Title: Chapter 11 The Muscular System
1Chapter 11The Muscular System
2Muscle Attachment SitesOrigin and Insertion
- Skeletal muscles shorten pull on the bones they
are attached to - Origin is the bone that does not move when muscle
shortens (normally proximal) - Insertion is the movable bone (some 2 joint
muscles) - Fleshy portion of the muscle in between
attachment sites belly
3Coordination Within Muscle Groups
- Most movement is the result of several muscle
working at the same time - Most muscles are arranged in opposing pairs at
joints - prime mover or agonist contracts to cause the
desired action - antagonist stretches and yields to prime mover
- synergists contract to stabilize nearby joints
- fixators stabilize the origin of the prime mover
- scapula held steady so deltoid can raise arm
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8Muscles of Facial Expression
- Arise from skull insert onto skin
- Encircle eyes, nose mouth
- Express emotions
- Facial Nerve (VII)
- Bells palsy facial paralysis due
9Muscles of Facial Expression
- Orbicularis oculi closes the eye
- Levator palpebrae superioris opens the eye
- Orbicularis oris puckers the mouth
- Buccinator forms the muscular portion of the
cheek assists in whistling, blowing, sucking
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11Extrinsic Muscles of the Eyeballs
- Extrinsic muscles insert onto white of eye
- Fastest contracting most precisely controlled
- Cranial nerves 3, 4 6 innervate the six muscles
- 4 Rectus muscles 2 obliques
- Intrinsic muscles are found within the eyeball
- Levator palpebrae superioris raises eyelid
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13Muscles that Move the Mandible
- Masseter, temporalis pterygoids
- Arise from skull insert on mandible
- Cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve)
- Protracts, elevates or retracts mandible
- Temporalis Masseter elevate the mandible
(biting) - temporalis retracts
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15Jaw Muscles -- Deep Dissection
- Lateral pterygoid protracts mandible
- sphenoid bone to condyle of mandible
- Medial pterygoid elevates protracts mandible
- sphenoid bone to angle of mandible
- Together move jaw side to side to grind food.
16Muscles that Move the Tongue
- 4 extrinsic muscle ariseelsewhere, but
insertinto tongue - Genioglossus
- from inside tip of mandible
- Styloglossus
- from styloid process
- Palatoglossus
- from hard palate
- Hyoglossus
- from hyoid bone
- Together move tongue in various directions
- Intubation is necessary during anesthesia since
Genioglossus relaxes tongue falls posteriorly
blocking airway
17Muscles that Move the Head
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
- arises from sternum clavicle inserts onto
mastoid process of skull - innervated by cranial nerve XI (spinal accessory)
- contraction of both flexes the cervical vertebrae
extends head - contraction of one, laterally flexes the neck and
rotates face in opposite direction
18Muscles of Abdominal Wall
- Notice 4 layers of muscle in the abdominal wall
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20Transverse Section of Body Wall
- Rectus sheath formed from connective tissue
aponeuroses of other abdominal muscles as they
insert in the midline connective tissue called
the linea alba
21Muscles that Move the Vertebrae
- Quite complex due to overlap
- Erector spinae fibers run longitudinally
- 3 groupings
- spinalis
- iliocostalis
- longissimus
- extend vertebral column
- Smaller, deeper muscles
- transversospinalis group
- semispinalis, multifidis rotatores
- run from transverse process to dorsal spine of
vertebrae above help rotate vertebrae
22Muscles Used in Breathing
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25Female Pelvic Floor Perineum
- Both the pelvic diaphragm ( coccygeus levator
ani) and the muscles of the perineum fill in the
gap between the hip bones
26Muscles of Male Perineum
27Stabilizing the Pectoral Girdle
- Anterior thoracic muscles
- Subclavius extends from 1st rib to clavicle
- Pectoralis minor extends from ribs to coracoid
process - Serratus anterior extends from ribs to inner
surface of scapula - Posterior thoracic muscle
- Trapezius extends from skull vertebrae to
clavicle scapula - Levator scapulae extends from cervical vertebrae
to scapula - Rhomboideus extends from thoracic vertebrae to
vertebral border of scapula
28Axial Muscles that Move the Arm
- Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi extend from
body wall to humerus.
