Title: Light and Heavy Hadrons in Medium
1Light and Heavy Hadrons in Medium
Ralf Rapp Cyclotron Inst. and Physics
Dept. Texas AM
University College Station, USA Frankfurt
am Main, 25.06.04
21.Introduction Towards the Phase Transition
- Description of Chiral Symmetry Restoration /
Decofinement - requires nonperturbative approaches
- Mean-field models (lin. s-model, NJL) capture
many aspects, - but incomplete (limited d.o.f., only mass
note high-density CFL phase (CSC) characterized
by hadronic excitations (p, r, )
1. Introduction 2. Hadrons below Tc 2.1
Light Hadrons Vacuum 2.2 Hadronic Many-Body
Approach u,d Sector - Mesons 0 (p-s), 1
(r-a1) , Baryons D(1232) - Consistency
and Constraints (Nuclei, Lattice, ) -
Towards a Chiral Resonance Scheme -
URHICs 2.3 Charmed Mesons 3. Hadrons at and
above Tc 3.1 Continuity ?! 3.2 Heavy Quarks
Charmonium Regeneration 3.3 Light Quarks
Generalization of Coalescence 4. Conclusions
42.1 Light Hadrons Vacuum
Correlation Function Timelike (q2gt0) Im
Pa(q0,q) ? physical excitations
5(ii) Light Sector in Vacuum II Spacelike
Constituent Quark Mass
Data lattice Bowman etal 02 Curve
Instanton Model Diakonov Petrov 85,
62.2 Hadronic Many-Body ApproachLight Sector
2.2.1 0 Mesons Pion and Sigma 2.2.2 1
Rho and a1(1260) 2.2.3 Chiral Resonance
Scheme 2.2.4 Baryons D(1232) 2.2.5 Comparison
to Lattice 2.2.6 URHICs E.M. Probes and
72.2.1 Pion and Sigma in Medium
N,D p
- finite rN prevalent
- diluted at Tgt0
8(i) r(770)
2.2.2 1 Mesons
Constraints - branching ratios B,M?rN,rp - gN,
gA absorpt., pN?rN - QCD sum rules
9(ii) Vector Mesons at RHIC
baryon effects important even at rB,tot0
sensitive to rBtotrBrB , f more robust ?
10(iii) Current Status of a1(1260)
112.2.3 Towards a Chiral Resonance Scheme
- Options for resonance implementation
- (i) generate dynamically from pion cloud
Lutz et al. 03, - (ii) genuine resonances on quark level
- ? representations of chiral group
DeTarKunihiro 89, - e.g.
Jido etal 00,
p s N
N(1535)- r a1
D N(1520)- N(1900)
D(1700)-(?) D(1920)
Importance of baryon spectroscopy to identify
relevant decay modes!
122.2.4 In-Medium Baryons D(1232)
- ? long history in nuclear physics ! ( pA , gA
) - e.g. nuclear photoabsorption MD, GD up by
20MeV - ? little attention at finite temperature
- ? D-Propagator at finite rB and T van
Hees RR 04
13(i) Check D in Vacuum and in Nuclei
? ok !
14(ii) D(1232) in URHICs
? broadening Bose factor, pD?B ? repulsion
pDN-1, pNN-1
not yet included
152.2.5 Lattice Studies of Medium Effects
Laermann, Karsch 04
calculated on lattice
p more stable than r below Tc?! (but
16Comparison of Hadronic Models to LGT
172.2.6 Observables in URHICs
e e-
- (i) Lepton Pairs
(ii) Photons
baryon density effects!
18(iii) Resonance Spectroscopy I pp- Spectra
Sudden Breakup
Emission Rate
- BroniowskiFlorkowski 03
- r-mass shift -50MeV
- small s contribution
- underestimates r/p
Shuryak Brown 03
19(iv) Resonance Spectroscopy II pp Spectra
D(1232) at RHIC
courtesy P. Fachini
Qualitatively in line with data (DMD8MeV ,
DMD22MeV DGD (4510)MeV
202.3 Charm(onium) below Tc
Dissociation rate
GrandchampRR 03
Reduced DD threshold DmD(Tc)-140MeV (NJL) ?
? J/y robust ? Y fragile direct Y?
DD decays
213. Hadrons at and Above Tc
3.1 Continuity ?! 3.2 Charmonium in QGP 3.3
Light Hadrons in QGP
223.1 Continuity?!
Light Hadron Masses
Shuryak, Zahed, Brown 04
233.2 Charmonium in QGP
DyM2-my2-Sy-1 , myconst (QCD-SR, LGT)
gluo-dissociation, inefficient for my 2
mc quasifree diss. GrandchampRR 01
24Charmonia in URHICs
Grandchamp RR 03
253.3 Light Hadrons in QGP
- Resonance matter at 1-2Tc?! - EoS can be ok
ShuryakZahed04 - assess formation rates from inelastic reactions
- (as in charmonium case) qq ? pX , etc.
- solve (coupled) rate equations
- accounts for energy conservation, no sudden
approximation - ? p-formation more reliable
- To be resolved
- quark masses are not constituent
- role of gluons? (not really heavier than
quarks) ,
264. Conclusions
- Hadronic Many-Body Theory can provide
- - valuable insights into hadron properties in
medium - - understanding of observables in nuclear
- The physics is often in the width (exception
e.g. s)
- many spectral properties appear to vary
smoothly - connections to phase transition to be
established - need nonperturbative
symmetry-conserving approach, e.g.
selfconsistent F-derivable thermodyn. potential
27 284.3 Charm I Open Charm (Central A-A)
- (i) Yields
- RHIC -30 for h0?2 CGC Tuchin,
Color-Dipole Raufeisen - LHC CGC Npart nonlin. DGLAP enhanced!
- (ii) pT-Spectra
- dE/dx Null Effect?! Djordjevic
v2(e) Thermalization?!
293.4 Hydro vs. Coalescence The 2-6GeV Regime
v2 mass-dependent But p/p(4GeV)0.3
PHENIX 10.15
Challenges p/p1 jet correlation , f
elliptic flow
30Direct Photons at SPS and RHIC
Turbide etal
- pQCD Cronin p0
- ? T0205MeV sufficient
- new WA98 points
- pp-Bremsstr. via soft s ?
- large pre-equilibrium yield
- from parton cascade (no LPM)
- thermal yields consistent
- QGP undersaturation small effect
314.3 Charm II Charmonium
- RHIC central Ncc10-20,
- QCD lattice J/ys to 2Tc
Regeneration in QGP / at Tc J/y g c
c X
PBM etal, Thews etal