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Between the 1520s and 1560s, pirates and smugglers operated almost at will along ... In 1555 a gang of 67 pirates went on a three-month rampage, looted a dozen ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Era 5 in East AsiaThe Ming Dynasty
WHGCEs Era 5 Craig Benjamin
Introduction Restoring Traditional Chinese Values
  • During the 13th and 14th centuries China
    experienced the trauma of rule by the Yuan
    Dynasty of nomadic Mongols
  • Mongols ignored Chinese political and cultural
    traditions, and replaced Chinese bureaucrats with
    Turkish, Persian and other foreign administrators
  • So when the Mongol reign was over, the Ming
    emperors who succeeded it attempted to erase all
    signs of Mongol influence and restore traditional
    ways to China

Ming and Qing Conservatism
  • Looking to the Tang and Song for inspiration,
    they built a powerful imperial state, revived the
    Confucian civil service, and promoted Confucian
  • Rulers of the succeeding Qing dynasty were
    themselves Manchus of nomadic origin, but they
    too worked hard to promote Chinese ways
  • Ming and Qing were deeply conservative - focused
    mainly on maintaining stability in a large
    agrarian society
  • By adopting policies that favored Chinese
    traditions, they maintained a successful and
    stable state for half a millennium

Ming dynasty (1403-24), Celestial globe vase with
dragon and floral design, porcelain
(No Transcript)
To Include
  • Part One Political History of the Ming Dynasty
  • Part Two The Civil Service Exam System Under the
  • Part Three
  • Global Trade
  • Under the Ming
  • Part Four
  • Christianity in
  • China Under
  • the Ming

Part One Political History of the Ming Dynasty
  • When the Yuan Dynasty collapsed, the Ming Dynasty
    restored native rule to China
  • Hongwu (1368-98) founder of the Ming
    (brilliant) Dynasty drove the Mongols out of
    China and built a tightly centralized state
  • Hongwu was the third of only three peasants ever
    to become leader of China

Mandarins and Eunuchs
  • As emperor, Hongwu made extensive use of
  • These were imperial government officials who
    traveled throughout the land and supervised the
    implementation of government policies
  • He also placed great trust in eunuchs, because
    they could not generate families and therefore
    could not build power bases that would challenge
    imperial authority

International Navy
  • The Emperor Yongle (1403-1424) launched a series
    of naval expeditions that sailed throughout the
    Indian Ocean basin and showed Chinese colors as
    far away as east Africa
  • Yongles successors discontinued these expensive
    maritime expeditions but maintained the tightly
    centralized state that Hongwu had established

Yongle, and Ming Junk
(No Transcript)
  • Ming Emperors were determined to prevent new
    invasions of China
  • In 1421 Yongle moved the capital from Nanjing in
    the south to Beijing, to keep a close watch on
    the Mongols and other nomadic peoples to the
  • The early Ming emperors commanded powerful armies
    that controlled the Mongols militarily, but by
    the mid-15th Century they had lost their
  • Mongol forces massacred several Chinese armies in
    the 1440s, and in 1449 they captured the Ming
    emperor himself

Foreign Affairs
Ming Military Costumes
Imperial Court Painting of 16th century Ming
cavalry and infantry soldiers brandishing swords
  • The later Ming emperors tried to protect their
    realm by building and extending new
    fortifications in the Great Wall system
  • Construction of the Great Walls had begun under
    Qin Shi Huangdi in the 3rd Century BCE
  • But these ancient walls had fallen into ruin, so
    the Ming made the reconstruction of the Great
    Wall a major priority

The Great Wall
  • Hundreds of thousands of workers labored
    throughout the late-15th and 16th Centuries to
    build a formidable stone and brick barrier that
    ran some 1,550 miles
  • The Ming Great Wall was 33 50 feet high and
    included watch and signal towers and
    accommodations for troops stationed on the borders

