Title: Micro Hydro Power in WNC
1Micro Hydro Power in WNC
Oct 27, 2007Andrews, NC
2Hydro, Driven by Solar Power
3Existing hydroelectric plants (yellow) and
potential high head/low power energy sites
(orange) in the conterminous United States.
Purple represents areas excluded from hydropower
development due to Federal statutes and policies.
Source Water Energy Resources of the United
States with Emphasis on Low Head/Low Power
Resources (p. 47), U.S. Department of Energy
4Hydro power in USA, Canada and the World
US Supply
5Most of that global hydro power is produced by
large-scale hydroelectric plants
6Today, we will be talking about microhydro
- Small in scale
- Minimum environmental impact
- Site specific you must have the resource
- Affordable.
- Consistent Produces continuously, 24/7
7- We dont need a river, just some falling water
8Types of Systems
Turbines can be of many forms. Listed are a few
of the major types.
9Pelton and TurgoImpulse jet of water
10Banki and Crossflow Impulse sheet of water
Reaction Turbines Submerged in the flow driven
by the pressure differential
12Turbines are turned by water. That turning
motion drives a generator which produced
13You need two things to make powerHead and Flow
14Power Estimates
15Gross Power Calculations
Power output is proportional to the combination
of head and flow
- Power (watts) Head (ft) Flow (GPM)
- 10
The equation assumes a turbine efficiency of 53.
Actual efficiency varies with conditions.
- Turtle Island
- Mollies Branch
17Turtle Island
- Stream flow 300 GPM
- (1/2 of flow is 150 GPM)
- Total Head is 140 feet
- Gross Power Estimate
- (140 ft 150 GPM)/10 2100 W
18Mollies Branch
- Mollies Branch has a flow of 300 GPM
- (1/2 of flow is 150 GPM)
- Total Head is 110 feet
- Gross Power Estimate
- (110 ft 150 GPM)/10 1650 W
19Why is this gross power?
- These are not accurate calculations because we
used the gross or static head instead of the net
or dynamic head. - A more accurate power calculation is made after
calculating pipe friction losses. - Stay tuned................
20...or Charts from Manufacturer
21Measuring Head
22Measuring Head
- 5 stick with carpenters level
- Sight level
- Water level
- Pipe with pressure gauge
- GPS Unit
- Transit
- Topo map
- Altimeter
23Measuring Head
- 5 stick with level (3 people)
24Measuring Head
Eye level
25- Remember, you dont have to follow the creek.
26Measuring Head
- Water level and measuring tape (2 people)
Water level
27Measuring Head
- Transit
- Most accurate if you have the equipment
28Measuring Head
- Pipe with pressure gauge at the bottom
- Could use garden hose(s)
- 2.31 feet 1 psi
- This gauge reads 38 psi
- 38 psi x 2.31 feet/psi 88 ft of static head
29Measuring Head
- GPS, altimeter, topo map
- Difference in elevation readings
30Measuring Flow
31Measuring Flow
- Units
- GPM gallons per minute
- CFM cubic feet per minute
- CFS cubic feet per second
- How much to use?
- Dont take the whole creek!
- Use minimum flow
- Avoid taking more than ½ of the flow
- Water temp could be effected!!!
- Let the ecosystem thrive
32Methods of Flow Assessment
- 5-gallon bucket
- Small stream, small waterfall
- Float method
- Larger, flat, uniform stream
- V-notch Weir
- Rectangular Weir
- Make several measurements to assess seasonal
335 gallon bucket
345 gallon bucket
- If the measured flow using a 5 gallon bucket and
a stop watch was 5 gallons in 1.5 seconds, how
many GPM would this be?
355 gallon bucket
- If the measured flow using a 5 gallon bucket and
a stop watch was 5 gallons in 1.5 seconds, how
many GPM would this be?
36Float method
37Float method
- Flow (ft3/s) Velocity (ft/s) x Cross Sectional
Area (ft2)
38Float method
- Calculate the average depth
Lay a board across the stream, measure the depth
every foot, average the depths
39Float method
- Calculate the cross sectional area
Area (ft2) Average depth (ft) x Width (ft)
40Float method
Measure where you measured the area, an orange
makes a good float, start well upstream, a 10
span is good, average multiple measurements
41Float method
- Correct for Friction
- Flow (ft3/s) Velocity (ft/s) x Cross Sectional
Area (ft3) x .83 - Multiply x 0.83 to correct for friction on the
bottom of the stream
42Float Method
- So, if these guys measure this 3 wide stream and
get an average depth of 8 and it takes an orange
an average 5 seconds to go 10 feet, what is the
flow in GPM?
