- Documentation
- NS 101
- Spring 2005
- Developed by Nancy Hoverman
- Revised by Vickie Beatty 2005
2Content Overview
- Goals of Documentation
- Key Components of Documentation
- Charting Dos and Donts
- Legal Implications
- Types of Nursing Progress Notes
- Narrative
- Soap
- Computer charting
- End of Shift Report
- Patient Discharge Instructions
3(No Transcript)
5Goals of Documentation
- Improve the quality of patient care. (Auditing)
- Ensure documentation of progress with regard to
patient focused outcomes. - Interdisciplinary communication.
- Present an accurate picture of patient throughout
the time of being in the health care system. - Financial Billing
- Research and Education
6Functions of Nurses' Progress Notes
- Facilitating patient care
- Legal documentation
- Evaluation/ Nursing Audit
- Training and supervision
- Reimbursement
- Accreditation -- JACHO
7Key components of nursing documentation
- Assessments A
- Identified patient needs D
- Planned care P
- Revisions of planned care
- Nursing interventions I
- Patient teaching
- Patient outcomes E
8Essential information to chart
- Any behavior changes or changes in consciousness
- Any changes in physical functions
9Essential information to chart
- Any physical sign or symptom that is severe,
recurs or persists, abnormal, increases,
indicates a complication, is not relieved by
prescribed measures, is a known danger signal or
is a sign of faulty health habits.
10Essential information to chart
- Nursing interventions provided
- Visits by physician or other members of the
health team - Any transfer of patient from one area to another
and reason
11Essential information to chart
- Address problems related to the patients
diagnosis and problems identified in the
patients care plan! - Any unexpected change in the patients condition.
12Charting DOs
- Read prior nursing notes
- Be concise
- Document action taken
- Sign each entry
- Be definite
- Have patients name and identifying number on
every sheet
13Charting DOs
- Be accurate and factual
- Use legible writing and correct spelling
- Use only accepted hospital abbreviations
14Charting DOs
- Date and time each entry. Should be consecutive
when possible. If you must make a late entry
(not consecutive), chart the time you are making
the entry and identify it as late entry. - Use nonjudgmental language
153/9/04 1500 D. Late entry for 3/9/04, 1200. Mr. J
had emesis of 250cc coffee ground colored
liquid. BP 100/76,P 90,R 20. Denied any gastric
distress. Instructed not to take any more food
or fluids until his physician was notified. E.
Ancheta, RN-----------------------------
16Charting Dos
- Do not erase, use correction fluid
- Do not write retaliatory or critical comments
- Correct all errors promptly
- Record all facts
- Do not leave blank spaces
- Table 25-1 page 480 Potter and Perry, Legal
Guidelines for Recording
17Charting Dos
- Record all entries legibly and in black ink
- If an order questioned, record that clarification
was sought - Chart only for your self.
- Avoid empty phrases like had a good day
- Begin each entry with time and date and end with
your signature and title - Keep any computer passwords secure
- Potter and Perry, page 480
18Charting DONTs
- Begin charting before checking the name on the
patients chart - Skip lines or space
- Chart in advance
- Wait until the end of the shift to chart
- Erase, obliterate, alter or destroy. Draw a
single line through errors and identify as error
in charting followed by your initials.
19Charting DONTs
- Use medical terms incorrectly
- Backdate, tamper with or add to notes. (Use an
addendum if necessary. See late entry on DOs) - Repeat in your narrative what you have written on
forms in other parts of the chart unless it adds
to clarity or further explanations are needed.
21- 9-6-04 0800 Mr. Jones c/o indigestion and
burning sensation in epigastric area. Skin
warm/dry, color pink, vital signs unchanged.
Given Mylanta 30 ml po. Head of bed elevated 15
degree. ------------------------E. Ancheta, RN -
- 0830 States pain relieved. Lying quietly in
bed. ------------------E. Ancheta, RN -
- Problem
- Intervention
- Evaluation
23- 9-6-04 0800 1 Pain P Pain 5/10 heartburn
in epigastric area. - I Medicated c 30 cc Mylanta and
elevated head of bed to 45
degrees. -E. Ancheta, RN - 0900 E States relief from pain to
2/10----- E. Ancheta, RN
- S ubjective S ubjective S ubjective
- O bjective O bjective O bjective
- A ssessment A ssessment A ssessment
- P lan P lan P lan
- E valuation I ntervention
- E valuation
25- 9-6-04
- 0800 1 Pain S Mr. Jones c/o heartburn, a
dull, burning sensation in upper
abdomen. - O Grimacing, leaning forward and
holding hand against epigastric area. - A Pain R/T reflux gastric
secretions. - P Administer Mylanta 30cc po as
ordered. Head of bed elevated 45
degrees. - -------E. Ancheta, RN
- 0900 1 Pain E States pain relieved to
2/10 level. - ------------------E. Ancheta, RN
26 DART CHARTINGData Action ResponseTeaching
27Elements of Focus Charting
- Focus Subject
- Data Subjective/Objective assessments
- Action What I did
- Response Did it work?
- Teaching Patient Education r/t subject
28- 7-6-04
- 0800 Gastric Distress
- D. Awakened, c/o indigestion and
burning sensation in epigastric area.
Abdomen soft. - Skin warm/dry, color pink, vital
signs unchanged. - A Given Mylanta 30 ml po.
