Strong Random Correlations in Complex Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Strong Random Correlations in Complex Systems


At the same time the degeneracy of low lying states (the ... make sense), and we can ask questions about the geometric distribution of large correlations. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Strong Random Correlations in Complex Systems

Strong Random Correlations in Complex Systems
  • Imre Kondor
  • Collegium Budapest and Eötvös University,
  • Parmenides Foundation, Munich
  • ECCS 2008, the annual conference of the European
    Complex Systems Society 
  • The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
  • September 15-19,  2008

This is a report on work in progress.Collaborato
  • Albert-László Barabási, Boston
  • Alain Billoire, Saclay
  • Nándor Gulyás, Budapest
  • Jovanka Lukic, Rome
  • Enzo Marinari, Rome

  • Complex systems are (nearly) irreducible
    (incompressible), depend on a large number of
    variables in a significant way.
  • Irreducibility is related to (implies?) large,
    random correlations
  • Illustration on two toy models on a spin glass
    and a random cellular automaton
  • Some consequences e.g. simulation of such
    systems is a delicate issue, the result depends
    on tiny details, initial and boundary conditions.

Preliminary considerations
  • It is plausible that in a system that depends on
    a large number of variables the correlations
    between its components must be long-ranged in
    some sense.
  • As complex systems are not translationally
    invariant, long-ranged means strong
    correlations between many pairs, though not
    necessarily geometrical neighbours.
  • The usual behaviour of correlations in simple
    systems is not like this correlations fall off
    typically exponentially which is why simple
    systems fall apart into small, weakly correlated
    subsystems, and have low effective dimension.

The difficulties of defining complexity
  • There are nearly as many complexity definitions
    as there are authors in complexity.
  • The AIT definition the length of the shortest
    algorithm that is able to produce a given string
    is the measure of the complexity of the string.
  • Some authors emphasize emergence, confluence of
    scales, nonlinearity, unpredictability, path
    dependence, historicity, multiple equilibria, a
    mixture of sensitivity and robustness, learning
    and adaptability, and, ultimately,
    self-reflection, self-representation,
    consciousness as characteristics of complex

  • When trying to formulate a common policy of
    sponsoring complexity research in Europe
    Complexity-NET, a network of European funding
    agencies, came to the conclusion that finding a
    compelling definition was a hopeless endeavour on
    which no more time should be wasted.
  • A possible alternative is to list examples
    complex systems include the living cell, the
    brain, society, economy, etc.

  • G. Parisi at the 1999 STATPHYS Conference in
    Paris A system is complex if it depends on many
  • This suggests the idea of using the degree of
    irreducibility, perhaps the effective
    dimensionality (the number of variables) of the
    simplest model one can construct to describe the
    system to a given level of precision, as a
    measure of complexity.
  • NB This definition shares the shortcomings of
    the algorithmic complexity concept it assigns
    maximal complexity to noise, and it is probably
    impossible to decide which model is the simplest.

The incompressibility of history ?
  • For the want of a nail the shoe was lost
  • For the want of a shoe the horse was lost
  • For the want of a horse the battle was lost
  • For the failure of battle the kingdom was lost
  • And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
  • Background The Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485,
    between the armies of King Richard III and Henry,
    Earl of Richmond, that determined who would rule

A more serious example
  • 10 days survival probability of patients after a
    heart attack. Depends on some 40 factors. Such a
    model cannot be parametrized even on a population
    of 10 million (overfitting). Yet health policy
    decisions depend on such analyses.
  • (Peter Austin at the 2007 AAAS meeting)
  • The simplest tool to analyze such problems is
    linear regression.

Linear regression
  • .

  • Ideally, the number of dimensions N is small and
    the length of the available time series T is
    long. Then the estimation error is small, and the
    model works fine.
  • If the system is complex, however, we will have
    a very large N, and that raises serious
    estimation error and convergence problems.
  • When a huge number of regression coefficients are
    roughly equal, we do not have structure, the
    model produces noise.
  • It may happen, however, that the regression
    coefficients are not equal, but do not have a
    cutoff beyond which they would become
    insignificant either they may not have a
    characteristic scale, but fall off like a power.