- Area 3 x 8 x (1/12) 2 ft2
- Velocity 10 ft/5 s 2 ft/s
- Flow 2 ft2 x 2 ft/ s 4 ft3/s
- 4 ft3/s x 7.48 gal/1 ft3 x 60s/1 min 1795 gpm
- Correct for friction, 1795 gpm x .83 1490 gpm
43Weir Method
- For larger flows or more accurate measurements
- Small
- V-notch
- Larger
- Rectangular
- All you needs is depth and the table
44V-notch Weir
45Rectangular Weir
46the pipe
47The IntakeDiverting clean water into the penstock
Steam Flow
The intakes jobFilter and Settle
Start of Penstock
Build it eitherSimple and easy to
48The IntakeDiverting clean water into the penstock
Steam Flow
A dirty creek may need more settling time
Start of Penstock
A full pipe delivering clean water to the turbine
50Pipe can be a Considerable Costup to 40
51Factors to Consider Penstock
- surface roughness
- design pressure
- method of jointing
- weight and ease of installation
- accessibility of the site
- terrain
- design life and maintenance
- weather conditions
- availability
- relative cost
- likelihood of structural damage
52Burying Pipe
- Burying a pipe line removes the biggest eyesore
of a hydro scheme. - It is vital to ensure a buried penstock is
properly and meticulously installed - subsequent problems such as leaks are much harder
to detect and rectify.
53Penstock Support SystemPVC likes to stay
straightHDPE can follow the contour of the ground
54Pipe Friction Losses
- Must use charts to calculate head loss due to
pipe friction - Flow varies with D3
- 4 pipe can flow 8x more water than 2 pipe
55Lets do an example
- Turtle Island
- 140 ft static head
- Pipe 3 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene)
- What is friction loss for 1300 pipe for a flow
of 100 GPM? - What is the dynamic or net head?
56Lets do an example
57Lets do an example
- Turtle Island
- 140 ft head
- 3 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene)
- What is friction loss for 1300 pipe for a flow
of 100 GPM? - What is the dynamic head?
- Chart says well lose 2.42 of head per 100 of
pipe. - We have 13 x 100 of pipe, so 13 x 2.42 31.5
of total head loss - Dynamic or net head 140 31.5 108.5
- The flowrate from the penstock is controlled by
properly sizing the nozzle(s) at the turbine.
- What size nozzles and how many would you
recommend if one wants to use about ½ of a stream
with 300 GPM of measured flow with 100 ft of head
(pelton wheel)?
300 gpm/2 150 gpm usable flow 150 gpm/4 37.5
gpm per nozzle
(4) 7/16 nozzles should do it
63Micro Turbines
64Harris Hydro
- Efficient, durable, battery charging pelton
turbine with an adjustable permanent magnet
generator. - 20-600 feet of head
- 2-250 GPM of flow
- 1 nozzle 1800
- 2 nozzle 1950
- 4 nozzle 2150
- 707-986-7771
- delejo_at_humboldt.net
65Energy Systems Design
- Stream Engine
- Brushless, permanent magnet alternator which is
adjustable - Capable of outputs over 1 kilowatt
- Heads from 6 to 300 feet.
- Equipped with a rugged bronze turgo wheel,
universal nozzles (adaptable to sizing from 1/8
to1 inch), and a digital multimeter which is used
to measure output current. - www.microhydropower.com
- 2 Nozzle Bronze 2395
- 4 Nozzle Bronze 2545
- High Voltage Option 200
- High Current Option 100
66Energy Systems Design
- Low Head Propeller Turbine
- Uses the same generator as the Stream Engine,
however the water turbine component uses a low
head propeller design. - heads of 2 feet up to 10 feet.
- At the maximum head, the output is 1 kW.
