Title: The Weighted Average Cost of Capital
1The Weighted Average Cost of Capital
2Cash Flow
- Standard measure of cash flow
- (Rev OpCost)(1-tc) tcDep - ?NWC Capex
- OCF Ignore for now
3Equity Cash Flow
- Alternatively, cash flow to equityholders
- (Rev OpCost RBB)(1-tc) tcDep
- (Rev OpCost)(1-tc) tcDep RBB(1-tc)
- OCF RB(1-tc)B
4Equity Market Value
- Mkt Value Bal. Sheet
- B
- A
- __ S
- V V
- To calculate value of S
- Discount cash flow to
- equityholders at cost of equity, RS
5Calculating Market Value
6Calculating Market Value (cont.)
- Conclusion To estimate total market value,
discount OCF at weighted ave. cost of capital
7Weighted Ave. Cost of Capital (WACC)
- Use market value weights
- Use after-tax cost of debt
- Discount OCF (financing mix is captured in the
discount rate)
8Estimating Cost of Debt
- Use current bond yield, not the coupon rate on
already outstanding debt - We are trying to estimate the required return on
newly-issued securities
9Estimating Cost of Equity
- Two possibilities for estimating RS
- Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
10Potential Pitfalls
- Beta should reflect business risk and financing
characteristics of project (not the firm that
undertakes it) - What debt ratio can the project support?
- Watch out for growth rate estimate
11Determining Project Cost of Capital
- Stand alone principle value projects as if they
were separate subsidiaries with their own capital
structures - What does the project contribute to companys
systematic risk? - Business risk
- Financial risk
- What does the project contribute to companys
debt capacity?
12Inappropriate Use of Firm WACC When Project
Risks Differ (Fig. 12.7)
- Expected Return
- B
- RWACC 15
- A
- RF 7
- 0.6 1 1.2 Beta
- Firm Beta