  • But large regression coefficients imply large
  • If the independent variables are uncorrelated
    then the regression coefficients are proportional
    to the covariances between the dependent variable
    and the idependent variables

  • This suggests the idea to look into some toy
    models and see if large correlations may indeed
    be a characteristic feature of complex systems.
  • Two toy models will be studied here
  • The /-J long range spin glass
  • and a
  • Random cellular automaton

The spin glass A model of cooperation and
  • An Ising-like model with random couplings
  • where are randomly scattered
    over the lattice or graph. For simplicity we keep
    to the complete graph in the following.

On a small complete graph, e.g
  • The red edges represent negative
  • couplings. Spins linked by such a negative
    coupling would like to point in opposite

  • The optimal arrangement of the spins is a
    distribution of plus-minus ones, correlated with
    the distribution of couplings in a complicated
    manner. Even the optimal arrangement can contain
    a lot of tension not all the couplings can be
    satisfied simultaneously.

  • The presence of negative couplings leads to
    frustration one may have two friends who hate
    each other. Such a trio cannot be made happy. In
    the little example
  • the triangles containing an
  • odd number of red edges are frustrated.

  • Frustration makes the overall bonding much
    weaker the ground state energy is higher than
    for a pure system. At the same time the
    degeneracy of low lying states (the multiplicity
    of states with the same energy) is much enhanced.
  • For large N, the low temperature structure of
    such a model can be extremely complicated, with
    several nearly degenerate minima and their basins
    of attraction cutting up the set of microscopic
    states into a set of pure states or phase
    space valleys.

  • A central concept in the characterization of this
    structure is that of the overlap
  • which measures the degree of similarity between
    two states.

Correlations in ordinary lattice models
  • Normally, correlations fall off exponentially
  • at the critical point
  • in the ordered phase of models with a broken
    continuous symmetry.
  • An Ising spin glass does not have any continuous
    symmetry, there is no a priori reason to expect
    long range correlations.

Correlations in spin glasses
  • Due to the random structure of the model, the
    correlations behave in a
    chaotic, random manner as a function of distance.
    When averaged over the random distribution of the
    couplings they become a trivial Kronecker delta
  • For this reason it has been customary to study
    higher order average correlations, often defined
    for a given average overlap.

  • Some of these correlation functions

Correlation in one phase space valley
  • A natural combination of the above correlation
    functions, computed in the Gaussian approximation
    via replica field theory, turned out to be
    long-ranged (De Dominicis, Temesvári, I.K.)

Correlations between distant valleys
  • Remarkably, the overlap between correlation
    functions belonging to phase space valleys with
    zero overlap also was found long-ranged
  • So the average correlations are long-ranged in
    spin glasses.

Correlations in a given sample
  • It may also be of interest to look into the
    distribution of correlations as random variables
    in a given sample. In order to do this, we
    measured all the N(N-1)/2 correlations
    and ranked them according to magnitude. Exact
    enumeration on small systems (up to N20) and
    numerical simulations up to N 2048 indicate
    that the correlations are anomalously large in
    the low temperature spin glass.
  • Some preliminary results follow.

Sorted correlations for two samples of size
N128, at low temperature (T0.4), averaging over
all microstates
The same for two samples of size N 2048, at
T0.4, averaging over all microstates
  • The sorted distribution is the inverse of the
    cumulative distribution function.
  • For large N the sample to sample fluctuations
    disappear, the distribution can, in principle, be
    calculated via replicas.
  • The sorted correlations suggest that their
    probability distribution is very broad, maybe
    uniform, or even bimodal!
  • Note the apparent symmetry of the sorted
    distribution which does not correspond to any
    exact symmetry of the system.

When we go above the critical temperature T1
N128, T1.3
  • Note the change
    of scale! Most correlations
    are very small now.

N2048, T1.3
  • For this large system the
    correlations are even smaller.
    Clearly, for N large the
    number of large correlati
    ons is O(N), which is negligible
    on the scale of the
    figure, O(N²)

The main points
  • There is a marked difference between the high and
    low temperature phases. Correlations are strong
    all through the low temperature phase.
  • A replica calculation shows that the distribution
  • is symmetric, and its
    second moment is the same as the second moment of
    the overlap distribution P(q).

A random cellular automaton RCA
  • The model is a finite T variant of the Kauffman
  • It is a collection of binary variables again,
    this time living on a 2d lattice. They update
    their state according to the configuration of
    their neighbours.

RCA update rule
Table of interactions
Hamilton function with the Ks N(0,1)
  • From this point on the simulation of the model
    runs along the usual Monte Carlo path
  • The results are shown parallel to the same for
    the Ising model.
  • Note that this is a lattice model, so there is a
    geometry behind it (distance, neighbourhood, etc.
    make sense), and we can ask questions about the
    geometric distribution of large correlations.