- www.microhydropower.com
- Water Baby
- Operates much the same as the Stream Engine but
requires very little water (pelton wheel) - Will operate on as little as 3 gpm but requires
at least 100 feet of head. - At a head of 100 feet and a flow of 3 gpm the
output is 25 watts at 24 gpm the output is 250
67Hydro Induction Power
- Good for long wire runs, 60' - 500' head, 10 -
600 gpm - The units produce 3-Phase 120V, 240V, or 480V
'wild' (unregulated) AC, which is then stepped
down to battery voltage. - The heavy-duty brushless alternator is housed on
the Harris Housing - Uses the Harris bronze Pelton Wheel for flows up
to 200 gpm and the bronze Turgo Runner for flows
of 200 to 600 gpm. - www.hipowerhydro.com
- HV 600 with 2 Nozzles 2500
- HV 600 with 4 Nozzles 2600
- HV 1200 with 4 Nozzles 3000
- HV 1800 with 4 Nozzles 3500
- HV 3600 with 4 Nozzles 5000
- Turgo option 600
68Hydro Induction Power
- Now offer a new LOW VOLTAGE (12V/24V), brushless
unit (48V coming in 2006). - It can generate either 12V or 24V with pressures
from 20psi to 150psi (46' - 400'). Above this
pressure, it will generate 48V. - Lots of accessories
- www.homehydro.com
- 12/24V Hydro with 1 Nozzle 1350
- 12/24V Hydro with 2 Nozzles1400
- 12/24V Hydro with 3 Nozzles1450
- 12/24V Hydro with 4 Nozzles1500
- Upgrade from Harris Hydro 500
- Turgo option 600
- Low head model
- A simple AC single-phase, brushless permanent
magnet alternator is attached to a propeller
turbine. - Electricity passes along a wire and into a house,
where an electronic load controller stabilizes
the voltage to 110V or 220V to protect electrical
appliances during use. - Many models available (see chart, next slide)
- www.powerpal.com
The 200 watt unit needs 550 gallons per minute
- High head model
- The Same AC single-phase, brushless PMt
alternator that is used for the Low Head Series
is used here and attached to a Turgo Turbine. - Also comes with an electronic load controller
(ELC) - www.powerpal.com
71Canyon Hydro
100 KW Canyon Crossflow
Great Resource
72Alternative Power Machine
- Economy models
- Permanent magnet units
- Accessories
- Exercise Bicycle Type Battery Chargers, etc.
- Niche Ease of maintenance and adjustment
- www.apmhydro.com
73Make your own
www.ampair.com....its a wind and hydro turbine
The Jack Rabbit, just drop it into the
river 1295
75Turbine Housing
Many options. Main point allow the water to fall
away from the turbine runner and not bounce back
onto the runner and to divert the water back to
the stream.
76BOS.Balance of System
77What is the BOS?
- DC only system (small cabin)
- Charge controller
- Batteries
- Conventional AC system (house)
- Charge controller
- Batteries
- Inverter
78ie. Xantrex C Series Charge Controller
- 12, 24, 48 VDC
- automatically directs extra power to a dedicated
load such as an electric water heater and ensures
batteries are never over-charged.
Model is rated DC current
79Diversion Load, aka Dump Load
- Usually a resistive load like a heater
- At least as large as the full turbine output and
within the current limit of the charge controller - Small hydro system small amounts of heat
- Use waste heat for water heating, air heating
- Usually not enough heat for domestic use (1kW
3412 BTU)
Head lights as dump load for wind turbine
80Outback Inverters
81Xantrex Inverters
82Batteryless Grid-Tie Options
- Systems available for PV and wind
- Still a special system for Microhydro
- Contact Hydro Induction Power
- www.hipowerhydro.com
83AC Systems
- Larger systems can be AC, no battery
- If the continuous output of a system is high
enough to meet your needs for surging capacity,
no battery/inverter subsystem is required, and AC
can be generated directly.
