Title: Status of current work on Faculae and Sunspots
1Status of current work onFaculae and Sunspots
- Åke Nordlund, University of Copenhagen
- Tobias Heinemann, University of Copenhagen
- Mats Carlsson, University of Oslo
- Boris Gudiksen, University of Oslo
- Bob Stein, Michigan State University
- Sacha Kosovichev , Stanford
- Dali Georgobiani, Stanford
- Nagi Mansour, NASA-Ames
2Grand Plan
3Today Progress Report
- Faculae
- Center-to-limb behavior
- Light bridges
- Relation to pores, umbrae and penumbrae
- Sunspots
- Importance of resolution
4Photospheric physics
- Equation of state
- Qualitative HHeMe
- Accurate Lookup table
- Opacity
- Qualitative H-minus
- Accurate Lookup table Opacity Distribution
Function - Radiative energy transfer
- Qualitative Vertical horizontal rays
- Accurate Comprehensive set of rays
5Coronal physics
- Equation of state
- Qualitative HHeMe
- Accurate Lookup table
- Heat conduction
- Spitzer conductivity
- Conduction parallel to B
- Radiative cooling
- Optically thin
- Cooling functions from the litterature
6Chromospheric physics
- Equation of state
- Qualitative or accurate
- Energy fluxes
- Spitzer heat conduction
- Convective transport (driven)
- Radiation continuum and ke
- Radiative cooling
- Optically thick
- Approximation of key spectral lines
7Code Staggered Mesh Code
- Cell centered mass and thermal energy densities
- Face-centered momenta and magnetic fields
- Edge-centered electric fields and electric
- Advantages
- simplicity OpenMP (MPI btw boxes)
- consistency (e.g., divB0)
- accuracy conservative, 5th order
8Radiative Transfer Equation
- Solve in a form that directly gives the cooling
9Opacity is binned, according to its magnitude,
into 4 bins.
105 Rays Through Each Surface Grid Point
Interpolate source function to rays at each height
11Benchmarks Timing Results
12Altix Itanium-2 Scaling
13Plage Sunspot simulations
- Dimensions 12x12x3 Mm
- Intermediate resolution 250x250x125
- dx 48 km, dz 24 km
- Duration 60 min, production run
- Higher resolution 500x500x125
- dx 24 km, dz 24 km
- Duration 15 min, testing high res. effects
- Target resolution 1000x1000x250
- dx 12 km, dz 12 km
- Duration hours
14Vertical magnetic field
250x250x125, duration 35 min Average flux
density slowly growing from 400 G to 600 G
12 Mm
15Vertical slice, entropy
Resolution 250x250x125 Duration 35 min
3 Mm
12 Mm
16High resolution (500x500x125)
Vertical magnetic field
Surface temperature
Size 12 Mm Resolution 24 km
17Lites et al. AR 3-D structure
18Sunspot lightbridges
- Model, scale 1.5 x 1.5 x 3 Mm
- resolution 12x12x12 km
- with radiation and ionization
19Sunspot lightbridges
- Model, scale 1.5 x 1.5 x 3 Mm
- resolution 12x12x12 km
- with radiation and ionization
20Faculae, continuum, G-band
- Hot walls
- Seen in projection
- Evacuated foreground
- G-band molecule bands
- Temperature sensitivity
22 Lites et al (Solar Physics)
23G-band, inclined view
24G-band, center to limb
25Magnetic concentrations cool, low r,low
opacity.Towards limb,radiation emerges from
hot granulewalls behind.On optical depth
scale,magneticconcentrations are hot, contrast
increases with opacity
26Temperature structure
Granule (G) Intergranular lane (IG) G-band
bright point (BP) Dark flux concentration (FC)
TTgband TTgcont
27Striated Bright Walls
28Dark striations weaker B larger r see higher
cooler layer
29Solar velocity spectrum
Velocity spectrum v(k) (k P(k))1/2
30Velocity driving for corona sims
Voronoi tessellation ensemble
Velocity spectrum from three superposed ensembles
31Scale Free Spectrum?Doppler Image of the
SunMichelson Doppler Interferometer (SOHO/MDI)
32Solar horizontal velocity (observed)Scales
differ by factor 2 which is which?
33Solar horizontal velocity (model)Scales differ
by factor 2 which is which?
24 Mm
12 Mm
6 Mm
3 Mm
34Supergranulation scale convection first relax
24x24x9 Mm, then 50x50x20 Mm
- Origin of supergranulation
- Role of HeII ionization
- Role of magnetic field
- Emergence of magnetic flux
- Maintenance of magnetic network
- Driving coronal heating simulations
Vertical velocity
35Solar velocity spectrum24 Mm simulation will
fill gap
- High resolution, large resources needed
- Faculae
- Sunspots
- Lightbridges illusion!
- Large scale convection
- Approx. scale free horizontal motions!