Astronomy 330 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Astronomy 330


H2O, only planet with abundant liquid H2O on its surface (also ice, clouds common) ... Seismic waves traveling through the Earth's reflect and refract differently ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Astronomy 330

Astronomy 330
  • Lecture 6

Image courtesy of the Image Analysis Laboratory,
NASA Johnson Space Center.
Astronomy 330 The Earth as a Planet
  • We will try to study the Earth as a planet, its
    the closest planet to us !
  • We have only recently appreciated the fact that
    the Earth is a planet, subject to similar forces
    and processes as the other planets
  • We will not, so much study the details of the
    Earth, but rather we will step back and try to
    focus on the big picture
  • How is the Earth similar and how is it different
    from the other planets ?

Astronomy 330
  • How did the Earth form ?
  • What is its composition ?
  • What is its internal structure ?
  • What sources of energy drive its geologic
    activity ?
  • Why does the Earth have liquid H2O and an N2, O2
    atmosphere ?
  • Why do the oceans and atmosphere circulate and
    how ?
  • Why is there life ?

Astronomy 330 The broad view from space
  • The Earth has a unique surface appearance
  • H2O, only planet with abundant liquid H2O on its
    surface (also ice, clouds common)
  • Continents separate oceans
  • Chemistry of atmosphere - N2 (78), O2(21), CO2
    (trace), water vapor (this is NOT seen on any
    other planets, the Oxygen is locked up in rocks
    or is in CO2 on Mars and Venus). This is related
    to the presence of life.

Astronomy 330
  • There is enough water to cover the Earth to a
    depth of 3 km.
  • 1/3 of the Earths surface is above water - the
  • Highest point on Earth is 9 km above sea level
  • Lowest point on Earth is 11 km below sea level

Astronomy 330
  • Indications of geologic activity
  • Hot springs and volcanoes
  • young mountain ranges (sharp ridges)
  • Earth has a magnetic field
  • Traps charged particles from the Sun (radiation
    belts), provides a way of studying interior
  • Generated by dynamo action in Earths
    interiormust be a fluid
  • Also implies Earths interior is differentiated
    (iron core)

Astronomy 330
  • The Earth is very active geologically relative to
    other planets (e.g. the Moon and Mercury show
    little current activity).
  • The Earth is close to being in equilibrium and is
    not evolving from one completely different state
    to anotherThe Earth has complicated cycles which
    regulate the flow energy and mass

Astronomy 330 The Earths Cycles (Examples)
  • Water Cycle
  • Evaporation - Condensation - Rain - Rivers,
    Streams flow into ocean - repeat cycle
  • Cycling of Earths Crust
  • Volcanoes - erosion - mountains built -
  • Chemical Cycles
  • O2 (plants) - CO2 (animals, planets, volcanoes,
    fossil fuels)

Astronomy 330 Interior of Earth
  • Difficult to study, bore holes have only gone to
    15 km (less than 025 the radius of the Earth).
  • How do we know anything ?
  • The Earth has a high density, 5.5 gm/cm3, so the
    Earth must have heavy elements in its core
  • Earthquakes and seismology. Seismic waves
    traveling through the Earths reflect and refract
    differently under different conditions. They are
    detected at different places on the Earths
    surface at different times. This gives us
    information about densities at different depths

Astronomy 330 Seismology
  • 2 types of waves propagate through the Earth.
  • P waves (Pressure), oscillations of wave are in
    the direction of the waves motion, pass through
    liquids and solids
  • S waves (Shear), oscillations of waves are
    perpendicular to the direction of the waves
    motion, pass only through solids

Astronomy 330 The Earths core is partly liquid
P and S waves detected
Only P waves detected
Astronomy 330
  • The velocities of the waves depend on density, so
    by timing their arrival at different points on
    Earth we can get detailed information about
    density structure of Earth (idea of
    helioseismology similar)
  • Chemical analysis and physical properties of
    surface rocks tells us about internal composition
    since some surface rocks are the result of the
    flow of material from deep in the Earth ( 200
    km)kimberlite (diamonds)

Astronomy 330
  • Existence of magnetic field indicates that an
    electrically conducting, turbulent fluid is
    present deep in the Earth

Astronomy 330 Regions of the Earth
  • Magnetosphere - Region of charged particles (from
    upper atmosphere (200 km) to boundary w. Solar
    wind (100,000 km)
  • Atmosphere - layer of gas from surface to 200 km
  • Hydrosphere - the oceans
  • Crust 10 - 30 km thick
  • Mantle - solid but plastic rock down to 2,900 km,
    2/3 of Earths mass
  • Core - dense, metallicouter (liquid), inner

Astronomy 330 Structure of the Earths Interior
Upper Mantle
Lower Mantle (inside of 700 km)
Ocean Crust
Outer Core, liquid (inside of 2900 km)
Inner Core, solid (inside of 5,100 km)
Astronomy 330
  • Fast convection in the outer, liquid core gives
    rise to the magnetic field of the Earth (and thus
    the magnetosphere)
  • Convection in the Mantle gives rise to motion of
    crustal plates (plate techtonics) and to
    formation of mountains, recycling of crustal

Astronomy 330 The Crust
  • Upper, most solid layer of the Earth
  • Formed mostly of igneous rock which has come from
    the mantle
  • Thin, roughly 6 km thick on average, composed
    mostly of basalt
  • Similar in composition to the Moon and some
    meteoritic basalts
  • Relatively young, solidification ages of rocks is
    less than 200 million years

