Goal---to harm another for the sake of getting even wit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Goal---to harm another for the sake of getting even wit


Goal---to harm another for the sake of getting even with them. ... We can breed animals for aggressiveness (pit bulls, roosters) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: another | even | getting | goal | harm | pitbulls | sake | wit


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Goal---to harm another for the sake of getting even wit

  • Hurting Others

   I. What is Aggression?
  • Physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt
    another individual.
  • Must be intentional!!!!

II. Types of Aggression
  • 1.  Hostile aggression-aggression driven by anger
    performed as an end in itself (affective
  • Goal---to harm another for the sake of getting
    even with them.
  • Characterized by displays of rage (screaming,
    shouting, crimes of passion) 

2. Instrumental aggression-serves as a means to
an end.
  • Goal hereaggression is carried out to solve a
  • This is cool, detached, often premediated.
  • E.g., military, mafia

Most murders are hostile aggression.
  • 50 erupt from arguments while others result from
    romantic triangles or brawls, while under the
    influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  • Such murders are impulsive, emotional, volatile

III. Theories of Aggression
  • 1. Aggression is biological we are aggressive
    due to physiological instincts or drives.
  • A. Instinct theory aggression is innate.
  • Anger builds up until we explode when
    appropriate stimulus signals its release.

Problems with instinct theory
  • Instinct theory fails to account for variations
    in aggressiveness across individuals cultures.
  • E.g., How does instinct theory account for
    peaceful Iroquois before white invaders
    aggressive Iroquois afterwards.

B. Evolutionary theory aggression may be
  • Aggression enables us to obtain resources, defend
    against attack, eliminate competition for mates,
    to enforce sexual fidelity from mates.

C. Neural influences on aggression
  • Stimulating the amygdala in cats causes a fearful
    or anger response to occur (piloerection).
  • A woman receiving painless stimulation to her
    amygdala became enraged and smashed her guitar
    against the wall.

Are violent peoples brains different from normal
  • Yes!!!
  • Raine et al., (2000) found that the prefrontal
    cortex (which inhibits aggressive behavior), was
    14 less active than normal in non-abused
    murderers 15 smaller in antisocial males.
  • This does not mean brain anomaly caused violent
    behavior (could be the other way around), but
    could be a factor.

Is aggression genetic?
  • Possibly.
  • We can breed animals for aggressiveness (pit
    bulls, roosters).
  • Our temperment in infancy predicts whether we
    will be aggressive in adulthood (Larsen Deiner,
  • Twin studies support this.

  • Individuals prone to violence are more likely to
    drink become violent while drunk.
  • 4 in 10 violent crimes committed by people
    whove been drinking.
  • Surveys of rapists--over half report they were
    drinking before committing the rape.
  • Alcohol reduces self-awareness disinhibits

  • Lowering testosterone levels reduces
    aggressiveness, while raising it, increases
    aggression (Roid rage.)
  • Prisoners who had committed unprovoked violent
    crimes had higher levels of testosterone than
    those who had committed nonviolent crimes.
  • Teens with higher levels of testosterone were
    more prone to delinquency, hard drug use,

  • Lower levels of serotonin are found in kids
    adults prone to violence.
  • Lowering serotonin levels in the lab increases
    their response to aversive events and willingness
    to deliver supposed electric shocks.

2. Frustration-Aggression theory
  • Argues that aggression occurs when we desire
    obtaining a goal, expect to be gratified, then
    are blocked from doing so.
  • Violent behavior erupts from this frustration.
    Often is directed to a target other than source
    of aggression (displacement).
  • Its not acceptable to yell at the boss, so we
    kick the dog, yell at spouse, etc.

Is this theory valid?
  • Data on theory are mixed (sometimes frustration
    increased aggressiveness, sometimes not).
  • If frustration is justifiable, but situation is
    such that person didnt intentionally cause it
    (car broken down on road), then it doesnt lead
    to aggression.

New definition of Frustration-Aggression theory
  • Berkowitz (1978 1989) theorized that frustration
    produces anger, an emotional readiness to
  • We become angry when someone frustrates us who
    could have chosen to not to.
  • Aggression is likely when our bottled-up anger is
    released (often, but not always to a cue).