Head of bed elevated 15degrees. - R Reports pain relieved. Lying
quietly in bed. - T. Discussed low acidic food
choices. Handout given. - --E. Ancheta, RN
- A 60 year old diabetic client was admitted due to
a fall in which he bumped his head. Up until this
time all vitals, neuros, etc. were within normal
limits. At 2200 the following was noted Diabetic
flow sheet-Accucheck 300, Neuro Record- PERL,
drowsy, Left hand grasp weaker than right, Health
team record- inappropriate words lethargic
confused, VS-160/90-68-12- 99.2, orally. The
nurse informed the MD of the changes, orders were
received. - Write a focus note based of the above information
30Charting by Exception
31Use of Computers in Documentation
32(No Transcript)
- Enhanced data management and communication
- Enhanced teaching of patient care management
- Enhanced development of protocols
- Increased systematic approach to patient care
34Practical Advantages
- Legibility
- Accuracy
- Timely data
- Rapid communication
- Definite document accountability
- Enhanced patient education
- Reduced medication errors
- Malfunction
- Impersonal effect
- Concern for privacy
- Dissemination of inaccurate information
- Limitation of standard vocabulary
- Cost
- Privacy
36Types of computerized records
- History and assessment
- Care Plan (uses NANDA diagnosis)
- Nursing notes
- Medication sheets
37Verbal Reporting
38End of Shift Report
- Purpose
- Relay information
- Provide continuity of care
- Different ways
- Oral report
- Audiotape recording
- Walking rounds
- Written
- Second hand
39 What to include
- Basic identifying background information Name,
room number, age, medical dx, admission date,
physician (pertinent BCFs) - Description of the patients present condition --
only significant data (assessments) - Significant changes in the patients condition
- Progress in goal achievement for identified
nursing diagnoses (SCD, SCL) - Discharge Plan
40What to include (cont)
- Pertinent results of diagnostic tests or other
therapies performed in the last 24 hours - Significant emotional responses (include family
41What to include (cont)
- Description of invasive lines, pumps, and other
apparatus - Description of important activities that occurred
on your shift (teaching plan) - Description of care the on-coming nurse needs to
do (priority needs
42What Not To Include
- Idle gossip, opinion
- Critical comments about clients behavior
- Details of routine procedures
- Repetitive information
43 At 1215 Mr. Jones has his light on. You enter
his room. His hands are clenched and his muscles
are tense. He tells you he has a dull throbbing
pain in his left foot. He further states when
asked that it does not radiate up his leg. Mr.
Jones diagnosis is cellulitis of the left foot.
His foot is red and swollen but appears the same
as it did when you assessed it at 0700. His toes
are warm to touch his toenails blanch when
pressed and the color returns immediately. You
order a foot cradle for his bed and give him
Darvon 65 mg po. You return to his room at 1245
and place the foot cradle on his bed. He says
his pain is not gone but it is now 3 and you
note that he appears relaxed.
44- 1215 C/O dull throbbing pain in L foot.States
doesnt radiate up leg. Hands clenched and
muscles tense. L foot red and swollen but
unchanged since 0700.Toes warm, toenails blanch
with immediate capillary refill. Medicated with
Darvon.---------P. Brady RN - 1245 Foot cradle placed on bed. States pain
now 3/10 on scale of. --------- P. Brady, RN
45- 1215 1Pain. P Hands clenched. States
dull throbbing pain in left foot.
Doesnt radiate up leg. Foot red and
swollen but unchanged since 0700. Toes
warm to touch, toenails blanch with
immediate capillary refill. - I Medicated for pain. Foot
cradle ordered. P. Brady RN - 1245 1Pain. I Foot cradle placed on bed
- E States pain is now 3/10.
- -----------------P. Brady, RN
46- 1215 Pain D C/O dull throbbing pain in L
foot. Hands clenched, muscles tense.
States pain does not radiate up let. L foot
red and swollen but unchanged since 0700. Toes
warm, toenails blanch, immediate capillary
refill. - A Foot cradle ordered. Medicated
for pain. ------------P. Brady,RN - 1245 Pain A Foot cradle placed on bed.
- R States pain now
3/10 ---------------P. Brady, RN
47- 1215 1Pain S States dull throbbing pain in L
foot that does not radiate up leg. - O Hands clenched, muscles tense. L
foot red, swollen,but appears unchanged since
0700. Toes warm to touch, toenails blanch
with immediate capillary refill. A
Pain related to cellulitis. Condition
changed. - P To medicate with Darvon and place
footboard on bed. - 1245 1Pain E. States pain 3/10. P. Brady, RN
48Charting your assessment
49- Mr. Jones opens eyes when addressed, no
verbal response. Pupils equal, dilated 4 mm,
slight response to light. Hand grasps weak,
slightly stronger on right side. Does not push
with feet when asked. - Breath sounds clear all lobes, diminished on
R side. O2 per nasal cannula _at_ 2 l/min. AP 54,
regular. Peripheral pulses weak but palpable X 4.
- Feet cool to touch, nailbeds pale. Skin warm,
dry, intact without redness or edema. - Bowel sounds present X4, hypoactive. Abdomen
soft. - Foley draining dark yellow urine, mucus strings
in tubing. - D5LR _at_ 125cc/hr in L forearm, area slightly red
and swollen. IV discontinued. To be restarted
in alternate site. Condition remains unchanged
at this time. Will continue current care plan.
---------------P. Brady, RN
50Charting Procedure Summary
- Identify relevant information to record
- Identify where to document
- Do a final check
- Legibility
- Factual
- Completeness
- Accurate
- Correct format
- Organized
- Current with date, time, signature