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periods of time, but will often undergo sudden, rapid, and dramatic ... Analysis of magnetograph data at relatively low, one arcsecond resolution can ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The%20Dynamic,%20Magnetic,%20and%20Energetic%20Connection%20Between%20the%20Convection%20Zone%20and%20Corona

The Dynamic, Magnetic, and Energetic Connection
Between the Convection Zone and Corona
  • W.P. Abbett
  • Space Sciences Laboratory
  • Univ. of California, Berkeley

Flux Emergence Workshop Univ. of St. Andrews,
June 2007
  • Understanding the physics of the solar magnetic
    field ---
  • from its generation in the turbulent,
    differentially-rotating interior
  • to the ultimate release of magnetic energy in
    the atmosphere in the
  • form of radiation, solar wind acceleration,
    flares or CMEs ---
  • requires
  • an understanding of the dynamic, energetic
    and magnetic connection
  • between the convective interior and corona.

Here, we present a first step toward this goal
Results from a recently developed code capable of
quantitatively describing the physical connection
between the Quiet Sun upper convection zone and
  • Characteristics of the convective interior
  • The convection zone is high-density, high-ß,
    optically-thick, turbulent plasma.
  • Magnetic fields entrained within convective
    flows at and below the visible
  • surface evolve slowly compared to the coronal

From Abbett et al. 2004
From Bercik et al. 2005
  • Characteristics of the solar corona
  • The corona is a low-density, low-ß,
    optically-thin, hot plasma
  • Plasma entrained within coronal loops evolves
  • compared to sub-surface structures
  • The magnetically-dominated corona can store
    energy over long
  • periods of time, but will often undergo
    sudden, rapid, and dramatic
  • topological changes as magnetic energy is

Movies courtesy of LMSAL, TRACE LASCO consortia
Attempts to connect these spatially and
temporally disparate, dynamic regimes Coupled
models of emerging active regions
From Abbett Fisher 2003
Idealized dynamic calculations (no explicit
Left Magara (2004) ideal MHD AR flux emergence
simulation as shown in Abbett et al.
2005 Right Manchester et al. (2004) BATS-R-US
MHD simulation of AR flux emergence
Modeling the combined convection
zone-to-corona system in a physically
self-consistent way
The resistive fully-compressible MHD system of
Closure relation a non-ideal equation of state
obtained through an inversion of the OPAL tables
(Rogers 2000),
Modeling the combined convection
zone-to-corona system in a physically
self-consistent way
The source term in the energy equation,
  • must include the important physics believed to
    govern the evolution of the combined system. In
    the corona, this includes
  • radiative cooling (in the optically thin
  • the divergence of the electron heat flux,
  • a coronal heating mechanism (if necessary).
  • In the lower atmosphere at and above the visible
  • radiative cooling (optically thick)
  • Below the surface in the deeper layers of the
    convective interior
  • radiative cooling (in the optically thick
    diffusion limit)

