is available or assigned
  • Status of I/O operation
  • Location in main memory being used as the source
    or destination of the I/O transfer

File Tables
  • Existence of files
  • Location on secondary memory
  • Current Status
  • Attributes
  • Sometimes this information is maintained by a
    file-management system

Process Table
  • Where process is located
  • Attributes necessary for its management
  • Process ID
  • Process state
  • Location in memory

Process Location
  • Process includes set of programs to be executed
  • Data locations for local and global variables
  • Any defined constants
  • Stack
  • Process control block
  • Collection of attributes
  • Process image
  • Collection of program, data, stack, and attributes

Process Control Block (PCB)
Process Control Block
  • Process identification
  • Identifiers
  • Numeric identifiers that may be stored with the
    process control block include
  • Identifier of this process
  • Identifier of the process that created this
    process (parent process)
  • User identifier

Process Control Block
  • Processor State Information
  • User-Visible Registers
  • A user-visible register is one that may be
    referenced by means of the machine language that
    the processor executes. Typically, there are from
    8 to 32 of these registers, although some RISC
    implementations have over 100.

Process Control Block
  • Processor State Information
  • Control and Status Registers
  • These are a variety of processor registers that
    are employed to control the operation of the
    processor. These include
  • Program counter Contains the address of the
    next instruction to be fetched
  • Condition codes Result of the most recent
    arithmetic or logical operation (e.g., sign,
    zero, carry, equal, overflow)
  • Status information Includes interrupt
    enabled/disabled flags, execution mode

Process Control Block
  • Processor State Information
  • Stack Pointers
  • Each process has one or more last-in-first-out
    (LIFO) system stacks associated with it. A stack
    is used to store parameters and calling addresses
    for procedure and system calls. The stack pointer
    points to the top of the stack.

Process Control Block
  • Process Control Information
  • Scheduling and State Information
  • This is information that is needed by the
    operating system to perform its scheduling
    function. Typical items of information
  • Process state defines the readiness of the
    process to be scheduled for execution (e.g.,
    running, ready, waiting, halted).
  • Priority One or more fields may be used to
    describe the scheduling priority of the process.
    In some systems, several values are required
    (e.g., default, current, highest-allowable)
  • Scheduling-related information This will depend
    on the scheduling algorithm used. Examples are
    the amount of time that the process has been
    waiting and the amount of time that the process
    executed the last time it was running.
  • Event Identity of event the process is awaiting
    before it can be resumed

Process Control Block
  • Process Control Information
  • Data Structuring
  • A process may be linked to other process in a
    queue, ring, or some other structure. For
    example, all processes in a waiting state for a
    particular priority level may be linked in a
    queue. A process may exhibit a parent-child
    (creator-created) relationship with another
    process. The process control block may contain
    pointers to other processes to support these

Process Control Block
  • Process Control Information
  • Interprocess Communication
  • Various flags, signals, and messages may be
    associated with communication between two
    independent processes. Some or all of this
    information may be maintained in the process
    control block.
  • Process Privileges
  • Processes are granted privileges in terms of the
    memory that may be accessed and the types of
    instructions that may be executed. In addition,
    privileges may apply to the use of system
    utilities and services.

Process Control Block
  • Process Control Information
  • Memory Management
  • This section may include pointers to segment
    and/or page tables that describe the virtual
    memory assigned to this process.
  • Resource Ownership and Utilization
  • Resources controlled by the process may be
    indicated, such as opened files. A history of
    utilization of the processor or other resources
    may also be included this information may be
    needed by the scheduler.

(No Transcript)
Processor State Information
  • Contents of processor registers
  • User-visible registers
  • Control and status registers
  • Stack pointers
  • Program status word (PSW)
  • contains status information
  • Example the EFLAGS register on Pentium machines

Pentium II EFLAGS Register
CPU Switch From Process to Process
Process Scheduling Queues
  • Job queue set of all processes in the system.
  • Ready queue set of all processes residing in
    main memory, ready and waiting to execute.
  • Device queues set of processes waiting for an
    I/O device.
  • Process migration between the various queues.

Ready Queue And Various I/O Device Queues
Representation of Process Scheduling
Parent wait for its termination
  • Long-term scheduler (or job scheduler) selects
    which processes should be brought into the ready
  • Short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler) selects
    which process should be executed next and
    allocates CPU.

Addition of Medium Term Scheduling
Schedulers (Cont.)
  • Short-term scheduler is invoked very frequently
    (milliseconds) ? (must be fast).
  • Long-term scheduler is invoked very infrequently
    (seconds, minutes) ? (may be slow).
  • The long-term scheduler controls the degree of
  • Processes can be described as either
  • I/O-bound process spends more time doing I/O
    than computations, many short CPU bursts.
  • CPU-bound process spends more time doing
    computations few very long CPU bursts.

