Title: Effective Use of Rubrics to Assess Student Learning
1Effective Use of Rubrics to Assess Student
- Marta Colón de Toro, SPHR
- Assessment Coordinator
- College of Business Administration
- University of PR at Mayagüez
- February 2007
2What is a Rubric?
- A scoring tool that lists the criteria or 'what
counts for a piece of work."
Heidi Goodrich - A scoring scale used to assess student
performance along a task-specific set of criteria
- Powerful communication tool
- When shared among constituents it communicates in
concrete and observable terms what we value most. - Provides a means to clarify our vision of
excellence and conveys it to our students - Provides a rationale for assigning grades to
subjectively scored assessments.
4Sharing the rubric with students is vitaland
only fairif we expect them to do their best
possible work.
Think about it!
5Advantages of using rubrics
- For Students
- Help them define "quality
- Promote student awareness of about the criteria
to use in assessing peer performance - Help students judge and revise their own work
before handing in their assignments. - Clearly show the student how their work will be
evaluated and what is expected
- For the Professor
- Allow evaluation and assessment to be more
objective and consistent - Help focus to clarify his/her criteria in
specific terms - Provide useful feedback regarding the
effectiveness of the instruction - Provide benchmarks against which to measure and
document progress
6Types of Rubrics
7Analytic Rubric
- Describes levels of performance for each
criterion to assess student performance on each
of them.
8Analytical Rubric - Research
Levels of Performance Levels of Performance Levels of Performance
Criteria Weight 1 2 3
Number of Sources x1 1-4 5-9 10-12
Historical Accuracy x3 Lots of historical inaccuracies Few inaccuracies No apparent inaccuracies
Organization x1 Can not tell from which source information came Can tell with difficulty where information came from Can easily tell which sources info was drawn from
Bibliography x1 Bibliography contains very little information Bibliography contains most relevant information All relevant information is included
9Holistic Rubric
- Assigns a level of performance by assessing
performance across multiple criteria as a whole. - Does not list separate levels of performance for
each criterion.
10Holistic Rubric - Research
- Rubric
- 3 - Excellent Researcher
- included 10-12 sources
- no apparent historical inaccuracies
- can easily tell which sources information was
drawn from - all relevant information is included
- 2 - Good Researcher
- included 5-9 sources
- few historical inaccuracies
- can tell with difficulty where information came
from - bibliography contains most relevant information
- 1 - Poor Researcher
- included 1-4 sources
- lots of historical inaccuracies
- cannot tell from which source information came
- bibliography contains very little information
11Main Components of Rubrics
- Dimensions, Criteria, Traits, Attributes
- Elements that characterize good performance of a
task - Definitions and Descriptors
- To specify and clarify the meaning of each
dimension - Scale of Values
- Numerical or Qualitative or Combination
- Optional
- Weights
- Value that represents the relative value of each
dimension - Examples or Models
- Qualitative
- May include labels such as
- Not yet, developing, achieving
- Emerging, developing, achieving
- Novice, apprentice, proficient, distinguished
- No evidence, minimal evidence, partial evidence,
complete evidence - Exemplary, Acceptable, Unacceptable
- Quantitative
- Numbers representing
- 1 5
- 5 1
- 1 3
- 3 1
- Actual point value
- May be used to reflect relative weight
- Criteria clearly aligned with the requirements of
the task and the stated goals and objectives. - Criteria should be expressed in terms of
observable behaviors or product characteristics. - Scoring rubrics should be written in specific and
clear language that the students understand.
- The number of points that are used in the scoring
rubric should make sense. - The separation between score levels should be
clear. - The statement of the criteria should be fair and
free from bias.
15Lets try it! Developing a Rubric
- Choose a learning goal or assignment
- Identify at least three (3) critical dimensions
or elements of the task - Design a scale of at least 3 levels
- For each dimension describe behaviors that
represent each level of quality
16Some Home-made Examples
- Rubric for Scoring Project
- Rubric for Peer Evaluation of Group Project
17Rubrics Available Online
- Team work (2)
- Oral Communication skills (2)
- Writing skills (2)
- Leadership
- Critical thinking
- Ethical Considerations (2)
- Global Perspective
- Case Analysis
18Where to Begin
- Identify a learning goal
- Choose outcomes that may be measured with a
rubric - Develop or adopt (and adapt) an existing rubric
- Share it with students
- Assess / Grade
- Analyze and report results
19- Program Level Assessment
- Of Learning Outcomes
- Results
- Results Results
- Classroom-Level Assessment of Learning
20Assessment of Program Learning Goals
- Ethics
- Information Technology Skills
- Teamwork
- We will select a rubric and ask professors to use
it and provide us with the results to conduct
assessment at the program level.
21Some Links of Interest
- http//cnx.org/content/m14059/latest/
- http//faculty.css.edu/dswenson/web/Gradingrubrics
/rubricethics.html - http//www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/d/x/dxm12/n458
/sample_case_rubric.htm - http//faculty.css.edu/dsurges/ASSESSMENT/rubricet
22Some Links of Interest
- http//www.tcnj.edu/set/mw-steps.htm
- http//www.viterbo.edu/personalpages/faculty/WStob
b/WAC20-20Pharm2.htm - http//academic.scranton.edu/department/assessment
/ksom/ - http//academic.scranton.edu/department/assessment
/ksom/Ethical-Considerations-Rubric.pdf (ECR )
23Some Links of Interest
- http//www.winona.edu/AIR/rubrics.htm
- http//www4.nau.edu/assessment/main/degree/plans/B
usinessAdminReport_Nov05.pdf - http//www.sciencenetlinks.com/lessons.cfm?Benchma
rkID6DocID61 - http//csethics.uis.edu/dolce/teachsoft.html
- http//school.discovery.com/schrockguide/assess.ht
24 25You May Contact Us
- Office AE 163
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- Thank you!