Modeling the combined convection zone-to-corona
We represent the source term as follows
In order to extend the spatial domain to active
region scales, we choose not to solve the
optically-thick LTE transfer equation to obtain
an expression for surface cooling, .
Instead, we choose to approximate this cooling in
a way that successfully reproduces the average
stratification and solar-like convective
turbulence of the more realistic simulations of
Bercik (2002) and Stein et al. (2003)
and and represent dimension-less
envelope functions that restrict each term to the
appropriate range of densities or depths in such
a way as to avoid sharp cutoffs. is
obtained from the CHIANTI atomic database.
Modeling the combined convection zone-to-corona
The structure of the transition region and corona
depend strongly on the remaining non-radiative
terms in the
divergence of the electron heat flux,
and an additional coronal heating rate (if
necessary). We employ an empirically-based
description of coronal heating consistent with
the observed relationship between unsigned
magnetic flux and the power dissipated in the
atmosphere by a coronal heating mechanism,
The RHS of this equation represents the Pevtsov
et al. (2003) power law relationship between
X-ray luminosity and unsigned magnetic flux at
the photosphere . If we choose a
simple heating function of the form
(consistent with Lundquist et al. 2007),
we arrive at an empirically-based form of coronal
heating consistent with Pevtsovs Law
Modeling the combined convection zone-to-corona
The calibrated radiative source term in
, coupled with a
constant radiative flux lower boundary condition
(on average) maintains the super-adiabatic
stratification necessary to initiate and sustain
convection. The thermodynamic structure of
the model is controlled by the energy source
terms, the gravitational acceleration and the
applied thermodynamic boundary conditions. No
stratification is imposed a priori.
Numerical techniques and challenges
  • A dynamic numerical model extending from below
    the photosphere out into the corona must
  • span a 10 - 15 order of magnitude change in
    gas density and a thermodynamic transition from
    the 1 MK corona to the optically thick, cooler
    layers of the low atmosphere, visible surface,
    and below
  • resolve a 100 km photospheric pressure scale
    height while simultaneously following large-scale
    evolution (we use the Mikic et al. 2005 technique
    to mitigate the need to resolve the 1 km
    transition region scale height characteristic of
    a Spitzer-type conductivity)
  • remain highly accurate in the turbulent
    sub-surface layers, while still employing an
    effective shock capture scheme to follow and
    resolve shock fronts in the upper atmosphere
  • address the extreme temporal disparity of the
    combined system

RADMHD Numerical techniques and challenges
  • For the Quiet Sun we use a semi-implicit,
    operator-split method.
  • Explicit sub-step We use a 3D extension of
    the semi-discrete method of Kurganov Levy
    (2000) with the third order-accurate central
    weighted essentially non-oscillatory (CWENO)
    polynomial reconstruction of Levy et al. (2000).
  • CWENO interpolation provides an efficient,
    accurate, simple shock capture scheme that allows
    us to resolve shocks in the transition region and
    corona without refining the mesh. The
    solenoidal constraint on B is enforced implicitly.

RADMHD Numerical techniques and challenges
  • For the Quiet Sun we use a semi-implicit,
    operator-split method
  • Implicit sub-step We use a Jacobian-free
    Newton-Krylov (JFNK) solver (see Knoll Keyes
    2003). The Krylov sub-step employs the
    generalized minimum residual (GMRES) technique.
  • JFNK provides a memory-efficient means of
    implicitly solving a non-linear system, and frees
    us from the restrictive CFL stability conditions
    imposed by e.g., the electron thermal
    conductivity and radiative cooling.

RADMHD Numerical techniques and challenges
  • The MHD system is solved on an adaptive,
    domain-decomposed mesh.
  • Note With our numerical techniques,
    AMR is not needed to
  • simulate the Quiet Sun. However,
    RADMHD has the capability
  • of interfacing with the PARAMESH
    libraries (MacNeice et al. 2000)
  • to provide an adaptive framework.
  • Spatial disparities of the combined convection
    zone-to-corona system are addressed via the CWENO
    explicit scheme, the domain decomposition
    strategy, and AMR capability if necessary.
  • Temporal disparities of the combined
    convection zone-to-corona system are addressed
    via the JFNK implicit scheme. Pre-conditioning
    is an essential requirement if one wishes to
    rapidly relax atmospheres by significantly
    exceeding the CFL limit.
  • Boundary conditions of the Quiet Sun
    simulations Periodic in the transverse
    directions, constant radiative flux in through a
    closed lower boundary, open coronal boundary

On to the Results (Finally!)
The Quiet Sun magnetic field in the model
Magnetic field generated through the action of a
convective surface dynamo. Fieldlines drawn (in
both directions) from points located 700 km above
the visible surface. Grayscale image represents
the vertical component of the velocity field at
the model photosphere. The low-chromosphere acts
as a dynamic, high-ß plasma except along thin
rope-like structures threading the atmosphere,
connecting strong photospheric structures to the
transition region-corona interface. Plasma-ß 1
at the photosphere only in localized regions of
concentrated field (near strong high-vorticity
From Abbett (2007)
Flux submergence in the Quiet Sun and the
connectivity between an initially vertical
coronal field and the turbulent convection zone
From Abbett (2007)
Convective reversal
  • A brightness reversal with height in the
    atmosphere is a common feature of Ca II H and K
    observations of the Quiet Sun chromosphere.
  • In the simulations, a temperature (or
    convective) reversal in the model chromosphere
    occurs as a result of the p div u work of
    converging and diverging flows in the
    lower-density layers above the photosphere where
    radiative cooling is less dominant.

