Title: Academic Search Premier
1Academic Search Premier
- Reviews in magazines newspapers
2Academic Search Premier
- There are several ways to find reviews
- By the type/topic of the review (book, film, art
exhibition, etc.) - By the name of a well-known critic
- By searching the contents of a specific magazine
- The first few screens show the librarian way
- to search. Following that is the google way.
3Searching by type of review (1)
- Its pretty easy to find book, product or
entertainment (film, tv, theatre, etc) reviews. - Type in the type of review you want
- Select document type
- Book, Entertainment,
- or Product
4Searching by type of review (2)
- You may have to hunt a little more for other
- kinds of reviewsbut its not too bad.
- Type in the type of review you want and the word
review. - Add an asterisk () to review to search for
review, reviews, reviewer, etc. (This is called
5Searching by type of review (3)
- (1)Choose a narrower subject --OR
- (2)Scroll through the articles to find one that
reviews fashion
6Searching by critic
- A couple of ways to search by critic
- Enter critics name as keywords, add word review
to search, and/or limit document type
2. Enter critics name last name first and
change field to author
7Searching by magazine
- To search a specific magazine
- Use the e-journal list to find the magazine
- Choose Academic Search Premier
8Searching by magazine, contd
3. Click on Search within this publication
4. The magazine name is in the first box. Type
your topic and the word review in the next box.
9The Google Way
10The Google Way
- If you have a magazine, a topic and/or a critic,
just type in your keywords and see what happens.
Lots of results 1,172
11The Google Way, contd
Use Subject and Publication lists to get just
movie reviews in Rolling Stone. It looks like a
lotbut really its only 2 clicks. You can even
change the dates.
12The End
Questions? Loretta Rielly, Humanities/Social
Sciences Librarian loretta.rielly_at_oregonstate.edu