Title: Describe the major breeds of rabbits
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2Describe the major breeds of rabbits
p. 219 - 221
4Rabbits developed into 47
recognized breeds. These are divided into 5
weight categories.
5Dwarf or Miniature
6Britannia Petite an old English breed that is
recognized as the smallest of the standard
breeds. Rabbits are commonly white with red eyes
in the US.
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9Netherland Dwarf developed in Holland and has
more recognized colors than any other breed.
Rabbits are small, stocky, and compact.
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11Himalayan one of the oldest and widest
distributions. Young rabbits are white and
slightly tinged with silver-gray, as it matures
it becomes snow white with deep black nose, ears,
feet, and tail.
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13Dwarf Hotot developed in Germany. Body is
short, compact, and well rounded. Black band
around eyes
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15Polish short, rounded body with short limbs,
fine bones, and large eyes.
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17Jersey Wooly developed in New Jersey as a cross
between Netherland Dwarf and Angoras.
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19Holland Lop developed in the Netherlands. Have
an apple shaped head, wide eye set, broad muzzle,
and short, rounded nose.
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21American Fuzzy Lop crossed French Angora with
Holland Lop. Have a broken pattern with wooled
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23Mini Rex developed by crossing Standard Rex and
Netherland Dwarf. Has the same dense fur as a
standard Rex.
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26Dutch originated in Holland and developed in
England. Have unique color markings with colored
patches on each side of the head that encircle
the eyes and ears. The rear
half is also colored the same
as the head.
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28Tan originally black with tan underside. Tan
color found around eyes, nostrils, and toes.
Originated in England.
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30Florida white developed in Florida by crossing
Dutch, Polish, and New Zealand Whites. The breed
is short and compact with well-rounded hips and
31Modern Silver 3 varieties of Brown, Fawn, and
Gray. Developed in England, France and Germany.
32Havana result of a mutation of a Dutch. The fur
is a rich, dark chocolate with intense luster and
33Mini Lop originated in Germany. It is a scaled
down version of the French Lop with a thick-set
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36English Spot introduced to US from England. A
unique chair of markings, the size of a pea, run
from the base of the ear to the rear flank.
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38Standard Chinchilla under-color is dark slate
blue at the base, pearl in the middle and narrow
black band with narrow light band on the top.
39English Angora has a short, compact body and
the head, ears, feet and body are
covered with wool.
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41Lilac diluted Havana Brown. Ideal color is
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43Silver Martin came from litters of Standard
Chinchillas with dominant black color as they
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45Belgian Hare Originated in Flanders, Belgium.
Has a long, fine body, long, straight and slender
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47Rhinelander has a butterfly marking on the
nose, cheek spots, and eye rings. Rest of the
body is white with a herringbone pattern or
unbroken stripe running from the neck down the
back to the top of the tail.
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49Harlequin cross mutation between Dutch and
common domestic rabbit. Each side, ear, side of
the head has a different pattern with distinct
colors and no mixing.
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51Sable deep brown color from English Chinchilla
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53Satin Angora cross between a copper Satin and a
fawn French Angora. Body is medium length and
fine wool with a soft, silky texture.
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55French Angora longer and narrower than the
English. The fur is course.
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57Rex short hair coat, with guard hairs being on
the same length as the under-fur. The fur has a
very soft, plush feel, like velvet
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