Title: MIT3643 Computer Games Development
1MIT3643 Computer Games Development
- Lecture 14
- Game Project Management
- The requirements analysis, game design, and
technical design phases have covered the most
difficult part of project planning identifying
the tasks we must perform. - Second to identifying the tasks is estimating how
long it will take to complete them. - It is impossible at the start of the project to
identify all the tasks that must be performed,
and it is more than impossible to estimate
exactly how long it will take to finish a
creative and innovative game. - However, failure to estimate the time required
for a game project normally result in failure of
the game project.
3Success Criteria for Game Development
- Time
- Cost
- Quality
- Achieved through
- Project Management
- Quality Management
4Responsibilities of a Project Manager
- defining lines of communication between
departments and teams - producing a quality project plan
- making sure appropriate components, tools and
techniques are used - analyse and control risk
- select people for the project
- organize project teams
- estimate work content and cost
- schedule work
- assign tasks to teams and team members
- monitor progress of project
- keep project on track.
- For example, roughly one person-hour of effort
to deliver two or three lines of finished program
code on average. This includes all the effort
from requirements analysis through coding to
testing and delivery.
6Two Interrelated Project Factors
- Game Project Size
- Game Project Complexity
7Game Project Size
- Measured initially by the number of features, the
amount of data and the number of players (Single
/ Multi-players). - At completion of the project, it can be measured
by the number of lines of code (LOC, or KLOC for
thousands of lines of code) and the volume of
8Project Complexity
- For a given size of game project, complexity will
vary depending upon the genre of gameplay.
9A Typical Estimation Method
- 1. Estimate the game size, using what you know
about the game at the stage at which you are
making the estimate. - 2. Adjust the size to take account of the game
complexity and various other factors such as the
experience of the software engineers. - 3. Convert the estimated LOC or other size
measure into effort required. - 4. Estimate the optimal time to complete the game
development. - 5. Estimate other properties of the software,
such as expected defect rate and quality.
10Function Point Analysis (FPA)
- Function point analysis is a well established
technique for estimating the size and complexity
of a game project.
11Procedure of FPA (OO Approach)
- Working from the use cases that model the
requirements, every use case that is connected to
an actor (or may be several actors) outside the
system boundary counts as an element of
functionality. Call this count of the externally
visible use cases FU. - Every class in the class model of requirements
counts as an element of stored data. Call this
count FC.
12Calculation of Function Points (FP)
- FP FU x WU FC x WC
- Adjusting factors basing on the complexity of
uses cases and classes - WU in the range 4 to 7 for use cases
- WC - in the range 7 to 15 for classes
13Adjustment of the FP value
- FPadjusted FP X (0.65 0.01 X ?Fi)
- where the Fi are fourteen factors, each with an
integer value in the range of 0 to 5 obtained in
answer to the following questions.
14Questions for the Fi
- Does the system require reliable back-up and
recovery? - Are data communications required?
- Are there distributed processing functions?
- Is performance critical?
- Will the system run in an existing, heavily
utilized operational environment? - Does the system require on-line data entry?
- Does the on-line data entry require the input
transaction to be built over multiple screens or
15Questions for the Fi (Contd)
- Are the master files updated on-line?
- Are the inputs, outputs or enquiries complex?
- Is the internal processing complex?
- Is the code designed to be reusable?
- Are conversion and installation included in the
design? - Is the system designed for multiple installations
in different organizations? - Is the application designed to facilitate change
and ease of use by the user?
16Determination of the value given to the
corresponding factor
- 0 no influence
- 1 incidental
- 2 moderate
- 3 average
- 4 significant
- 5 essential
17Mapping from function points to lines of code
18COnstructor COst MOdel (COCOMO)
- a simple means of converting from code size (in
KLOCs) to effort in person-months and to optimal
project duration in months.
19Formula for effort E
- E a(KLOC)b person-months
- Where a is the nominal productivity, in
person-months, to produce one thousand lines of
code (1 KLOC) and b determines the degree of
diseconomy of scale (if it is greater than 1) or
economy of scale (if it is less than 1). So, for
example, a million lines of code (1000 KLOC) is
estimated as requiring proportionately twice as
much effort if b 1.1 and four times as much if
b 1.2, while it is estimated as requiring
proportionately half as much effort if b 0.9.
20Optimal project duration D
- DcEd
- where c is the basic duration, in months, per
person-month and d gives a measure of the
non-linearity larger projects should take a
proportionately shorter time (for example by
adding more people), so typically d should be
less than 1.
21Three classes of Game Project
- organic relatively small, simple game projects
- semi-detached intermediate projects in terms of
size and complexity - embedded complex online/multiplayer projects.
22The parameter values for Basic COCOMO
- Consider the problem of developing an
educational game for the primary students.
Analysis of the problem produced a use case model
and a class model. We shall use these models,
together with function point analysis and COCOMO,
to estimate the effort and time required to
develop the Game for the kids.
24Step 1 apply object-oriented function points
- FP FU x WU FC x WC
- 8 x 7 5 x 9 56 45 101
- FPadjusted 101 x (0.65 0.01 x 25) 101 x 0.9
90.9 - Lines of code 90.9 x 30 lines of OO code per FP
2700 lines
25Step 2 apply COCOMO to obtain effort and duration
- Viewing the game as an exceptionally simple
organic system, - E 2.4 x 2.71.05 ? 6.8 person-months.
- The optimal duration is then
- D 2.5 x 6.80.38 ? 5.2 months.
26Work Breakdown and Scheduling
- To decompose the overall task of developing the
software into many much smaller activities, which
are well defined, can be assigned to individual
teams or persons and can be individually
scheduled (allocate dates when the work will be
27Two commonly used ways for Project Plan
- PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
charts, which show the activities as boxes with
lines joining them to indicate the
interdependencies and flow of critical
information - Gantt charts, in which the horizontal direction
represents time and the vertical direction
represents activities, and which can be set out
as tables, whose rows show when the work takes
place, or as bar charts, whose horizontal bars
show when the work takes place.
28Sample Gantt Chart for a project
29Sample PERT chart for a project