Rebuilding the Great Walls
Eradicating Yuan Influence
  • Ming rulers set out to eradicate Mongol (and all
    other foreign) cultural influences and create a
    stable society in the image of the Chinese past
  • With Ming encouragement, individuals gave up the
    Mongol names and dress they had adopted under the
  • The government sponsored study of
  • Chinese cultural traditions that the
  • Mongols had suppressed or ignored,
  • especially Confucianism
  • Also provided financial support
  • for imperial academies and regional
  • colleges
  • Most important, they restored the civil
  • service exam system that the Mongols
  • had dismantled

Ming Decline Pirates!
  • Vigor of the early Ming emperors did mot survive
    beyond the mid-16th Century, when a series of
    problems weakened the dynasty
  • Between the 1520s and 1560s, pirates and
    smugglers operated almost at will along the east
    coast of China
  • The Ming navy and coastal defenses were
    ineffective, and conflicts with pirates severely
    disrupted coastal regions and sometimes the
  • In 1555 a gang of 67 pirates went on a
    three-month rampage, looted a dozen cities in
    three provinces and killed 4000 people!

Later Ming Emperors
  • It took more than 40 years to suppress the
    pirates, because of an increasingly inept
  • The latter Ming emperors lived extravagantly in
    the Forbidden City, a vast imperial enclave in
  • They only received news about the outside world
    from eunuchs and servant administrators
  • The emperors sometimes ignored government affairs
    for decades while satisfying their various

Forbidden City Emperors Theater
(L) Imperial Throne (R)
Wanli (1572-1620)
  • Throughout his long reign, for example,
  • Emperor Wanli refused to meet with
  • government officials
  • Instead he conducted business through eunuch
    intermediaries, and indulged his taste for wine!
  • Powerful eunuchs won the favor of later Ming
    emperors by acquiring concubines for them and
    providing for their amusement
  • Eunuchs then used their power to live lives of
    luxury, and as their power increased, corruption
    spread and weakened the state

Ming Collapse
  • When a series of famines struck China in the
    early 17th Century, the government was incapable
    of organizing relief efforts
  • Peasants were so hungry they ate grass roots and
    tree bark
  • In the 1630s, peasants began organizing revolts,
    and as they gathered momentum city after city
    withdrew its loyalty from the Ming
  • Manchu invaders from the north joined forces with
    the peasants and attacked the Ming
  • By the early1640s the combined rebel and Manchu
    forces controlled much of China, and turned
    towards Beijing

Manchu Rulers (above)Manchu archers (below)
Chinese movie about the last Ming Emperor,
The Last Emperor
  • Sheltered from the bad news by court eunuchs, the
    last Ming emperor did not even know the location
    of the rebel forces until they began climbing
    over the walls of the Forbidden City
  • As rebels looted the imperial quarter, the
    emperor and his family committed suicide
  • The Ming Dynasty had come to an end!

On 17 March 1644 the last Ming Emperor Chongzhen
was forced to flee to the eastern foot of
Jingshan Hill where he hanged himself from a
pagoda tree when the forces of Li Zi cheng
captured the inner city. The original pagoda tree
no longer exists, but the replacement tree has an
historical storyboard attached to it to explain
that era of Ming Dynasty history.
Part Two The Civil Service Exam System Under the
MingThe Scholar Bureaucrats
  • Both the Ming and (later) Qing dynasties presided
    over a tightly centralized state
  • This was administered through a bureaucracy
    staffed by Confucian scholars
  • For more than 500 years the autocratic state
    created by Hongwu governed Chinas fortunes

Ming 'Head of an Official' 14th17th C,
The Son of Heaven
Ming Yongle
Ming Taizu
  • The emperor was not quite a god, but he was
  • certainly no mere mortal
  • According to tradition he was the Son of
  • Heaven, a human being designated by heavenly
    powers to maintain order on earth
  • He lived a privileged life within the Forbidden
    City, with hundreds of concubines and thousands
    of eunuchs to take care of his desires
  • His day was completely orchestrated, and all
    performances carefully choreographed audiences,
    inspections, banquets

  • The Ming Emperor with some of his concubines and
    eunuchs in a garden in the Forbidden City Palace
  • (16th Century silk screen)

