Title: Equality
- Everyone should get the same treatment regardless
of where your parents or grandparents were born,
their race, religion or how much money you have.
- Black white people getting the same amount of
pay for the same amount of work
4Appling to My Life
- It applies to my life because I would get the
same amount of treatment of anyone else in the
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6Individual Rights
7Individual Rights means.....
- All people have certain rights that are not
controlled by the government.
8An example
- The government cant tell you what kind of job to
work at or school/college you have to attend.
9This applies to my life by.
- I should be able to attend any school/college I
want to go to or work at a job of choice.
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11 Justice For All!!
12What does it mean???
- Freedom for everyone!
- Everyone should be treated the same way.
- People should not be judged by the way they look
or the way they dress, nor the color of their
13An Example of Justice
- If a black person is shopping at a certain store
and white people work there, they should still
give the same service and give them the respect
as they do to others!!!
14How does it apply to my life??
- I'm able to get an education, because back then
blacks where not able to get a education because
of the color of their skin, nor could they read
or write. - Also its not right to judge people because they
may dress and look different!
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16Popular Sovereignty
17The Definition
- The power of the government comes from the people.
18An Example
- My Mom and Dad can vote for who they want for
19How It Applies To Me
- When I get older I can vote for who I want to be
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- I think that all people should be treated fairly.
- We should be treated fairly no matter what the
color of our skin is or what the clothes on our
backs look like.
23The Definition For Equality
- Everyone has the right to political, legal,
social, and economic equality. Everyone has the
right to the same treatment regardless of race,
sex, religion, heritage, or economic status.
24Examples of Equality
- If segregation was over , black children should
have the right to play on the same playground as
the white children. That is why us children
should have equality.
25How Equality Applies to My Life
- Equality applies to my life because everyone gets
treated equally and fairly.
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27Individual Rights
28The Definition
- Each individual has the fundamental right to
life, liberty, and economic freedom.
29An Example
- They cant take away anyones rights like take
their right to play with other kids.
30It Applys to My Life
- If someone took away my rights to play with
others because of their color, I wouldnt have
many friends to play with.
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33Being at Court
- When you go to court you need a fair trial.
- But not everyone gets one.
- Justice - is judgment of a persons color or
35An Example
- An example of justice is Jackie Robinson, they
said he couldnt play in the major leagues but he
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37Popular Sovereignty
38What Is Popular Sovereignty?
- Popular Sovereignty is when the power of the
government comes from the people by their vote.
39An Example
- An example of this core democratic value is when
people vote for who they want as president.
40How It Applies to My Life
- When I get older I want to be able to create some
laws that the citizens will vote yes on so they
will be on the constitution.
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42Common Good
- Working together for the welfare of the community
or the benefit of all.
- People caring for one another
- Its very good because if I die, someone will take
care of my kids.
46A man caring a baby
- Justice
- in the USA!
- By Emily
48What does justice mean??
- justice means for everyone to be treated fairly!!
49An example of justice is!!
- An example of justice is if a black women and a
white women wanted a job at a grocery store and
the black women couldn't get the job because of
the color of her skin.
50How Does It Apply to Your Life??
- It applys to my life because I wouldnt have a
lot of my friends today if it wasn't for justice.
51The End!!
- Thank you for hearing about what I have to say
about justice. - by Emily
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53Individual Rights
- All people have the right to practice their faith
or belie if any without persecution
- People have the right to listen to whatever music
they like such as 50 Cent.
56How It Applies to My Life
- I can be free to make my own decisions.
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58Liberty! A core democratic value!
- This is another Dward Kue production. By, you
guessed it, Dward Kue!!!!!!!!
59Liberty! The Definition!!
- Liberty-this includes personal freedom, political
freedom, and economic freedom. This is the
freedom for people to gather in groups. They have
their own beliefs, ideas, and opinions. People
also have the right to express their opinions in
public. Yah!!!
60An Example of Liberty
- People have the freedom to have their own beliefs!
61How It Applies to You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- It gives you and me the freedom to say what we
want, do what we want, and think what we want!
But there are consequences, if you do something
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63EqualityBy Rolando
- That everyone will be able to have their own
- Like when Martin Luther King fought for our
rights so that white and black children could
play together.
- It applies to my life because now we can do
anything that we want.
67 68Popular Sovereignty!
- The definition of Popular Sovereignty is the
power of the government comes from the people.
- An example of this value is that I have the right
to vote for who I think should be president !
71My Life
- This applies to my life because when I get older
I want to be able to vote for my own president.
72All About Popular Sovereignty!
- Now I have told you all about Popular Sovereignty!
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74Common Good
- In the U.S.A
- By Jennifer Romain
75What does Common Good Mean?
- Common Good means that people should work
together for the good of all. The government
should make laws that are good for every one!!
76An Example of Common Good
- We should try to work together to make this world
a better place!!
77The common good applies to my life by??
- The common good applies to my life because the
laws that get made help me. Such as the law of
the speed limit helps me make sure that I am safe.
78The End !!
- Thank you for listening about what I had to say
about the common good!
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- All people should be treated fairly in both the
benefits and the obligation of society.
- No individual or group should be favoured over
another person or group.
- Equality is the state or quality of being
- Everyone should get a turn at games.
88How It Applies to My Life
- If we didnt have equality no one would be
treated fairly.
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90Individual Rights
- Each individual has the fundamental right to
life, liberty, economic, freedom and the pursuit
of happiness.
- Going to church.
- Giving speech.
- Reading a newspaper
93How it apply to your life?
- That everyone should not litter and fight!
- And not fight over money!
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- Freedom for arbitrary or despotic government or
control. Freedom from extreme or foreign rule
- Liberty is freedom of speech.
98This apply to my life
- By letting me be able to celebrate special
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100Popular Sovereignty
- To sovereign vested in the people and that chosen
to govern.
- People voting for the president.
- Presidents campaigning.
103This applies to my life
- This applies to my life because we get to vote
for a president like Gorge.W.Bush instead of
having a king like King Gorge III.
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105I'M GLAD TO VOTE!!!!!!
106Montreca Michelle Mull
- Everyone should get the treatment regardless of
where born, race , religion or how much money you
108An Example
- If a black person works at a store and a white
person walks in, they shouldnt be judged by the
color of their skin.
109It applies to my life
- So I can be treated equal.
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111Common Good!!!!
112Common good
- People have a responsibility to help take care of
the world
113An Example of Common Good
- Police
- Fireman
- No smoking
- Stop signals
114It apples to my life because
- People can live a safe life.
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116Taylor Green
- Is the document under which the state statues of
slavery which the territories was to determined
by the settlers them selves.
118An Example
- The example of this core democratic value to let
slaves free and save them.
119This applies to my life because
- I think thats a good idea for black people.
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