Context Switch
  • When CPU switches to another process, the system
    must save the state of the old process and load
    the saved state for the new process.
  • Context-switch time is overhead the system does
    no useful work while switching.
  • Time dependent on hardware support.

Process Creation
  • Parent process create children processes, which,
    in turn create other processes, forming a tree of
  • Resource sharing
  • Parent and children share all resources.
  • Children share subset of parents resources.
  • Parent and child share no resources.
  • Execution
  • Parent and children execute concurrently.
  • Parent waits until children terminate.

Process Creation (Cont.)
  • Address space
  • Child duplicate of parent.
  • Child has a program loaded into it.
  • UNIX examples
  • fork system call creates new process
  • exec system call used after a fork to replace the
    process memory space with a new program.

Spawn A Process in UNIX
How many processes with identical codes this
program creates!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ?
/ p. 505, A Book on C, by Al Kelley and Ira Pohl
/ include ltstdio.hgt main() int fork(void),
cp1,cp2 cp1 fork() /new process/ cp2
fork() /new process/ sleep(2) / suspend
execution for an interval / printf("In main
value d\n",value)
In UNIX type command from shell man fork
cp1 21163 --- cp2 21164 cp1 0 --- cp2
21165 cp1 0 --- cp2 0 cp1 21163 --- cp2 0
More FORK(), EXEC and WAIT?
include ltstdio.hgt main(int argc, char
argv) int pid pid fork() if (pid lt
0) / error / fprintf(stderr, Fork
Failed) exit(-1) Else if (pid
0) / child process /
execlp(/bin/ls, ls,NULL)
printf(child complete \n) / NOT REACHABLE
/ else / parent process /
wait(NULL) // wait for childs termination
printf(Child complete) exit(0)
Processes Tree on a UNIX System
Process Termination
  • Process executes last statement and asks the
    operating system to decide it (exit).
  • Output data from child to parent (via wait).
  • Process resources are deallocated by operating
  • Parent may terminate execution of children
    processes (abort).
  • Child has exceeded allocated resources.
  • Task assigned to child is no longer required.
  • Parent is exiting.
  • Operating system does not allow child to continue
    if its parent terminates.
  • Cascading termination.

Cooperating Processes
  • Independent process cannot affect or be affected
    by the execution of another process.
  • Cooperating process can affect or be affected by
    the execution of another process
  • Advantages of process cooperation
  • Information sharing
  • Shared file
  • Computation speed-up
  • Break a task into multiple subtasks
  • Subtasks will execute in parallel
  • Multiple processing elements (CPUs, I/O channels)
  • Modularity
  • Modular system design
  • Convenience
  • Simultaneous editing, printing, compiling

Producer-Consumer Problem(Example cooperation)
  • Paradigm for cooperating processes, producer
    process produces information that is consumed by
    a consumer process.
  • unbounded-buffer places no practical limit on the
    size of the buffer.
  • The Producer can always produce new items
  • The Consumer has to wait for new items
  • bounded-buffer assumes that there is a fixed
    buffer size.
  • The Producer must wait if the buffer is full
  • The Consumer must wait if the buffer is empty
  • The creation of BUFFER
  • By OS through IPC facility
  • By application programmer with the use of shared

Bounded-Buffer Shared-Memory Solution
  • Shared data
  • define BUFFER_SIZE 10
  • Typedef struct
  • . . .
  • item
  • item bufferBUFFER_SIZE
  • int in 0
  • int out 0
  • Solution is correct, but can only use
    BUFFER_SIZE-1 elements

Bounded-Buffer (Circular Queue!)
  • Producer Process
  • item nextProduced
  • while (1)
  • while (((in 1) BUF_SIZE) out)
  • / do nothing /
  • bufferin nextProduced
  • in (in 1) BUFFER_SIZE
  • Consumer Process
  • item nextConsumed
  • while (1)
  • while (in out)
  • / do nothing /
  • nextConsumed bufferout
  • out (out 1) BUFFER_SIZE

Interprocess Communication (IPC)
  • Mechanism for processes to communicate and to
    synchronize their actions.
  • Message system processes communicate with each
    other without resorting to shared variables.
  • IPC facility provides two operations
  • send(message) message size fixed or variable
  • receive(message)
  • If P and Q wish to communicate, they need to
  • establish a communication link between them
  • exchange messages via send/receive
  • Implementation of communication link
  • physical implementation (e.g., shared memory,
    hardware bus, network)
  • logical implementation (e.g., logical properties)

Logical Implementation Questions
  • How are links established?
  • Can a link be associated with more than two
  • How many links can there be between every pair of
    communicating processes?
  • What is the capacity of a link?
  • Zero, bounded, unbounded
  • Is the size of a message that the link can
    accommodate fixed or variable?
  • Is a link unidirectional or bi-directional?