Chinese actress Hao Lei as the concubine Kong Si
Awesome Authority
  • Everything about his person and the institution
    he represented conveyed a sense of awesome
  • His clothes and personal effects bore designs
    forbidden to other people, and the written
    characters of the emperors name were taboo
    throughout China
  • Any individual with the rare privilege of meeting
    the emperor personally had to kowtow three
    kneelings and nine head knockings!
  • Even minor offences would be severely punished
    even the highest official could have his bare
    buttocks flogged with bamboo (which sometimes
    caused death)

The Scholar Bureaucrats
  • Day to day governing was the job of
    scholar-bureaucrats appointed by the emperor
  • These were mostly gentlemen from the class of
    well-educated and highly literate men known as
    the scholar-gentry
  • These men had earned academic degrees by passing
    rigorous civil service examinations
  • They dominated Chinas political and social life

Preparing for the Exams
  • Preparations for the exams began at an early age
  • Sometimes they took place in local schools which
    (like the exams themselves) were only open to
  • Wealthy families employed tutors, which made
    formal education also available for girls
  • By the time students were 10 or 11 they had
    memorized several thousand characters that were
    necessary to deal with the Confucian literature,
    including the Analects
  • They also studied calligraphy,
  • poetry and essay writing
  • Students also had to know a
  • large corpus of commentaries,
  • histories and literary works
  • before sitting the exam

Ming Calligraphy
Civil Service Examinations Quotas
  • The examinations
  • consisted of a large
  • number of tests
  • administered at the
  • district, provincial
  • and metropolitan
  • levels
  • Stiff official quotas
  • restricted the number
  • of successful candidates
  • in each exam
  • Only 300 students could pass the metropolitan
    exam, e.g., so students frequently took the exam
    several times before earning a degree

The Exam
  • Writing the exam was grueling!
  • At the appointed hour candidates presented
    themselves in the examination compound with a
    water pitcher, chamber pot, bedding, food, an
    inkstone, ink and brushes
  • After they were verified and searched (for cheat
    sheets) they were led through narrow corridors
    to small cells that contained a bench, bed and
  • For the next 3 days and 2 nights they spent their
    time writing essays with eight distinct sections
    on questions posed by the examiners
  • There were no interruptions, no communication
    between candidates, and if a candidate died
    during the exam his body was wrapped in straw and
    tossed over the compound walls!

Imperial examination cells in Guangdong, 1873
(R) 2005 (L)
Competition and Corruption
Recreation of a cell used by students taking the
metropolitan exam
  • Possibility of bureaucratic service (with rich
    financial and social rewards) meant that
    competition for degrees was ferocious at all
  • Sometimes cheating candidates and corrupt
    examiners compromised the system
  • Even obtaining a degree did not ensure employment
    (under the Qing there were a million degree
    holders for only 20,000 jobs)
  • Those who only passed the district exams usually
    spent their careers teaching in local schools or
    as private tutors
  • Those who passed the metropolitan exams could
    look forward to powerful positions in the
    imperial bureaucracy

The Examination System and Chinese Society
  • By opening the door to honor, power and rewards,
    the exam system encouraged serious pursuit of
    formal, higher education
  • System also provided an avenue of social upward
    mobility, because they were open to all males
    regardless of age or class
  • But so expensive to travel to the examination
    sites that wealthy families had a distinct
  • System also molded the personal values of those
    who governed China, by ensuring that it was
    Confucianism that would be at the heart of
    Chinese education and government

Part Three Global Trade Under the Ming
  • During the Ming and Early Qing Eras, global trade
    brought tremendous prosperity to China
  • Chinese workers produced vast quantities of silk,
    porcelain, lacquerware and tea for consumers in
    the Indian Ocean basin, Central Asia and Europe
  • Silk industry was especially well organized in
    workshops paying regular wages and producing fine
    satins and brocades for export
  • Imports were few spices, exotic birds and
    animal skins and some woolen textiles from Europe
  • Payment for exports was usually in the form of
    silver bullion, which supported a silver-based

Maritime Expeditions
  • Commercial growth and expansion took place in an
    atmosphere of tight government control
  • In the early 15th Century, Yongle set out to
    establish a Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean
    basin, and he sponsored seven massive maritime
    expeditions between 1405 and 1433 led by the
    eunuch admiral Zheng He
  • The Chinese fleet numbered up to 317 vessels and
    included 28,000 men!