Astronomy 330 The Crust
  • The Oceanic crust covers 55 of the Earths
    surface, formed from magma rising along rifts
    (spreading centers) where crustal plates are
  • The crust sinks back into the mantle at
    subduction zones

Astronomy 330
  • Continental Crust is thicker, older (some rocks
    billions of yrs old) and less dense than the
    oceanic crust.
  • Continental Crust covers 45 of Earths surface
    and makes up 0.3 of Earths mass
  • Continental Crust is made mostly of granites
    (igneous rocks, different composition than
    basalts, solidified beneath surface under great
    pressure). Also contains sedimentary and
    metamorphic rocks
  • Continental Crust is 20 km to 70 km thick and
    floats on top of the mantle

Astronomy 330 The Mantle
  • Region below crust, composed of high density
  • Heated by its own radioactive elements plus heat
    from core
  • Rocks under these conditions are plastic, can be
    deformed without breaking and they flow
  • Divided into the Upper, Middle and Lower Mantle

Astronomy 330 The Upper Mantle
  • Rigid down to 100 km
  • The upper mantle and the crust together are
    called the lithosphere
  • Composition changes from crust to upper mantle
  • Lithosphere is not strongly attached to lower
    mantle and slides over it.

Astronomy 330 The Middle Mantle
  • Otherwise known at the convective mantle
  • Extends down to 700 km below Earths surface
  • Heat transported by convection and is what also
    drives plate tectonics, builds mountains, and
    creates volcanoes

Astronomy 330 The Lower Mantle
  • Extends to 2,900 km below earths surface
  • Convection not present here
  • Material altered (phase change) by intense
    pressure and has a higher density

Astronomy 330 The Core
  • The beginning of the core is marked by a sharp
    change in composition from the mantle
  • Primarily iron (with some nickel and sulfer)
  • At the core/mantle boundary temperature is 4,500
    K and pressure is 1.3 million bars (1 bar
    atmosphere pressure)
  • Iron is liquid under these conditions
  • Cores radius is 3,500 km which is greater than
    the radius of Mercury
  • 1/3 of the mass of the Earth is in its core

Astronomy 330 The Core
  • At 1,200 km from the center the pressure goes to
    3.2 x 106 bars and iron makes a phase change to a
    solid state
  • At the Earths center the pressure is 4x106 bars
  • The liquid outer core convects and along with the
    Earths rotation becomes turbulent
  • Turbulence gives rise to a dynamo effect and the
    Earths magnetic field is generated.
  • The Earths magnetic field reverses polarity
    periodically and even wanders, has become weaker
    over the last few decades

Astronomy 330 Sources of Earths Heat
  • Primordial (heat left over from formation of the
    Earth) (also called accretional heating)
  • Tidal heating (more on this later, not important
    for Earth as a source of heat)
  • Radiogenic heating - radioactive decay of
    unstable isotopes (235U, 238U, 232U, 40K), most
    heating occurs in crust and mantle
  • Roughly 1/2 of Earths heat is primordial and 1/2
    is radiogenic

Astronomy 330 Heat Transfer in the Earth
  • Conduction
  • Convection
  • Advection - movement of hot material from one
    place to another, movement caused by another
    process other than from buoyancy
  • Heat transfer leads to phenomena such as
    differentiation, mantle convection, plate
    tectonics, and volcanism

Astronomy 330 How the Earth Changes
  • The Earth changes, e.g. erosion in rivers and
    streams (small), e.g. volcanoes, floods,.(big)
  • Geologic history of the Earth extends over 4
    billion years.
  • Strata laid down in successive layers, but tend
    to be mixed up, making interpretation difficult

Astronomy 330 Mantle Convection
From http//
Astronomy 330
  • Stratigraphy is the study of deducing the
    relative sequence of the layers of rock in the
    Earths crust (aided by fossils of planets and
    animals found in the rocks)
  • Radioactive dating - when a substance solidifies
    it has a know amount of different elements and
    their isotopes. Some isotopes are radioactive
    and give off neutrons and decay into other
    isotopes. By measuring the relative amount of
    different isotopes in a rock and knowing the rate
    of decay of the isotopes (the half life) we can
    date the rock.

Astronomy 330 The Geologic Record
  • Precambrian (before life, no fossils), from
    Earths formation to 590 million years ago.
  • Phanerozoic - 590 million years ago to present

Astronomy 330 Finer divisions of Geologic time
  • Eras
  • Archean - formation to 2,500 million years ago
  • Proterozoic - to 590 million years ago
  • Paleozoic - 248 million years ago, one celled
  • Mesozoic - 65 million years ago, fish, early
    reptiles, land plants
  • Cenozoic - Present

Astronomy 330
  • Oldest rocks on Earth are 3.8 billion years old
  • Most geology we see is relatively young
  • Hawaii is only a few million years old
  • The Grand Canyon is about 10 million years old

Astronomy 330 Sideling Hill
  • Rocks are roughly 330 to 340 million years old
    (The Appalachians are very old)
  • Produced when continental crust folded in
    collision with Africa (Atlas Mountains)

Photo by Paul Breeding,1988
Astronomy 330 Reading
  • Read Chapter 9 of Morrison Owen
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