Title: Lecture Outcomes
1Lecture Outcomes
- By the end of this lecture the successful
student will be able to - Define ERDs, and explain the need for their use
in during systems analysis. - Identify the basic component of an ERD.
- Explain the concepts and components of ERDs.
- Decompose a many-to-many relationship.
- Give examples of existence conditions.
2Entity Relationship Diagramming
- We are still in the Systems Analysis stage. The
purpose of - this stage is to model some part of the real
world. - We need to model what happens (i.e. what
processes are - involved in the system, what data is stored and
processed, - what relationships exist between data items,
etc.). We are not - interested in how things are done.
- The models we create therefore, are Conceptual
Models of - the system (i.e. describe the concept of the
system, - independent of implementation).
3Entity Relationship Diagramming
- DFDs provide us with a conceptual process model
of the - system. They gave some consideration to the data
(stores and - flows). But, to determine the file structures
needed to support - a system, we have to examine data more closely
and model it - better.
- To do this we can use a top-down modelling
technique called - the Entity-Relationship Diagram (E-R Diagram).
4Entity Relationship Diagramming
- When we model the data in a system, we are really
modelling - the database structure of the system. E-R
diagrams help us to - focus on three elements of data that must be
incorporated into - the final database Entity types, Relationship
types, and - Existence Conditions.
- The E-R diagram provides us with a conceptual
model of the - data in a system. It tells us what data should
be stored and - what relationships exist between items of data.
- It does not tell us how these things can be
5Entity Relationship Diagramming
- A system database will be made up of files which
are all linked to each other in some way. These
files will have constraints or conditions on to
how records in the database files are inserted
and deleted. - The E-R diagram allows us to represent
- entity types which equate to database files.
- relationship types which equate to the links
between the database files. - existence conditions which equate to the
conditions or constraints imposed on the database
6Basic Concepts
- E-R diagrams use four basic components to model
data, namely, - Entities
- Attributes (these are not shown on E-R diagrams,
but you need to be aware of what they are) - Relationships
- Existence conditions
An actual, real thing or person about which data
might be stored is referred to as an entity.
- An entity can be uniquely identified.
- Organisations collect and store data about
entities - if a bank stores data about you - you are an
entity - if a business stores a piece of paper called an
invoice - the invoice is an entity - a library stores data about a particular book -
the book is an entity
8Entity Types
- An organisation will not store data about just
one entity. They will - store data about collections of entities, which
bear the same relation - to the organisation.
These collections of data about entities are
A bank will store data about all the people
(entities) who do business with them and will
refer to them generically as CUSTOMER, for
example. This makes CUSTOMER an entity type with
characteristics or attributes shared by all the
people who do business with the bank.
- These are the characteristics shared by all
entities of a given - entity type.
An attribute is a data element associated with an
- The entity CUSTOMER is likely to have attributes
such as - customer_name
- customer_address, etc.
- Entities are associated with each other via
relationships. - A relationship is a named association between two
or more entity - types
- the relationship SCORED between the entity types
STUDENT and MARK. - the relationship CITIZEN-OF between the entity
11Degree of Relationships
- We can have different types or degree of
relationships, - one-to-one (11)
- one-to-many (1N)
- many-to-many (NM)
12One-to-One Relationships
- The relationship HEAD-OF between entity types
MANAGER - and DEPARTMENT is a one-to-one relationship.
- This means that a department has at most one head
and that a - manager is head of at most one department.
13One-to-Many Relationships
- The relationship SUPERVISES between the entity
types - MANAGER and EMPLOYEE is a one-to-many
relationship. - This means that a manager may supervise any
number of - different employees but a given employee is
supervised by at - most one manager (i.e. an employee will have only
one - supervisor at a given time).
14Many-to-Many Relationships
- The relationship ASSIGNED-TO between the entity
types - EMPLOYEE and PROJECT is a many-to-many
relationship. - This means that an employee may be assigned to
many - different projects and each project may have many
employees - assigned to it.
15Existence Conditions
- The choice of existence conditions are based on
real-world facts. - An existence condition allows us to record
- Whether an occurrence of the relationship type
must exist for all occurrences of an entity type
e.g. if a STUDENTS record will not be entered on
the database until s/he has enrolled on a COURSE
gt for every occurrence of the entity type
STUDENT the relationship 'enrols on' must exist
in both directions i.e. its existence is
16Existence Conditions
- An existence condition allows us to record
- Whether an occurrence of the relationship type
might be optional for at least some of the
occurrences of the entity type e.g. if the
university maintained COURSE records but not
necessarily STUDENT records e.g. during summer
months before students arrived or if the
university maintained STUDENT details before they
were assigned to a COURSE or maintained details
about a brand new course, then the existence
conditions would be OPTIONAL.
A plain rectangle is used to represent the
entity type.
A labelled line to represent the relationship.
We represent the degrees of relationships as
1 1
1 N
One-to-Many ONE course has enrolled on it ONE or
MORE students. ONE student is enrolled on ONE
One-to-One ONE manager is head of ONE
department. ONE department has ONE head who is a
19Handling Many-to-Many Relationships
- Relational databases cannot support this
relationship type, so they - are not represented on E-R diagrams.
- They do not occur often, but when they do, they
must be removed - and replaced with two one-to many relationships.
- This is done by introducing an extra entity type
into the diagram. - This extra entity type may be created by the
analyst solely for the - purpose of eliminating the many-to-many
relationship. Or it may - be some real entity type which exists, and which
will provide the - needed link.
20Many-to-Many Relationship Example
- Suppose analysis, into a business which buys
parts from suppliers, - has shown that
- any one supplier might supply more than one kind
of part. - any one kind of part might be bought in from a
number of different suppliers.
This relationship is shown as
21Many-to-Many Relationship Example
- We must remove this many-to-many relationship
type if we - are going to implement it in a database. We can
do this in the - following way,
We must find or invent the entity type X.
22Many-to-Many Relationship Example
- Thinking of an appropriate name for entity X
can be - difficult.
- In such cases it is acceptable to form it from
the names of the - original two entities.
23Guidelines for Drawing an E-R Diagram
- Select likely entities.
- Select an identifier for each of the entities.
- Identify relationships between the selected
entities. - Sketch an E-R Diagram, adding the degree of each
relationship. - Decompose any NM relationships.
- You should now be able to
- Define ERDs, and explain the need for their use
in during systems analysis. - Identify the basic component of an ERD.
- Explain the concepts and components of ERDs.
- Decompose a many-to-many relationship.
- Give examples of existence conditions.