Title: Plant Booklet
1Plant Booklet Make a cover out of construction
paper to include your correct heading, a name for
your booklet, and a visual. Use computer paper
inside to fill in the correct information. One
side only. Use chapter 12 Introduction to Plants
p. 300 Page 1- Identify and describe the four
characteristics of plants. Draw, label, and color
Figure 2 p 301 Page 2- Identify and describe
vascular and nonvascular plants Draw, label, and
color Figure 3 p 302 Page 3- List and describe
the three types of nonvascular plants. List and
describe the three types of vascular
plants. Include a visual of one of the two
visuals- Figure 1 p 304 or Figure 3 p 306
2Page 4- Describe three ways seedless plants
differ from seed plants. Draw, describe, and
color Figure 2 p 309 List the major
characteristics of gymnosperms. Include four
examples (Use figure 3 for this answer.) Page 5-
Define pollen and pollination What are the
characteristics of angiosperms? Explain the two
types by drawing Figure 6 p 312. Color and
describe your drawing Page 6- List three
functions of roots and three functions of
stems. Draw, label, and color Figure 4 on p 316
and Figure 5 p 317. Do a Venn diagram to compare
the two types of stems. Page 7- Draw, label, and
color Figure 7 p 318 on the structure of a
leaf Page 8- Draw, label, and color Figure 9 p
320 on the structure of a flower. Define stamen,
pistil, and ovary