Is frustrationequivalent with deprivation?
  • No!!! You can have frustration without

Does deprivation lead to frustration
  • No!!! People who are sexually frustrated may not
    be sexually deprived or celibate.
  • People who have good jobs with good pay may be
    frustrated with other areas of life.
  • Violent crime was not high during the Great
    Depression when everyone was deprived.
  • Frustration seems to be linked to high
    expectations that are not always met.

3. Is Aggression learned?
  • Yes!!!--conditioning modeling.
  • We learn rewards of aggression
  • ----we can intimidate others with force
  • -----may help us achieve goals 

Are people rewarded for acting aggressively?
Does this promote aggression?
  • Yes!!!!! Banduras Bobo doll studies show this.
  • Bandura had children watch whether an adult
    hitting kicking a bobo doll was either punished
    or not for his actions.
  • Children were then led individually into a room
    with toys a bobo doll.

Bandura Bobo-doll study
  • Children who saw the adult receiving punishment
    for hitting the Bobo doll were less likely to hit
    the Bobo doll themselves.
  • The opposite was found for children seeing the
    adult go unpunished for his actions.

IV. Influences on Aggression
  • 1. Aversive incidentsthose causing us pain
    often lead to aggression.
  • A. Pain causing pain in others often leads to
  • Presenting shock other forms of pain causes
    animals to attack one another.
  • Humans will do this to.

B. Heat
  •  Changes in climate (heat) may lead to aggressive
    hostile behavior.
  • Ss asked to fill out questionnaires in a hot room
    (over 90 degrees F) reported feeling, aggressive,
    expressed more hostility towards a stranger
    than a person filling out a questionnaire in a
    comfortable room.

Does heat in the real world promote aggression?
  • Yes!!!
  • In places where it is hotter (Southern states,
    California) during hotter seasons days there
    are more violent crimes.

C. Attacks
  • We often become aggressive, when attacked by
  • At our core we act in an eye for an eye manner.

D. Crowding
  • Being cramped in small places causes many to
    experience agitation aggressiveness.
  • Evidence More urban areas with denser
    populations have higher crime rates.

Do arousing events stimulate anger?
  • Yes!!
  • Schacter Singers study

V. Aggression Cues
  • Berkowitz argues the mere sight of a weapon
    (gun) promotes aggression.
  • In one experiment, children who had just played
    with toy guns became more willing to knock down
    another childs block.
  • Ss presented their tormentor with more electric
    shocks when a rifle revolver were left behind
    nearby than when badminton racquets had been left

VI. Media Influences Pornography and Sexual
  • Does pornography promote sexual violence?
  • Possibly!!!
  • Malamuth Check (1981) showed male Ss either 2
    nonsexual movies or 2 movies depicting a man
    sexually overcoming a woman.
  • A week later, those Ss who saw the violent film,
    were more accepting of violence towards women.

Do slasher films have the same effect?
  • Yes!!!!!
  • Men shown slasher flicks (Texas Chainsaw
    Massacre) appear to become desensitized to
    brutality are less empathetic towards rape

Does exposure to violent pornography cause
increases in punitive behavior towards women?
  • Yes!!!! Donnerstein (1980) had 120 college
    males view a neutral, an erotic, or an
    aggressive-erotic (rape) film.
  • Then, the Ss had to teach a male or female
    confederate some nonsense syllables by choosing
    how much shock to administer for incorrect
  • Males viewing rape file delivered stronger
    shocks to the female confederate.

Factors that predict increased aggression  
  • 1.     male actors
  • 2.     aggressive or Type A personalities
  • 3.     alcohol use
  • 4.     watching violence (movies/TV)
  • 5.     anonymity
  • 6.     provocation
  • 7.     the presence of weapons
  • 8.     group interaction

Do we release anger aggression but venting?
  • No!!!
  • Expressing aggression breeds further hostility

We can reduce or minimize aggression by several
  • 1.  Reducing aversive experiences We should
    reward cooperative nonaggressive behavior in
    ourselves and others.
  • Children are less aggressive if their
    nonaggressive behavior is reinforced with
    positive rewards.
  • 2. Aggressive stimuli trigger aggression
    remove weapons, especially guns from the home.
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