Title: Employee Awareness
1Hanford Security Education Awareness Program
- Employee Awareness Commitment
- A Perceptual Research Study
- for
- Department of Energy
- Protection Technology Hanford
- PTH Sponsor Chester Braswell
- WSU Vancouver Beth Klinski
- Kristin Sawyer
- WSU Tri-Cities Alison Marcum,Team lead
- Kevin Higginson
- Sophia Orozco
- Dennis Walters
- Key Advisors Pamela Henderson, PhD
- Attended TRADE mtg 2001
3Presentation Overview
- Background Methodology
- Competitive Analysis
- Outstanding Security Culture
- Industry Analysis
- Employee Survey Results
- Customer Analysis
- Summary Enhancements
- Didnt Attempt To
- Evaluate Security /Or Awareness Training
Performance - Identify Any Deficiencies
- Evaluate Any Individuals
- Attempted To
- Help DOE/PTH Achieve Security Awareness
Communication Goals - Identify Strengths Improvement Opportunities
- Recommend Ways to Increase Employee Involvement
5Current Practices at Hanford
- Computer-Based Training
- Facilitated Briefings
- Posters
- Reach
- Security ED
- Web Banners
- Field Visits
7Research Methods
- In-Depth Interviews
- Face to Face
- Via Telephone
- Employee E-mail Survey
- SE-SIG Conference
- Content Analysis
8Competitive Analysis
9Project Hanford
Site Clean-up Performance
Hanford Budget
Company Performance
Protection Programs Radiation Protection Quality
Environmental Nuclear Safety Safety Health
TPA Milestones
Mission Priority
Customer Satisfaction
Stakeholder Satisfaction
10Safety Helping Security
- Similar Goals
- Performance versus Compliance
- Similar Values Beliefs
- PTHs Star-Status
- VPP Success
11Insights Gained
- Communicate with Employees
- Value Employees
- Two Way Communications
- Workers an Untapped Resource
- Workers are the Medium
- Employee Manager Involvement
125 Strategies to VPP Success
- Value People
- Treat Everyone as an Expert
- Leverage Involvement, h Performance
- Use the Employee Medium
- Measure Performance
13Outstanding Security Culture
- Identify
- Group
- Prioritize
- Evaluate Performance
- Recommend Actions
15(No Transcript)
16Industry Analysis
17Other Sites
- Most Effective
- Face-to-Face
- Mgt follow-up
- Logo/Slogan
- Guest Speakers
- Presentations
- Least Effective
- Non-specific Mass Media
- Read Sign Materials
- Computer-Based Training
18SE-SIG Conference
- Lectures
- Promotional Materials
- Tools of the TRADE
- In-Depth Interviews
19Interview Results
- Similarities Among Sites
- CBT, Read Sign, Posters
- High degree of ownership by SE
- No effective or detailed evaluations of SE
effectiveness - Each Site is independently solving problems
- Explore SE SIG or HQ for joint problem solving
20Interview Results
- Differences Between Sites
- Building Security Awareness
- Visual aids to annual training
- Security Approaches
- Poster contests to working one-on-one
- Consequences for Failing to Wear a Badge
- No penalty to receiving infractions
- Future Plans
- Internet based projects, annual refreshers, ISSM
21Customer Analysis
- Change of Mission
- Frustrations Problems
- Effectiveness and Participation
- Tools
- Areas of Importance
- Frustrations
- Competing for Time
- Value of Focus
- Management Involvement
- Recalls and Preferences
- Perceived Effectiveness
25Non-Mgt. Employee Research Findings
- In-depth Telephone Interviews
27Common Trends
- Knew Who to Contact with Security Concerns
- Email Security Reminders Are Most Effective
- Keep Hanford Secure by Wearing a Badge
28Mixed Feelings About
- Presentations
- Taking Personal Ownership
- Personal Awareness
- Ownership Among Co-Workers
29E-mail Survey
- Sent to 945 Employees
- 39 Response Rate
30 Employees and managers have an above average
security conscious attitude
31Most employees understand their responsibility
32Perceptions are that the quality of information
received is not high enough
33Top 3 sources seen or used by employees
Staff Meetings
Top 3 sources employees would use given limited
35Average rating of means for improving security
36 Top 5 suggestions for improving awareness and
- Consistency
- Relevance
- Exposure
- Employees Valued
- Employees Involved
- Measurement
39Enhancements and Implementation
40Vancouver Enhancements
- E-mail
- Interpersonal Communications
41Common Logo and Slogan
- Should be
- Constant
- Highly Visible
- Consistent
- Possible Name Change
- Security Involvement Program
42Real-Life Examples
- Meeting Topics
- Scripts
- Manager Involvement
43Web Banner Variation
44Poster Enhancements
- Picture is Message
- Positive Themes
- Non-Threatening Tone
- Use Humor with Caution
- Security Awareness Logo
- Test Market
45Integration of Patrol Officers
- Poster Ideas
- Patrol Officer with Office Employee
- Patrol Officer with Family
- Other Security Entities at Work
- Patrol Sponsored Events
46Additional Human Resources
- Internship Programs
- Increase Staffing
47Security Ed Enhancements
48Partnering with Safety
- Build Alliances
- DOE Headquarters
- VPP on Site
- Labor Unions
- Management
- Employees
- Outside Consultants
49Graded Approach for Secrecy
- Joint Advisory Group
- (Security Personnel Cleared Employees)
- Recognize Needs
- Institutionalize the Process
- Share Appropriate Information
50Increase Involvement
- Start Listening
- Recognize Employees Are a Resource
- Encourage Participation
- Support Employees
- Act on Inputs or Give Feedback
- Training
- Resources
- Authority
- Follow VPP Model
- Be Patient, This Process Takes Time.
51Performance Measures
- Measure Involvement Behaviors
- Measure Attitudes Beliefs
- Measure Outcomes
- Share Results Appropriately
- A security awareness culture has ownership for
security principles. - Individuals value security and understand why
security is important to them. - Managers are actively involved in delivering the
security message. - They demonstrate the importance of security
through their actions, and have a clear
communication path between themselves and their
employees. - Programs deliver effective and relevant messages
that are easily understood, accepted and
delivered by managers to the workforce. - The performance of the program is routinely
evaluated to ensure it is achieving its goals of
awareness and ownership.