Sorted correlations
Distribution functions
Density functions
RCA vs. Ising model (standard deviation of
Max correl vs. distance
  • Strong and weak correlations are randomly
    scattered about the system. Two strongly
    correlated spins may not be connected by strongly
    correlated paths.
  • See little demo

Linear regression (RCA model)
The sorted coefficients (N100, T2)
Concluding remarks
  • Randomly distributed large correlations may be a
    general characteristic of complex systems. In
    this sense complex systems may be regarded as
    critical in a wide region of parameter space.
  • This property may explain their sensitivity to
    changes in the control parameters, boundary
    conditions, initial conditions and other details,
    even for large sizes (e.g. chaos in spin
  • It also calls for caution when doing, and drawing
    conclusions from, simulations of such systems.
  • Strong random correlations redefine the geometry
    of the system. Problems of the RG and the
    thermodynamic limit.

Thank you!
The Ising model a model of cooperation
  • N spins i 1,2,,N, having a binary choice
  • . The spins are coupled by
    ferromagnetic interaction, they want to minimize
    the energy
  • The magnetic field h wants to align all the
    spins with itself.

  • This is a simple description of magnetism and a
    host of other cooperative phenomena.
  • The total number of microscopic arrangements of
    the spins is . The model has two optimal
    states (ground states) All spins 1 (up), or -1
  • Finite temperature some spins fail to comply.

  • Averages at temperature T are calculated over the
    whole ensemble of microscopic states, with the
    Boltzmann-weight exp-H/T.
  • Alternatively, we define a Monte Carlo dynamics
    on the system, and measure time averages.
  • Pick initial state, calculate its energy .
    Flip randomly chosen spin, calculate new energy
    . Accept new state if lt 0,
  • and accept new state with
  • probability , if
    gt 0.

The underlying geometry
  • Such a model can be implemented on a regular
    lattice, like the 2d square lattice shown here

  • on a random graph

  • or on a complete graph
  • Full circles mean spins 1, empty ones -1.

Phase transition
  • At high temperatures the acceptance rate of bad
    moves is nearly as large as that of the good
    moves, the system is totally disordered. As T is
    lowered, the tendency of cooperation gradually
    overcomes thermal agitation. If the graph is
    sufficiently large and connected, at a critical
    temperature a sharp transition takes place to a
    spontaneously ordered state, with the majority of
    spins pointing, say, up, even without the help of
    the external field h.
  • For the 2d square lattice the value of this
    critical temperature is .

Correlations in the Ising model
  • The correlations between the
    spins at lattice sites i and j are short-ranged
    (fall off exponentially with distance) above the
    critical temperature. (The angular brackets
    denote the thermal average.)
  • A typical formula is
  • where ? is the coherence length.

  • Below the critical temperature the system is
    polarized, so K tends to a constant, but its
    connected part
    is decaying exponentially again.

The critical state
  • As the temperature goes to its critical value,
  • the coherence length diverges
  • Right at the critical point correlations in the
    system become long-ranged. There is no
    characteristic distance beyond which they would
    become negligible, they fall off like a negative
    power of the distance

  • As a direct consequence, the system becomes
    extremely sensitive to changes in the control
    parameters, such as the external field even an
    infinitesimal h provokes a large response.
  • Note, however, that in order to reach the
    critical point one has to fine tune the
    parameters of the model, this is an exceptional
    point where even the humble Ising model becomes

Models with broken continuous symmetry
  • If instead of the binary Ising spins we consider
    little vectors that can rotate in 3d space and
    interact via a scalar product-like coupling, we
    arrive at the Heisenberg model. This has a
    continuous (rotation) symmetry. When the system
    orders, it develops a macroscopic magnetization
    and the rotation symmetry is broken.
  • We can now define two different correlation
    functions the longitudinal one corresponding to
    fluctuations parallel to the magnetization, and
    the transverse one that is perpendicular to it.

Goldstone modes
  • The transverse correlation function can exactly
    be shown to fall off like a power all through the
    ordered phase
  • ,
  • Such long-ranged behaviour always appears when a
    continuous symmetry is broken.
  • Complex systems are typically very inhomogeneous,
    they do not display any symmetry. There seems to
    be no reason to expect them to have long-range
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