Title: Extension Leadership Councils A Partner in Extension Education
1Extension Leadership CouncilsA Partner in
Extension Education
Barbara A. Board Extension Specialist, Program
and Leadership Development 231 Smyth Hall VA
Tech Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 (540)-231-9442 boa
2Todays Discussion
- Local Extension Leadership Councils (ELCs)
- Virginia Cooperative Extension Leadership Council
(State ELC) - Mission/Role-Both
- Activities of BothPast 3 Years
- Lessons Learned
3A Discussion About Extension Leadership Councils
in Virginia
- Begins.
- with the Mission
- of
- Virginia Cooperative Extension
4Virginia Cooperative ExtensionMission
- Virginia Cooperative Extension enables people to
improve their lives through an educational
process that uses scientific knowledge focused
on issues and needs.
5The Partnership Is.
- defined and determined by
- the educational process
- of
- Virginia Cooperative Extension
6Virginia Cooperative Extension(VCE)Educational
Programming Process
7Local Extension Leadership Councils(ELCs)
8Extension Leadership Council (ELC)Mission/Vision
- Develop and implement a program plan directing
VCEs resources towards a resolution of
identified issues and concerns - Volunteer and staff members are equal partners
- ELC members assume major, equal, or secondary
responsibilities for identifying needs,
implementing solutions, and evaluating and
reporting results - Assume a role in the review, renewal, and/or
termination of existing programs - Advocate locally, privately, statewide, and
federally for funds, staff, and other resources
9Roles and Function of an ELC
- Identify community problems, concerns, and issues
- Assess current Extension programs
- Identify other possible opportunities for
cooperation and collaboration - Design and implement program plan
- Monitor and adjust program efforts
- Report results
- Advocate for Extension and its programs
- Membership of Local ELC
- Represent the Communitys Diversity
- Users Non-Users
- Represent Local Extension Programs-
- Agriculture, 4-H, Family Consumer Science
- Represent Local Community Agencies,
Organizations, Businesses, Governmental
11Role of Extension Educator
- Convener and Facilitator/Leader/Coach/Trainer of
the Process/Involvement - Serve as a Content Expert
- Partner in the Extension Educational Process
- Educator/Teacher of the Educational Experience
- Equal Member of the ELC
- Steward of Extensions Mission/Parameters/
12VCE Programming Process
- Facilitates ELC Involvement
- Includes steps in how to id needs, determines
solutions, implement actions, evaluate, and
report results - All of which...A Map for Joint
- Decision-Making
- Tasks Identification
- Role Assignments
- Action Implementation
13Indicators of Quality for Local ELCs
- Universal guide for ELC work
- Reflects ELCs mission/vision
- Reflects involvement throughout the VCE
programming process - Assists in ELC Organization
- Assists w/ELC involvement in Extension
Programming - Assists with ELCs role in Marketing and
Development needs of Extension and its programs
14How are local ELCs operating?
- They have officers with determined terms
- 60 percent met four times a year
- Program interest is distributed among program
leadership committees - ? Operational guidelines determine ELCs
15What are local ELCs doing?
Situation Analysis ? Interpreting Statistical
Information ? Planning Implementing Focus
Groups ? Conducting Key Informant Interviews ?
Conducting Community Issues Forums ? Helping to
Determine Program Directions, Goals
Design Implementation ?Teaching Educational
Experiences-- master gardeners, financial
management counselors, 4-H volunteers, etc. ?
Securing Resourceshuman, monetary, facilities ?
Marketing Programsfarm/family events,
developing marketing resources, ? Recognizing
Volunteers Supporters
16What are local ELCs doing?
- Evaluation and Reporting
- Hosting Legislative Events-- breakfasts,
luncheons, etc. - Meeting Face-to-Face with Legislators to Discuss
Program Impacts - Speaking at Public Hearings-- budget, etc.
- Preparing and Distributing Annual Reports of
Local Program Impacts
17Training and Development for Local ELCs
- State Conference
- FocusImportant of the Community
- Partnerships to Extension and Land-grant
System - District, Regional, Local Trainings
- Focus Roles and Function of ELCs
- District Training
- Focus Building Programs Collaboratively,
How to Run Effective Meetings,
Facilitation, Group Dynamics -
18Virginia Cooperative Extension Leadership
Council(State ELC)
19(No Transcript)
20Volunteer Membership Virginia Cooperative
Extension Leadership Council
? Represent 22 Planning Districts ? Nominated
by Counties/Cities ? Serve 3-Year Terms ?
Eligible to Serve Two Terms ? Represent, Local
ELCs, Program Volunteers, Relevant Industries,
Organizations, and Agencies Also
Representatives of the State Program Councils
are appointed by their respective councils
21Extension/University MembershipVirginia
Cooperative Extension Leadership Council
- VCE Director
- VCE Administrator
- Assistant to the Director
- VCE Associate Directors, Programs
- VCE Associate Director, Admin/Support
- 6 District Directors
- Related College Deans at VA Tech
- Government Relations Officer--VA Tech
- Directors of Agriculture Research--VA Tech, VA
State - Extension Specialist, Program and Leadership
22VA Cooperative Extension Leadership Council
- Works on Behalf of the Organization
- Meets 4 times a year
- Communicates between meetings electronically
23What has the State ELC done?
- Collaborated in the Planning/Implementation of
State, District, Regional Training for Local
ELCs - Developed Set of Indicators of Quality for State
ELC - Provided Collaborative Leadership for the
Development of Indicators of Quality for Local
ELCs - Spoke at State Budget Hearings
- Visited State and Federal Legislators
- Hosted Congressional Events
- Served as Communication Link for Local ELCs
- Participated in Functions with Local ELCS
- Collaborated in the Development of VCE Marketing
Initiatives - Provided Counsel to VCE Administration on
Organizational Issues/Interest -
24What We Have Learned from the ELC Partnership?
- ELC development takes time
- ELC development needs focused attention
- ELC involvement requires knowledgeable, skilled
leadership - Ownership and involvement must be nurtured
- Periodic, consistent contact is needed
- A clear sense of direction is needed
- A plan of action is needed
- Individuals need to feel valued