Title: Oodles of Noodles
1Oodles of Noodles
- How to Use Noodle Tools
- -Briefly-
2My research paper focuses upon the use of dogs in
crime prevention. One of my body points is about
German Shepherds. I went to the American Kennel
Club site to find out about German Shepherds.
This is the AKC Home page.
3I did a search on the home page and was sent to
this page. I want to quote the first lines and
use the pic in my paper.
4I open a new browser window and open Noodle
Tools. After logging in, I create a new folder
or open an existing one. As the source is a
website, I need to use the drop down box to find
website and click go.
5Choose general website.
Answer these questions.
699.9 of the time, youll choose free.
However, if you are in Ebsco Host or any other
database that you need a password for, youll
need to choose subscription or periodical.
If you choose free, 99.9 of the time, youll
have a unique URL. Use the persistent link for
Ebscos URl.
ProQuest would use a path.
7If you choose free, 99.9 of the time, youll
have a unique URL. Use the persistent link for
Ebscos URl.
A .ORG, .COM, OR .anything else.
Enter the info requested. If the source does not
have an author, leave it blank.
9 Author? There is none leave Noodles blank.
American Kennel Club
The page title is German Shepherd Dog Breed
The name of the sponsoring group for my web site
is American Kennel Club.
10Most recent update is usually found at the bottom
of the page. If the page does not contain one,
just leave it blank.
This is the first date upon which the researcher
viewed the source.
See next pages for Unique URL explanation.
11Unique URLit must be the exact page upon which
you find your information it must NOT be the
home page (unless thats were the information is
12If you are using a subscription database, click
on the citation link
13Look for the persistent link to this recorduse
this for the URL in your citation. Only use the
PATH option if this link doesnt exist.
14At the bottom of the page, youll find the box in
which you will type your annotations.
Generate Citation.
Check for errors. Correct if necessary.
15This is what your bibliography should look like.
Before sending to Word, delete all the sources
you DID NOT cite in your paper.
Click here to send this to Word. Follow the
instructions. Format the Word doc to match your
paper. Run spell check!
Run this report and turn it in.