1Down to ZeroSustainable SolutionsAcross
Fiona Cousins
2Zero energy - a question of scale
3Site and Source Energy
4Going to Zero Energy
Residential 650,000 sq ft Office 375,000 sq
ft Garage 500,000 sq ft Total Conditioned Floor
Area 1,025,000 sq ft
5Wheres the energy used?
6Wheres the energy used?
7How do we get to zero? Mechanical system options
8How do we get to zero? Envelope options
9How do we get to zero? Envelope options
10How do we get to zero? Lighting systems
11How do we get to zero? Changing design
12Different perspectives
13What does this do to site energy use?
14How do we get to zero?
15What does this do to energy use?
16What does this do to energy use?
17What does this do to energy use?
18Renewables at the building
19Renewables at the building
20Regional Scale Renewables
21Regional Scale Renewables
22Regional Scale Renewables
23Regional Scale Renewables
24Regional Scale Renewables
25How significant is embodied energy?
26Buildings to Zero Energy
- Consider personal expectations
- Reduce the building energy use as far as possible
- Generate as much energy as possible on site as
efficiently as possible - Reuse buildings for as long as possible
- Cooperate with neigbors to share energy
infrastructure and equipment. - Move towards a regional, renewables power
27Questions raised?
- Is getting to zero energy at the building really
the right idea? - Or should we just do the best we can there and do
the rest through politics? - Is it OK to use as much energy as we want
provided the power is renewable? What about
all that infrastructure.
28Energy consumption in USA
Source Energy Information Administration
29Biomass or Waste
- Biomass is only zero carbon if
- It does not require forest cutting (CF carbon in
a tree to carbon in corn) - It is replaced with more biomass as it is burned
- It doesnt displace food production
- It doesnt use masses of fossil fuel for
fertilizer, or - Its a by-product of food production
30Past, present or future?
31US Transport Energy Efficiency
Source USDOT, USDOE National Transit Database
32Why does this matter?
Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations, 1000-prese
33Transportation energy
- Increase engine efficiency
- Decrease vehicle weight
- Size
- Materials
- Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
- Improve convenience of other modes
- Demand management strategies
- Use alternative fuels
- Electricity
- Hydrogen
34Some potentially relevant transportation
- Location, location, location
- Urban design
- Convenience and price of modes
- Better consideration of the needs of users
designers need to be more engaged in the
transportation industry - Management issues in commercial buildings
- Telecommuting
- Delivery scheduling to reduce dwell time
35Some potentially relevant transportation
- Some are related to operational inefficiencies
by - Reducing business travel through schedule
optimization - Substitution of videoconferencing and other
technology - Upgrading fleet efficiency
- Reducing idling time (evidently a significant
portion of a internal combustion engines life is
spent running while the vehicle isnot moving) - Improving scheduling of inventory delivery to
take road congestion into account - Factoring in carbon emission consequences when
choosing vendors and subcontractors (for
construction of the facility, the processes that
take place within, and supply and distribution of
products, courier services, etc.)
36Some potentially relevant transportation
- Some are related to reducing the undesirable
aspects of commuting by - Locating facilities in transit rich environments.
- Locating facilities where goods, services and
community amenities are within walking distance. - Subsidizing non-SOV trips.
- Eliminating subsidies for SOV trips.
- Supporting telecommuting and alternative work
schedules (There is, however, a lot of data that
demonstrates the total number of trips does not
go down with telecommuting. The trips are
shorter as people run errands during the day.
37Some potentially relevant transportation
- Some are related to technological innovation such
as - Laying the technological and infrastructure
foundation for eventual shift from fossil carbon
to hydrocarbon based power - Increasing the capacity and security of
information/communications technology to
facilitate higher quality interactions at a
distance - Rapid improvement in demand management and road
pricing technologies to ensure that consumers are
receiving the most immediate and accurate pricing
- Do what you can at the scale(s) where you can get
the highest returns on investment. - Keep in mind that there are no silver bullets.
This struggle will be won by integration of
improvements across a variety of systems, not by
dramatic improvement in any single system. - There is more that we dont know than we do know,
so keep some attention focused on the horizon.