Zheng Hes flag ship was 5 times as long as
Columbus St. Maria
First Maritime Expedition
  • First expeditions embarked in July 1405 from
    Liujia Harbor near Suzhou
  • Purpose was to establish relations with foreign
    countries, to expand trade contacts and to look
    for treasures for Yongle
  • Under the command of the eunuch admiral Zheng He
    (pictured right) was a fleet of 62 ships manned
    by more than 27, 800 men (including sailors,
    clerks, interpreters, officers and soldiers,
    artisans, medical men and meteorologists)
  • The cargo on board could be broken down into over
    40 different categories, including silk goods,
    porcelain, gold and silver ware, copper utensils,
    iron implements, cotton goods, mercury, umbrellas
    and straw mats

Route of First Voyage
  • Fleet sailed along the coast of Fujian, down
    south to Zhancheng and, after crossing the South
    China Sea eventually to Java and Sri Lanka
  • On the return journey it sailed along the east
    coast of India and triumphantly returned to the
    home port in 1407

Subsequent Expeditions
  • Between 1405 and 1433 Zheng He (over a period of
    28 years) led seven voyages to some 30 countries
    and regions countries west of China
  • Each time he commanded a large fleet and a staff
    of more than 20,000 men
  • On subsequent voyages they visited Yemen, Iran
    and Mecca and the coast of East Africa

(No Transcript)
Ban on Maritime Travel
  • Zheng He intervened in local conflicts in Sumatra
    and Ceylon, suppressed pirates in SE Asian
    waters, intimidated local authorities with a show
    of strength in Arabia and Mogadishu, and
    generally made Chinas presence strongly felt
    throughout the Indian Ocean
  • After the reign of Yongle, however, the Ming
    government withdrew its support for expensive
    maritime expeditions
  • They even tried to persuade Chinese merchants
    from dealing with foreign people
  • Eventually (as we will see next week) the Qing
    tried to ban maritime travel altogether!

A modern illustration shows Zheng He and one of
the giant, nine-masted treasure ships in which
he made seven voyages around the Indian Ocean,
traveling as far west as Jeddah, trading and
collecting tribute. Had the voyages not been
abruptly curtailed by a change of government
policy, Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean
might have countered that of Portugal
Part Four Christianity in China Under the Ming
  • Nestorian Christianity had established churches
    in China as early as the 7th C CE
  • Catholic communities were prominent in China
    under the Yuan Dynasty
  • But Christianity disappeared from China after the
    collapse of the Yuan
  • When Roman Catholic missionaries returned in the
    16th C, they had to start from scratch in their
    efforts to establish a Christian community

Mateo Ricci (1552-1610)
  • Most prominent missionaries were the Jesuits, who
    worked to strengthen Catholicism in Europe and to
    spread the faith abroad
  • Founder of the mission to China was the Italian
    Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who aimed to convert all of
    China to Christianity, beginning with the emperor
  • Ricci was learned, brilliant and polished and
    became a popular figure in the Ming Court
  • After arriving at Macau in 1582, Ricci immersed
    himself in Chinese language and Confucian texts
  • When he first traveled to Beijing in 1601 he was
    able to write learned Chinese and converse with
    Confucian scholars

Influence of the Jesuits
  • Riccis mastery opened doors for the Jesuits,
    who were able to dazzle their hosts with European
    science and technology
  • Ricci and his colleagues (who had had an
    advanced mathematical education) were able to
    correct Chinese calendars that consistently
    miscalculated solar eclipses
  • The Jesuits also prepared maps of the world
    (with China at the center) on the basis of
    knowledge European explorers and cartographers
    had accumulated
  • The Jesuits even supervised the casting of high
    quality bronze canons for the Ming and Qing

