Title: Sezioni INFN: Pisa, Padova, Roma2
1Pisa, 30 June 2005
IEEM (Ion Electron Emission Microscope)
responsabile locale Massimo Nigro
- Sezioni INFN Pisa, Padova, Roma2
- Linea di ricerca studio di Single Event Effects
(SEE) indotti da - ioni energetici in dispositivi e sistemi
micro-elettronici per - applicazioni spaziali e fisica delle alte
energie. - Laboratorio e facility INFN Legnaro, Tandem XTU
da 15MV, - linea di irraggiamento SIRAD con ioni pesanti.
- Processo fisico correlazione su scala
micrometrica tra - i punti di impatto ionico e SEE indotti in vari
dispositivi - (ASIC, commerciali, strutture di test)
- usando un
- microscopio ad emissione di elettroni secondari
da impatto ionico
2nuclear microprobe vs IEEM
Nuclear Microprobe Analysis
Ion Electron Emission Microscopy
Ion beam
2D electron detector at focal plane of electron
object slit
Nuclear Microprobe focusing (e.g. triplet) and
scanning system
secondary electrons
Ion beam
electron optics
rastering pattern
hit confirmation by detecting secondary
electrons (e.g. channeltron)
analysis of signal
analysis of signal
Resolution on target determined by beam optics
spot size and positioning. Difficult to
micro-focus all SIRAD ions e.g. rigidity of a
300 MeV Au25 ion is 1.40 T-m, 1.7 times more
than 95 MeV C6 ion. Requires disruptive and
expensive upgrade of SIRAD beamline and of
controls of Tandem Optics!
The ion impact position is determined by
reconstructing the position from which secondary
electrons are emitted. Resolution on target
lateral size of field of view divided by linear
line pair resolution of sensor.
analysis SEE mapping, Ion Beam Induced Charge
Collection, Time Resolved IBICC,...
3E-fields to manipulate electrons emitted from
irradiated surface
incoming ionizing radiation (photon, ion)
- Electron Emission Microscope collects and
transports the secondary electrons emitted from
the irradiated target onto a focal plane. - A Multi-Channel Plate (MCP) multiplies the
number of electrons to obtain measurable signals.
- Measuring the position of these electrons gives
the impact position of the radiation quantum.
axial symmetry
Aberrations controlled by a contrast diaphragm
with 300?m diameter aperture. Intrinsic
resolution of IEEM 0.6?m over a field of view
of 250?m
collection transport detection
4From electrons to position information
- A fast and high resolution sensor is required
for time resolved imaging capabilities. - By converting the electron signal into photons
one can place the final sensor off-axis. - For optimal axial configuration (?0o) the MCP
must be annular (a central hole) to allow - passage of the ion beam.
- SENSOR requirements
- High resolution (gtintrinsic IEEM resolution of
400 points on detector diameter) - Fast! For SEE and time-resolved IBICC
applications need gt103 frames/second (Poisson!)
5schematic of axial (?0o) SIRAD IEEM
system(with novel bi-linear sensors)
6IEEM June 2004
axial IEEM chamber (Pisa)
- progetto finito
- chiesti preventivi
- offerte entro luglio
- consegna entro dicembre
3 movimentatori micrometrici (Padova) consegnati
supporto preliminare camera IEEM (Pisa)
Sistema specchio (Pisa)
Vassoio/cassetto per accesso completo
Specchio inclinabile
Sistema specchio (Pisa)
- progetto finito
- chiesto offerte dei pezzi
- assemblaggio a Padova
- entro ottobre
MCP anulare (Padova) In attesa di consegna
oblorientrato per aumentare efficienza ottica!
7IEEM June 2005
ritardo totale 1 anno
- ritardo iniziale (qualche mese) per
aggiornamento del progetto - a valle del finanziamento INFN
- grossi ritardi consegne su items strategici
- MCP anulare consegnato dicembre 2004 (9 mesi
dallacquisto), - camera IEEM consegnato marzo 2005 (8 mesi
dallacquisto) - ? saltato flow chart
- ? nuove interferenze con lavoro su SIRAD
- (presa dati upgrade tra july-sept 2005)
- qualche errore ahimè!
new SIRAD chamber under construction
- NEW axial IEEM
- chamber
- NEW final support
Camera e supporto finale (tasks del 2004)
consegnati (marzo 2005!). Siamo in attesa di
installazione in coordinazione con lavori di
upgrade di SIRAD! N.B. linea SIRAD attualmente in
presa dati.
10IEEM INFN/Padova
CCD camera
working non-axial IEEM with NEW improvements
beam splitter (NEW)
old SIRAD chamber
image intensifier
NEW mirror system!
old PEEM chamber
sub-?m motors
UV lamp
NEW annular MCP!
11Ion electron emission images of a Cu grid NOTE
event rate in field of view 500 Hz
split Image. Individual events resolved in time
reconstructed by charge division using a
semiconductor PSD.
conventional Image by a normal CCD camera
(practically no time resolution)
Bromine 250 MeV
spurious electron emission from back plane
12Sensing Possibilities analog VS digital
- Position Sensitive Devices working on the
principle of charge division - pixel-like detection (e.g. CCD arrays)
- Slow and not so easy to read
- Resolution independent from charge (above
threshold Level) - Insensitive to environmental noise
- Extremely high resolution possible (more than 1M
- Fast and relatively easy to use
- Resolution depends on charge!
- Sensitive to environmental noise!!
13Digital Sensing square array VS two linear arrays
How to continuously read 10002 pixels some 104
times per second?
14IEEM INFN/Padova
bi-linear Digital Sensing status summary
NEW optics
NEW annular MCP and fast-signal electronics
IEEM and NEW mirror system
DAQ and processing board
2 orthogonal linear CCDs (soon NMOS)
Takes less than 30µs to happen (99 is due to
CCD/NMOS reading!)
15IEEM 2006 (continuazione) struttura, FTE, tasks
16IEEM 2006 (continuazione) chiediamo 34 kEuro