84- Storing Renewable Energy Batteries
- Chemical engines used to push electrons around
85Battery Bank Sizing
- A battery based alternative energy system will
not be effective if it is not sized correctly
86Battery Bank Sizing
- Battery storage for PV and Wind systems typically
require 3 or more days of battery storage - Hydro systems run all the time
- Batteries in a hydro system typically need to
store energy for less than a day - Often, the battery is sized to provide sufficient
current to the inverter rather than an amount of
87Life Expectancy and cost
- At least 5 years
- Often over 10 years or 1500 deep cycles
- Shipping is expensive
- Cost is about 200 per 6V battery
88Rest Voltage vs. State of Charge
- Measures density of liquid with
- respect to water
- The electrolyte has greater specific gravity at
greater states of charge - Careful opening cells, contamination of the
electrolyte solution is possible
- Batteries get sluggish at cold temperatures
- Usable capacity drops radically below 40 F
- Self Discharge happens rapidly above 120 F
- Keep them between 55 F 100 F
91Rates of Charge and Discharge
- Recommended rates are C/10 C/20
- Using a C/5 rate will cause much more electrical
energy to be loss as heat - This heat can damage battery plates
- Example
- 440 Ampere-hour battery
- How many amps added for a C/10
- How many amps added for a C/20
92Equalizing Charge
- After time individual cells vary in their state
of charge - If difference is greater than .05 volts
equalize - Controlled overcharge at C/20 rate for 7 hours
93Battery Care
- Dont discharge beyond 80
- C/10 C/20 rate
- Keep batteries at room temperature
- Use distilled water
- Size batteries properly
- Equalize every few months
- Keep batteries and connections clean
94Connecting Cells
- Amperage and voltage in battery can be increased
by arranging the cells in two ways - Series
- One path for electrons to follow
- Connect to
- Increases voltage
- Parallel
- Multiple paths for electrons to follow
- Connect ( to ) and (- to -)
- Increases amperage
95 96Wire Sizing for DC Applications
- Voltage drop is caused by a conductors electrical
resistance - This voltage drop can be used to calculate power
97VDI Voltage drop Index
- Easier method for determining wire size
- What you need to know
- Amps (Watts/volts)
- Feet (one-way distance)
- Acceptable volt drop
- Voltage
98How to Use Formula and Chart
- Example 1 KW, 24 volt system, 50 feet, 3 drop
- Amps 1000 watts/ 24 volts 41.67 amps
- VDI 41.67 amps 50 feet 28.9
- 3 24 volts
99VDI Chart
24V VDI 28.9 2 AWG wire Thats pretty big
wire What if we make it a 48 volt system?
100How to Use Formula and Chart
- Example 1 KW, 48 volt system, 50 feet, 3 drop
- Amps 1000 watts/ 48 volts 20.8 amps
- VDI 20.8 amps 50 feet 7.23
- 3 48 volts
101VDI Chart
48V VDI 7.2 8 AWG wire Thats better
(smaller, less , same losses).
102 103Hydro Load Assessment
- How do you know how much energy you need?
- Electric bill
- Average US household uses 850 kWhrs/month 28
kWhrs/day - Also need capacity what is the largest load to
run? - Do a load assessment!!
104Load Assessment
- A house on RE must use less electricity
- Use less energy! produce the Negawatt!
- Efficient appliances
- CF lighting
- Newer models (EnergyStar)
- Divert heating loads to solar, gas, etc
105Load Assessment
- Youll need for each appliance
- Power consumption
- In Watts
- Rating will be stamped on appliance
- Number of hours/day appliance is on
- Simple example a 15 W CF bulb is on for an
average of 5 hrs/day - day (15 W)(5 hrs/day) 75 Whrs/day
- month (75 Whrs/day)(30 days) 2,250 Whrs
- 2.25 kWhrs
106- Incentives and Regulations
107NC Renewable Energy Tax Credits
- 35 for all technologies
- Can take tax credit over 5 years
- No more than half of tax liability
- No refund based on tax credit
Credit Limits 1,400 residential solar domestic
hot water 3,500 residential active space
heating, combined solar hot water and space
heating, passive space heating 10,500
residential biomass, wind, hydroelectric and
photovoltaic or solar thermal electric
108NC GreenPower Program
- To improve the quality of the environment by
encouraging the development of renewable energy
resources through consumers voluntary purchase
of green power.
- Premium paid if approved by the Low Impact
Hydropower Institute (LIHI)
109Other State Incentives
The US Army Corps of Engineers has jurisdiction
over virtually all waterways in the United
States. Any discharge of dredged or fill material
into all waters of the United States, which
includes rearranging rocks within a streambed,
would require notification of the Corps per
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Contact the
local Army Corps of Engineers office about your
proposed project beforeyou begin construction.
They will help decide whether or not a permit is
111Local Installers
112Wrap up Site Assessment
- Head
- Flow
- Pipe Length
- Wire Run
- Goals
113Micro Hydro Power in WNC