Gas temperature and Bz at 700 km above and
below the model photosphere
From Abbett (2007)
Flux cancellation and the effects of resolution
The Quiet Sun magnetic flux threading the model
photosphere over a 15 minute interval. Grid
resolution 117 X 117 km Average unsigned flux
per pixel 34.5 G
Simulated noise-free magnetograms reduced to MDI
resolution (high-resolution mode) by convolving
the dataset with a 2D Gaussian with a FWHM of
0.62 or 459 km. Average unsigned flux per pixel
is now 19.9 G
Simulated noise-free magnetograms reduced to Kitt
Peak resolution. FWHM of the Gaussian Kernel is
1.0 or 740 km. Average unsigned flux per pixel
15.0 G Observed unsigned flux per pixel at Kitt
Peak 5.5 G
How force-free is the Quiet Sun atmosphere?
log B
log ß
log B
log J
Characteristics of the Quiet Sun model atmosphere
Note Above movie is not a timeseries!
Summary and conclusions to date
  • It is possible to efficiently simulate the
    upper convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere,
    transition region and low-corona within a single
    computational domain
  • If we use an empirically based coronal heating
    mechanism consistent with the Pevtsov et al.
    (2003) relationship between X-ray emission and
    magnetic flux observed at the surface, magnetic
    fields generated from a convective dynamo are
    sufficient to heat the corona to 1 MK.
  • The model chromosphere exhibits a convective
    reversal --- plasma above cell centers tends to
    be cooler than the average temperature at that
    height, while plasma above the photospheric
    intergranular lanes is generally hotter. In the
    models, this is simply due to the
    work of converging and diverging flows in the
    relatively low density layers above the
    photosphere where the radiative source terms are
    less dominant.

Summary and conclusions to date
  • Analysis of magnetograph data at relatively
    low, one arcsecond resolution can lead to a
    significant underestimate of the total amount of
    unsigned magnetic flux threading the Quiet Sun
  • A persistent current layer is formed as the
    atmosphere transitions from a dynamic, high-ß
    regime (on average) to the more
    magnetically-dominated transition region and
  • The Quiet Sun model corona is dynamic, and is
    not everywhere force-free or even low-ß. There
    are regions of both relatively strong and
    exceptionally weak field high in the model
  • Synthetic vector magnetograms generated at the
    model photosphere and chromosphere are
    substantively different, and will yield
    substantively different results if used as a
    basis for force-free or potential field
    extrapolations. Neither extrapolation technique
    will reproduce the twisted horizontal structures
    present just above the model photosphere (and
    their associated magnetic connectivity) in the
    dynamic, often non-force-free layers of the low

Summary and conclusions to date
  • On average, the bulk of the unsigned magnetic
    flux resides below the visible surface. Of the
    flux that threads the surface, most remains
    entrained in the plasma, and turns over within a
    local chromospheric pressure scale height. Thus,
    there is a steep decline in the average amount of
    unsigned magnetic flux with height above the
  • The magnetic connectivity in the dynamic
    region between the photosphere and upper
    transition region is complex. This region is
    characterized by the presence of both twisted and
    non-twisted ß 1 horizontally-directed magnetic
    structures that thread the chromosphere and
    connect relatively distant concentrations of
    magnetic flux in the photosphere with the
    transition region footpoints of coronal
  • A non-ideal equation of state is necessary to
    obtain more realistic ratios of magnetic to gas
    pressure at, and just above, the model
    photosphere. However, an ideal treatment is
    capable of reproducing many of the global
    characteristics of the non-ideal atmospheres.

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