Title: Split Fronts and Cold Fronts Aloft
1Split Fronts andCold Fronts Aloft
- Steven Koch
- North Carolina State University
COMAP 99 Monday, 9 August 1999
- The causes for prefrontal squall lines have
been mysteries to meteorologists - Holzman (1936) and Lichtblau (1936)most
significant winter precipitation events in the
Midwest are associated with cold fronts aloft
3- Crawford (1950) no prefrontal instability lines
of any importance over the southeastern states
exist without a warm tongue at 850 mb and strong
cold advection at 700 mb - Newton (1950) reputed the notion that the
prefrontal squall line is a result of a cold
front aloft on the basis of lack of evidence.
This view received widespread acceptance for the
next 35 years despite mounting evidence to the
4- Browning (1985) suggested that many squall lines
in the United Kingdom and the Midwest U.S. might
be associated with split fronts - Locatelli et al. (1989) observed a Cold Front
Aloft (CFA) rainband to develop in the lee of the
Rocky Mountains and move eastward to the Atlantic
5Useful Criteria for Labeling a Feature a
CFA(Hobbs et al. 1990)
- A broad mid-level cloud band in satellite
imagery found at least 200 km ahead of and nearly
parallel to surface cold front - Pronounced dry/wet bulb temperature gradient
(cold advection) in the mid-troposphere
associated with the band - Forecast vertical velocity field shows strong
upward motion feature along mid-tropospheric
temperature gradient - Main precipitation band is well ahead of the
surface front
6Useful Criteria for Labeling a Feature a
CFA(Hobbs et al. 1990)
- Vertical cross section of ?e and horizontal winds
indicates pronounced backing in association with
?e gradient - Geostrophic wind along the suspected CFA has a
concentrated region of vertical and lateral shear
revealed by the field of absolute momentum - Zero isodop in the radial velocity display from
WSR-88D shows mid-level backward S pattern
above a low-level S
7Absolute Momentum Gradients
- Cold fronts are characterized by
- Hyperbaroclinicity
- Strong static stability
- Large absolute vorticity
ug geostrophic wind along the front
y cross-front direction
Under semi-geostrophic balance, the following
product isolates the presence of a front, since
it is the product of the cross-front temperature
gradient and the absolute geostrophic vorticity
8- Hobbs et al. (1990, 1996) and Locatelli et al.
(1995) - The Cold Frontogenesis Aloft (CFA) Model
- Rocky Mountains block eastward progress of cold
air at low levels and destroy thermal contrast
due to strong sensible heating. Cold air
continues to advance at mid levels ahead of
surface trough. - A thermally direct vertical circulation results
from - quasi-geostrophic frontogenesis
- ageostrophic isallobaric forcing at low levels
due to the changing pressure gradient caused by
cold advection aloft - The midlevel zone of frontogenesis well ahead of
surface trough is shown to be capable of
triggering prefrontal squall lines
9Variants on the CFA Theme
- When the surface pressure trough takes the form
of an occluded warm front, the situation reduces
to the warm occlusion model of Bjerknes and
Solberg (1922).
10Variants on the CFA Theme
- When the surface pressure trough takes the form
of a cold front with a line of maximum ?e running
from the surface front to the base of the front
aloftThe split cold front model of Browning and
Monk (1982).
11- Koch and Moore (1998) Split front triggered
convective band over cold air damming region in
southeastern U.S. Event analyzed with mesoscale
model and WSR-88D suggests the following stepwise
procedure for real-time detection of split fronts
and CFAs - Model fields suggested by Hobbs et al. (1990)
model cross sections of ageostrophic transverse
circulation and horizontal winds - Radial velocity zero isodop signature of
cold-over-warm advection vertical cross
sectional analysis of reflectivity and radial
winds - VAD and 88D hodograph backing-over-veering
behavior - VAD thermal retrievals for quantifying CFA cold
12Temperature Gradient Equation
- Term 1 Vertical wind shear
- Term 2 Curvature effect
- Term 3 Vertically differentiable curvature
effect - Term 4 Vertically differentiable acceleration
Assuming geostrophic wind shear, only Term 1
remains. V??T is then the VAD-derived
temperature advection.
13For more information and for discussion of the 19
Dec 95 split front case with thermal retrievals
- http//courses.ncsu.edu/classes-a/
- mea/mea715_info/CFA_Tutorial.htm
14The End