Title: Effective 1 June 2006
1- Effective 1 June 2006
- Ver. 1.0 2006
- the more you purchase,
- the more rewards
- you will obtain!
- A new members sign-up fee is RM65 (65 MyPoints)
You (Receive 10 MyPoints)
New Member (Pays 65 MyPoints)
- Step 1
- Existing Agent sends New Sign-Up SMS Command to
MyMode Gateway - E.g.
- 1234new0123058888
- Note
- 1234 Your 4-digit PIN
- new Command
- 0123058888 Mobile Number of New Sign-Up
- Step 2
- MyMode will send a SMS to New User
- E.g.
- 0122378978 registers you as a MyMode
Agent. Reply YES to confirm your acceptance.
Please refer to Terms and Conditions in
mymode.com.my for more details - Step 3
- New User will send YES to MyMode Gateway.
CM Club Ranking
Member Ranking
- Point Value (PV)
- When an Agent buys a card or an e.Product, its PV
will be rebated to the Agent and his referrers. - Regulated based on market rate.
8Types Of Card Sales Incentives
- Personal Incentive Overriding
- 60 PV
- Leadership Sales Incentive
- 15 PV
- CM Club Incentive
- 20 PV
- Personal Sales Pool
- 5 x PV
9Types Of Sign-Up Incentives
- Level Incentive
- Leadership Sign-Up Incentive
10Personal Incentive
- Balance from Personal Incentive will be shared
among referrers of appropriate rankings - E.g.
You (CM) 60
MA (50)
MM (55)
12Personal Sales Pool
- Personal Sales Pool 5 PV
- 1 share RM500 reload card or 75PV e.Products
- Calculation
Your Share
5 of Companys Sales PV for the month
Total Share
13CM Club Incentive
- Purchase RM100 reload card, OR 15 PV e.Products
to maintain for the following month. - CM Club Incentive 20 X PV
14Level Incentive
15Types Of Leadership Incentives
- Sales Pool 15 x PV
- Sign-Up Pool 15 MyPoints per sign-up
- Available for 2-Star CM onwards
- Example of qualification
- 2-Star CM is qualified for only 2-Star pool.
- 3-Star CM is qualified for both 2-Star pool and
3-Star pool. - 4-Star CM is qualified for 2-Star pool, 3-Star
pool and 4-Star pool. - 5-Star CM is qualified for pools for all 4 ranks.
- Monthly calculation
- Based on rank achieved in previous month
16Example Calculation Of 5-Star Sales Pool
- A (5,000k x 1P) (3,000k x 0.5P) (1,000k x
0.25P) 6,750kP - B (3,000k x 1P) (500k x 0.5P) (500k x
0.25P) 3,750kP - C (1,000k x 1P) (500k x 0.5P) 1,250kP
- D (500k x 1P) 500kP
- Total Points 12,250kP
- Total Sales 5,000,000
- Total Payout (Assuming PV5)
- (5,000,000 x 5) x 1.5 (for 5 Star) 3,750
- Payout Per k Point
- 3,750 / 12,250 0.81
- A 6,750 x 0.81 5,467.50
- B 3,750 x 0.81 3,037.50
- C 1,250 x 0.81 1,012.50
- D 500 x 0.81 405.00
- Total 9,922.50
17Leadership Sales Pool15
- Purchase RM100 reload card, OR 15 PV e.Products
- to maintain for the following month.
18Points Per Sales
PGS Personal Group Sales
19Leadership Sign-Up Pool
Points Per Sign-Up
20Incentive Per Sign-Up
Calculation Your Points X Pool Incentive
X No. Of Sign-Ups
Total Qualified Points
For illustration purpose only
- You can upgrade to become a MP for RM30
- To upgrade, you must have at least 6 direct
Agents - MP Pool Incentive / Upgrade 3.5 MyPoints
- Calculation
- MP Pool Incentive X No. Of Upgrades
Your MP Points X
Total Qualified MP Points
22Types Of MP Incentives
- Direct group sign-up incentive 8 MyPoints
23Super MP (SMP)
- To upgrade to SMP, you must have at least 8
direct MPs - SMP Pool Incentive/Upgrade- 1.5 MyPoints
- Calculation
SMP Pool Incentive X No. Of Upgrades
Your SMP Points X
Total Qualified SMP Points
24Summary of Points for MPs and SMPs
Personal Group
1st Generation
2nd Generation
25e.Product Dealer Rebate
E.g. Purchase of MyMode Xlim Coffee Price
RM39.90 Rebate 15PV
e.Centre Incentive 3 MyPoints e.Dealer
Incentive 1.20 MyPoints
26e.Leadership Pool
Monthly maintenance requirement of 15 PV from
27Annual Fee
- An annual fee of 5 MyPoints will be charged
- Fee is automatically deducted from MyPoints
Statement - The Annual Fee will be waived if you spend an
accumulated minimum amount of 1000 MyPoints in a
period of twelve months.
28Statement Reactivation
- Your MyPoints Statement will be temporarily
suspended if - It has been inactive for 6 consecutive months
- It has insufficient balance for Annual Fee
- You may get your upline to reactivate your
statement. - Usage
- 1234activate0123456789
- Note
- 1234 Your 4-digit PIN
- activate Reactivation Command
- 0123456789 The Suspended Mobile Number
- 1 MyPoints will be deducted from your uplines
MyPoints Statement.