Title: Online Business Networking What, Why, Where and How.
1Online Business NetworkingWhat, Why, Where and
Prepared by Hendrik Deckers Close Partners
October 2004
- Questions
- What is networking?
- Why do you network?
- Where do you network?
- What do you get out?
- Theory
- Friends, Acquaintances Contacts
- The Value of your Network
- Six degrees of Separation
- Proactive Networking
- Online Business Networks
- Online Business Directories
- Relationship Management Tools
- SOCIAL business Communities
- Social BUSINESS Communities
- Conclusions
- The Importance of Online Business Networks
- Top Ten Online Business Networking Tips
- The beauty of online business networks
3What is Networking?
- Networking is the systematic process of meeting
people, learning about them, and establishing
relationships so that all parties establish and
expand a base of resources to support their
endeavors. (John Hoppe, President, Independence
Capital Company) - The guiding principle of networking is to give
first and receive second. Experienced networkers
have an abundance mentality, looking to help
others on every occasion. (Will Kintish at
www.kintish.co.uk )
4Why do you Network?
- Getting a job
- Pay and promotion
- Influence and effectiveness
- Venture capital and financing
- Organizational learning
- Word-of-mouth marketing
- Strategic alliances
- Financial stability
- Democracy
- Sandler Sales Institute Study
- Cold calls are successful 1 of the time
- Word of mouth is successful 15
- Referral goes up to 50
- Referral plus the person who made the referral
either participate on the sales call or attends
the meeting the success rate goes up to 80
5Where do you Network?
- Service Clubs e.g. Rotary, Lions, JCI, ..
- Sport Clubs e.g. Tennis, Sailing, Golf, ..
- Hobbies e.g. Cars, Cultural, ..
- Study e.g. University, MBA, Alumni, ..
- Professional Organisations Stichting Marketing,
VBO, UNIZO, .. - Social Events e.g. Family, Neighbours, Friends,
- Intra-Company e.g. Water Cooler, Incentives,
6What of your Business comes from Networking?
- Many entrepreneurs and business people generate
80 or more of their business through
Networking!! - Most information is available to everybody,
everywhere - Business isnt what you know, its who you know,
so networking is your business
7Friends, Acquaintances Contacts
- Most people have
- 2 or 3 Friends Friends are people that are
always there when you need them, whatever happens
- 200 to 300 AcquaintancesAcquaintances are people
that you can call upon for support, information
or knowledge - 2000 to 3000 ContactsContacts are people that
you have spoken, met or emailed, but cannot
directly call upon for support, information or
knowledge - Your Friends Acquaintances are your Network
8The Value of your Network
- N The Number of people in your network Reach
more people with less effort. - R Their Relevance to your professional goals Do
more with less effort by knowing the right
people. - S The Strength of your relationships with
them Learn how to build trust and friendship
online. - C Your Credibility with the people in your
network It doesn't matter who you know if they
don't believe you. - D The Diversity of your network Diversify your
portfolio of people just as you do your
finances. - Network Valuation Formula
- and Time Number x Strength
- (Scott Allen David Teten)
9The Six Degrees of Seperation
- Lets make it simple and take 250 is the average
size of anyones network - Your 1st Degree Network 250 people
- Your 2nd Degree Network 250 x 250 62.500
- Your 3th Degree Network 250 x 62.500
15.625.000 - Your 4th Degree Network 250 x 15.625.000
10Proactive Networking
- Successful Business People Proactive
Networkers. - How do they work?
- 1. Manage your networkMap it out, keep it up to
date, keep it alive - 2. Search your targetsWho do you need? Who can
introduce? What do I have to offer? - 3. Build a relationshipGive without
remembering, receive without forgetting Eliza
beth Asquith Bibesco (1897- 1945) - How can we improve this Process?
11Online Business Networks
- Online Business Networks Internet business
dating - How does it work?
- 1. Manage your networkBuild you online profile,
invite your network, build online clubs, share
information. - 2. Search your targetsUse the search engines,
find the shortest path, be open for random
contacts - 3. Build a relationshipSend messages, have a
clear offer, follow-up off-line - What Networks are available?