Direct Communication(processes refer to each
other by name)
  • Processes must name each other explicitly
  • send (P, message) send a message to process P
  • receive(Q, message) receive a message from
    process Q
  • Properties of communication link
  • Links are established automatically.
  • A link is associated with exactly one pair of
    communicating processes.
  • Between each pair there exists exactly one link.
  • The link may be unidirectional, but is usually
  • Symmetry in addressing
  • Both sender and receiver names the process
  • Antisymmetric adressing
  • send (P, message) send a message to process P
  • receive(id, message) receive a message from
    process id
  • Changing the names of the processes ???

Indirect Communication
  • Messages are directed and received from mailboxes
    (also referred to as ports).
  • Each mailbox has a unique id.
  • Processes can communicate only if they share a
  • Properties of communication link
  • Link established only if processes share a common
  • A link may be associated with many processes.
  • Each pair of processes may share several
    communication links.
  • Link may be unidirectional or bi-directional.

Indirect Communication
  • Owner is the process
  • Mailbox is part of the address space of the
  • Process terminates ? mailbox disappears
  • Operations (if OS is the owner!)
  • Process would be able to
  • create a new mailbox (eg A)
  • Owner can be a process or the OS
  • Modify the ownership/receive privileges (via
    system calls)
  • send and receive messages through mailbox
  • destroy a mailbox
  • Primitives are defined as
  • send(A, message) send a message to mailbox A
  • receive(A, message) receive a message from
    mailbox A

Indirect Communication
  • Mailbox sharing
  • P1, P2, and P3 share mailbox A.
  • P1, sends P2 and P3 receive.
  • Who gets the message?
  • Solutions
  • Allow a link to be associated with at most two
  • Allow only one process at a time to execute a
    receive operation.
  • Allow the system to select arbitrarily the
    receiver. Sender is notified who the receiver

Synchronization(Design options for Send and
  • Message passing may be either blocking or
  • Blocking is considered synchronous
  • The Sender is blocked until until the message is
    received by the receiving process or by the
  • The receiver blocks until a message is available.
  • Non-blocking is considered asynchronous
  • The Sender sends the message and resumes
  • The receiver retrieves either a valid message or
    a NULL.
  • Both SEND and RECEIVE are blocking
  • We have rendezvous between sender and receiver

  • Queue of messages attached to the link
    implemented in one of three ways.
  • 1. Zero capacity 0 messagesSender must wait
    for receiver (rendezvous).
  • 2. Bounded capacity finite length of n
    messagesSender must wait if link full.
  • 3. Unbounded capacity infinite length Sender
    never waits (blocks).

Client-Server Communication
  • Sockets
  • Remote Procedure Calls
  • Remote Method Invocation (Java)

Service request
Service request
Return the results
Return the results
  • A socket is defined as an endpoint for
  • Concatenation of IP address and port
  • The socket refers to port 1625
    on host
  • Communication consists between a pair of sockets.
  • Famous servers and their ports
  • Telnet server listens to port 23
  • ftp ? port 21
  • http (web) ? port 80
  • All ports lt 1024 ? well known ? implement
    standard services

Socket Communication
  • Client process initiates a request for a
  • The host computer assigns a PORT Arbitrary number
    gt 1024 eg 1625

JAVA sockets
  • Socket Types in JAVA
  • Connection-oriented (TCP) Socket class
  • Connectionless (UDP) DatagramSocket
  • MulticastSocket subclass of DatagramSocket
  • Server sets
  • sock new ServerSocket(5155) // server listens
    the port 5155
  • client sock.accept() // listen for connections
  • Client sets
  • sock new Socket(,5155)
  • In sock.getInputStream()

Remote Procedure Calls
  • Remote procedure call (RPC) abstracts procedure
    calls between processes on networked systems.
  • Built on top of basic IPC facilty
  • Message based communication
  • Messages exchanged for RPC is well structured
  • Stubs client-side proxy for the actual
    procedure on the server.
  • The client-side stub locates the server and
    marshalls the parameters.
  • The server-side stub receives this message,
    unpacks the marshalled parameters, and peforms
    the procedure on the server.
  • External data representation (XDR)
  • Types of host machines are different (eg.

Execution of RPC
Remote Method Invocation
  • Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is a Java
    mechanism similar to RPCs.
  • RMI allows a Java program on one machine to
    invoke a method on a remote object.

Parameter Passing in RMI
  • Local (nonremote) objects are passed by copy
    using object serialization technique
  • Remote objects are passed by reference
  • Server knows address of the object, therefore can
    invoke methods on this object remotely.
  • Remote objects are to be passed as parameters to
    remote objects
  • They must implement the interface
  • Object serialization the state of an object to
    be written to a byte stream.

Marshalling Parameters
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