Map of the world produced by the Jesuits for
the Ming Dynasty Government
Ming Dazzled by European Technology
  • Jesuits played on Chinese curiosity for
    mechanical devices
  • Finely ground glass prisms became immensely
    popular because of the way they refracted
    sunlight into component parts
  • Harpsichords also of great fascination, and
    skilled Jesuits dazzled their hosts with
    compositions written especially for (and about)
    their hosts
  • The most popular device of all was what the
    Chinese called the self singing bells
    spring-driven mechanical clocks that kept
    accurate time and chimed the hours (sometimes
    even the quarter hours)

Conversion to Christianity
  • Jesuits used technology to capture Chinese
    attention, but their ultimate goal was to win
    converts to Christianity
  • Portrayed Christianity as a high faith similar to
    Chinese cultural traditions
  • Ricci wrote a treatise called The True Meaning of
    the Lord of Heaven in which he argued that the
    doctrines of Jesus and Confucius were similar
  • He even suggested that adoption of Christianity
    would represent a return to a more pure and
    original form of Confucianism
  • The Jesuits held Christian services in Chinese
    languages, and allowed converts to continue the
    practice of ancestor worship

Failure to Attract Significant Numbers of Converts
  • Yet, in spite of their skill, their genuine
    respect for their hosts, and their flexibility,
    the Jesuits attracted few converts to
  • By the mid-18th C (under the Qing) Chinese
    Christians numbered about 200,000 out of a
    population of 225 million
  • The Chinese disliked the exclusive nature of
    Christianity for centuries they had honored
    Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism
  • But Christianity (like Islam) claimed to be the
    only true religion, so conversion implied that
    the other creeds were all wrong, an idea most
    Chinese were unwilling to accept!

  • Ultimately, the Roman Catholic mission to China
    came to an end because of squabbles between the
    Jesuits, Dominicans and Franciscans (who also
    sought converts in China)
  • Jealous of the influence of the Jesuits in the
    Ming Court, their rivals complained to the Pope
    about the Jesuits conducting services in Chinese,
    and allowing ancestor worship
  • Pope sided with their critics and issued
    proclamations ordering all missionaries to
    suppress ancestor worship and conduct services in
    European languages
  • In response to this demand,
  • the emperor Kangxi ordered
  • an end to the preaching of
  • Christianity in China
  • By the mid-18th Century,
  • the Christian missions
  • had all disappeared

End of the Jesuit Mission
Two-Way Cultural Impacts
  • Roman Catholic mission to China did not convert
    large numbers of Chinese, but it did have
    important cultural impacts
  • Besides making European science and technology
    known in China, the Jesuits also made China known
    to Europe
  • In letters, reports and other writings
    distributed widely throughout Europe, the Jesuits
    described China as an orderly and rational society

Impact on Europe
  • Confucian civil service exam system attracted the
    attention of European rulers, who began to design
    their own civil service bureaucracies in the 18th
  • Rational moral philosophy of Confucius also
    appealed to the Enlightenment philosophers of
    Europe, who began to seek alternatives to
    Christianity as the foundation for ethics and
  • For the first time since Marco Polo, the Jesuits
    made firsthand observations of China available to
  • Stimulated strong European interest in all East
    Asian societies!

  • China controlled its own affairs throughout the
    early modern era, avoiding the sort of turmoil
    that afflicted the Americas and Africa after the
    arrival of the Europeans
  • After driving the Mongols back to the steppelands
    of Central Asia, rulers of the Ming Dynasty built
    a powerful centralized state
  • Worked hard to eradicate all vestiges of Mongol
    rule and restore traditional ways by reviving
    Chinese political institutions (particularly the
    exam system)
  • Also provided state sponsorship for
  • After a burst of astonishing expeditions, the
    Ming restricted foreign expeditions, and also the
    access of foreign merchants and missionaries to
  • The Ming thus brought considerable stability to
    China, and as we will see in the next lecture,
    the succeeding Qing Dynasty pursued very similar
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