Title: Flow variability analysis with regard to instream ecology
1- Flow variability analysis with regard to
in-stream ecology - in a large French basin.
- P. Breil, Cemagref
- Breil_at_lyon.cemagref.fr
2An Eco-hydrological PremiseLandscape filters
(Poff, 1997)
Regional pool of species defined in terms of
multiple species traits
Flow regime characteristic, thermal regime,
vegetation, water chemistry composition. Flood
intensity , trophic ressource and thermal
extremes. Water velocity
Watershed/basin filters Valley/reach
filters Channel unit filters Microhabitat
3Hydrological data set in the Loire basin
150 discharge gauge stations
100 000 sq.km
4 Eco -Hydrological indices
128 indices calculated from the litterature
(Colwell 1974, Poff Allan 1995, Richter 1996,
Clausen Biggs 2000, Cattaneo al. 2001, Olden
Poff 2003,
5Hydrological indices redundancy
Mixing all basin scales!
6Flow variability scale effect
7Monthly flow characteristics distributions
350 to1000 sq.km
100 to140 sq.km
Max. Q25 Q75 Min.
1000 to 4500 sq.km
200 to 350 sq.km
8Scale effect human influence on a flow regime
100 to 400 sq.km
100 to 400 sq.km
Natural flow
Influenced flow
400 to 4500 sq.km
400 to 4500 sq.km
9As a first conclusion
- The Overall flow variability decreases with
increasing basin area - It Concerns mainly the infrequent flow domain
- The Human influence, in the limit of this study,
- increases the frequent flow variability,
- increases the frequent flow variability for
large size basin - decreases the frequent flow variability for
small size basin - Memory duration of autocorrelations between
consecutive monthly (either daily) flows
increases with basin area in natural conditions - Eco-hydrological indices must be formalized with
respect to their scale of application