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31Muscles that Move the Arm
- Deltoid arises from acromion spine of scapula
inserts on arm - abducts, flexes extends arm
- Rotator cuff muscles extend from scapula
posterior to shoulder joint to attach to the
humerus - supraspinatus infraspinatus above below
spine of scapula - subscapularis on inner surface of scapula
32Flexors of the Forearm (elbow)
- Cross anterior surface of elbow joint form
flexor muscle compartment - Biceps brachii
- scapula to radial tuberosity
- flexes shoulder and elbow supinates hand
- Brachialis
- humerus to ulna
- flexion of elbow
- Brachioradialis
- humerus to radius
- flexes elbow
33Extensors of the Forearm (elbow)
- Cross posterior surface of elbow joint forms
extensor muscle compartment - Triceps brachii
- long head arises scapula
- medial lateral heads from humerus
- inserts on ulna
- extends elbow shoulder joints
- Anconeus
- assists triceps brachii in extending the elbow
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35Muscle that Pronate Flex
- Pronator teres
- medial epicondyle to radius so contraction turns
palm of hand down towards floor - Flexor carpi muscles
- radialis
- ulnaris
- Flexor digitorum muscles
- superficialis
- profundus
- Flexor pollicis
36Muscles that Supinate Extend
- Supinator
- lateral epicondyle of humerus to radius
- supinates hand
- Extensors of wrist and fingers
- extensor carpi
- extensor digitorum
- extensor pollicis
- extensor indicis
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- Tough connective tissue band that helps hold
tendons in place - Extensor Flexor retinaculum cross wrist region
attaching from bone to bone (carpal tunnel
syndrome painful compression of median nerve
due to narrowing passageway under flexor
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41Muscles Crossing the Hip Joint
- Iliopsoas flexes hip joint
- arises lumbar vertebrae ilium
- inserts on lesser trochanter
- Quadriceps femoris has 4 heads
- Rectus femoris crosses hip
- 3 heads arise from femur
- all act to extend the knee
- Adductor muscles
- bring legs together
- cross hip joint medially
- see next picture
- Pulled groin muscle
- result of quick sprint activity
- stretching or tearing of iliopsoas or adductor
42Adductor Muscles of the Thigh
- Adductor group of muscle extends from pelvis to
linea aspera on posterior surface of femur - pectineus
- adductor longus
- adductor brevis
- gracilis
- adductor magnus (hip extensor)
43Muscles of the Butt Thigh
- Gluteus muscles
- maximus, medius minimus
- maximus extends hip
- medius minimus abduct
- Deeper muscles laterally rotate femur
- Hamstring muscles
- semimembranosus (medial)
- semitendinosus (medial)
- biceps femoris (lateral)
- extend hip flex knee
- Pulled hamstring
- tear of origin of muscles from ischial tuberosity
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46Cross-Section through Thigh
- 3 compartments of muscle with unique innervation
- anterior compartment is quadriceps femoris
innervated by femoral nerve - medial compartment is adductors innervated by
obturator nerve - posterior compartment is hamstrings innervated by
sciatic nerve
47Muscles of the Calf (posterior leg)
- 3 muscles insert onto calcaneus
- gastrocnemius arises femur
- flexes knee and ankle
- plantaris soleus arise from leg
- flexes ankle
- Deeper mm arise from tibia or fibula
- cross ankle joint to insert into foot
- tibialis posterior
- flexor digitorum longus
- flexor hallucis longus
- flexing ankle joint toes
48Muscles of the Leg and Foot
- Anterior compartment of leg
- extensors of ankle toes
- tibialis anterior
- extensor digitorum longus
- extensor hallucis longus
- tendons pass under retinaculum
- Shinsplits syndrome
- pain or soreness on anterior tibia
- running on hard surfaces
- Lateral compartment of leg
- peroneus mm plantarflex the foot
- tendons pass posteriorly to axis of ankle joint
and into plantar foot
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