12The (very) Long List
- 13stripes - Affinity Engines - Amigos.com - AOL
People and Chat Directory - AsiaFriendFinder -
Backwash - bianca - Bolt - BuddyPic.com -
BuddyBridge - BuddyZoo - Building an Online
Community Just Add Water - Bumi-n City - Buzznet
- Classmates.com - CNN Interactive Communities -
CommunityZero - Company of Friends - The Conneck
- Contact Network - Corporate Alumni -
CouchSurfing - CPixel.com - Cybertown -
del.icio.us - Dogster - domeus -
dudecheckthisout.com - easeek - Ecademy -
eConozco - EdGateway Communities -
Edgeofeverything - eFriendsnet - 8minuteDating -
Eliyon - enCentra - EnterNexus - EntreMate -
Eurekster!, - Everything2 - everyonesconnected.com
- eyebees - FaceParty - Findapix -
FollowMrsPoon.com - FriendFan.com FriendFinder
Friendifieds Friendity - Friend Surfer -
friendsreunited.com - Friendster - Friendzy -
Full Moon Webs - FunHi - firsttuesday.com -
GoingProfessional - Groups_at_AOL - Growth Company -
Gruuve - heiyou.com HelloWorld - hipster
Huminity - ICERED - Im Not From Here -
IndianFriendFinder - InterAction - iSawYou.com -
ItsNotWhatYouKnow - KnowMates - LianQu - LinkedIn
- Link Silicon Valley - livingdirectory.org -
Local2Me - thelunchclub.net - Makeoutclub - Many
2 Many - MapPlanet.com - matcheroo - Meatball
Wiki - Mediabistro - Mediachest - Meet Up -
MixerMixer - Monster Networking - MSN Groups -
MSN Member Directory - MySpace mrNeighborhood -
MyEMatch - New Friends in Town - NetMiner -
Netmodular Community - Netparty - Networking For
Professionals - nerve.com - nlinebusinessnetworkin
g.com - Nowwwhere - Online Community Report -
Open Business Club - OrderGenerator - orkut -
PalJunction - Paradise - Petsburg - Picit.com -
Pinoy Exchange - Pinoy Forum - Playdo Community -
PLINK - Polypol - PopMates - PowerMingle -
RateMyBody - RateOrDate - RealContacts - ReferNet
- RepCheck - Ringo - Ryze - Shortcut - Silicon
Valley Pipeline - socialcircles.com - Social Grid
SocialTree - The Spark - SmartGroups.com -
Spoke Software The Square - StayingClose -
StumbleUpon - Sullivan Executive Networking
Community - Tacit ActiveNet - Talk City - TENG -
Thefacebook - TheFence.com - There - threedegrees
- Tickle - Tribe.net - TruthBytes - UUFriends -
Virtual Communities and the Internet - Visible
Path - Volume.com - waferbaby - Wallop - Webstock
Whole Earth Festival - Well, The - WildAbout.com
- WisdomBuilder - WhizSpark - WiW -
WordofMouthConnection.com - World Lounge -
WorldShine - YeeYoo - Yahoo! Groups - Yahoo!
Member Directory - Zamboozle Zanpo Zerodegrees
Too many networks ?!!
134 Categories
Online Social Business Communities
Search engines for people and relationships
- Social BUSINESS Communities
- Online Business Directories
Relationship Management Tools
- SOCIAL business Communties
14Online Business Directories
- What are they?
- Yellow Pages of Business People
- Referral system using the Six Degrees
- Which one should you use?
- LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com) is the clear winner
with 2.000.000 users (fall 2004) - Keep an eye on Spoke (www.spoke.com)
ZeroDegrees (www.zerodegrees.com)
- Business Networking Platform
15Relationship Management Tools
- What are they?
- Software Tools to manage exploit your
relationships - Which one should you use?
- Personal tools Plaxo (www.plaxo.com) is the
clear winner in the personal relationship
management tools - Corporate tools No winners yet, we are still
very early in the adoption cycle.
Relationship Management Tools
16SOCIAL business Communities
- What are they?
- Online (virtual) communities where people connect
for social purposes first, business second - Which one should you use?
- For business none of these
- For pleasure try Orkut (www.orkut.com) Tribe
- SOCIAL business Communities
17Social BUSINESS Communities
- What are they?
- Online (virtual) communities where people connect
for business purposes first, social second - Which one should you use?
- 3 international players
- Ecademy started in UK (www.ecademy.com)
- openBC started in Germany (www.opoenbc.com)
- Ryze started in US (www.ryze.com)
- Many local players
- be Biztribe
- fr Viaduc
- sp eConozco
- sw Shortcut
- Social BUSINESS Communities
18The Importance of Online Business Networks
- Total Transaction Value Up
- Total Transaction Count Way Up
- Individual Transaction Quality - Down
Andrew Forbes earlystage.com
Cesar Brea, former CEO of Contect Network
19Top Ten Online Business Networking Tips
- How to build quality business relationships
online - Remember, you're connecting with people.
- Clarify what you have to give and what you want
to gain. - Become an information centre.
- Be personally visible on the Internet.
- Pick online communities that work for you.
- Review the online community as a guest before you
join. - Be prepared.
- Pace yourself.
- Manage your email.
- Be sensitive to people's time and email boxes.
Scott Allen
20The beauty of online business networks
- Online business networks are changing the way we
do business - Time independent 24/7/365
- Place independent from you pc stay at home
- Local Global
- Targeted use keywords, companies names to find
the right people - Inbound Passive presence - While you sleep
people will search you. Make it easy for
everyone. Put your picture up. Give them
information. Tell them everything, because they
really do not know. Blog. - Competitive Stand out as you have competition.
Visit others in your field and see what they
have. Copy from the best! - New start now, then you are ahead of most of the
universe. You will be established when others
catch on. - Memory-proof you can keep track of your network.
Social Networks have online profiles so you dont
forget, some keep track of your message exchange.
- Efficient you can connect online with far more
people than you could ever meet face to face on a
daily basis.
21Contact me
Hendrik Deckers Managing Director Close
Partnershendrik.deckers_at_closepartners.com www.clo
separtners.com Chairman Ecademy
Benelux hendrik.deckers_at_ecademy.com
Close Partners is a multi-national, multi-skilled
team of business development professionals
operating across Europe. We design, build, drive
and manage high-performance, pan-European
routes-to-market for enterprise-class software
and solution vendors. References include