Title: Europe A Hot Online Publishing Spot
1Europe - A Hot Online Publishing Spot?
- Marilo Ruiz, El Pais (Spain)
- Thomas Breyer, BDZV (Germany)
- Phil Halliday, Financial Times (UK)
- Peter Maronier, CityOnline (NL)
- Arne Krumsvik, Dagbladet (Norway)
- Gie van Roosbroeck, Uitgeversbedriif Tijd
- moderated by
- Bruno Giussani, CyberTimes (CH)
- Internet users in of population
May 96 (0,8), 97 (2,7), 98 (4,8)
- Auditing by the OJD (Oficina de Justificación de
la Difusión / www.ojd.es) includes the main
dailies, 13 up to now.
- Main online publishing ventures El
País Digital (47.000 daily visits) El
Mundo (26.000 daily visits)
El País Digital / www.elpais.es
3 Germany
- Internet users more than 10 (adults)
growth-rate 30
- Online advertising 12 Mio. Euro (1997) 18-25
Mio. Euro (1998)
- Auditing measurement standard audited by IVW
Page Impressions, Visits
- Main online publishing ventures
- Focus Online 11,6 Mio. PIs 2,4 Mio. Visits
- Stern Online 10,5 Mio. Pis 2,1 Mio. Visits
4 Austria
- Internet users 22 (7 intensive 9 only
- Online advertising 2,1-6,5 Mio. Euro (1998)
- Auditing measurement standard audited by IVW
Page Impressions, Visits (adopted German system)
- Main online publishing ventures
- ORF 4,8 Mio. PIs 1,9 Mio. Visits
- Der Standard 1,6 Mio. Pis 380.000 Visits
5UK population on the net
1994 2 1995 4 1996 5 1997 7 1998 10,2
Source NUA Internet Surveys 1994-1998
6UK online advertising
- 1997 13 billion
- 1998 35 billion
- 1999F 80 billion
- 2000F 170 billion
- 2001F 330 billion
- 2002F 570 billion
- 2003F 845 billion
- Source Forrester Research
7Internet in the Netherlands
8.3 of the total population is online
growth rate internet users app. 110 per annum
growth rate online advertising last 4 years
practically nothing in the first 3 years
an estimated 8 to 10 million (DFL) in 1998
level of establishment of auditing systems
are being developed 2 main online publishing
ventures World Access/Planet Internet (ISP)
Telegraaf (newspaper)
8Norway (sources Gallup and DoubleClick)
- Internet access 39 of population
- Internet users 25 of population
- 1998 25 (growth 47)
- 1997 17 (growth 42)
- 1996 12
- online advertising
- 1998 NOK 75 mill. (growth 115)
- 1997 NOK 35 mill. (growth 600)
- 1996 NOK 5 mill.
- no auditing systems established
- title and audience of the 2 main online
publishing ventures
- Verdens Gang 99,000 daily readers (3rd Q98)
- Dagbladet 83,000 daily readers (3rd Q98)
9Sweden (sources Sifo, DoubleClick and TS
Internet users 36 of population
online advertising (growth rate last 4 ye
ars) 1998 SEK 130 mill. (growth 113) 1997 S
EK 61 mill. (growth 205) 1996 SEK 20 mill. a
uditing system TS NETcheck title and audience
of the 2 main online publishing ventures
Aftonbladet 151,990 daily visits (Sept 98)
Dagens Nyheter 59,477 daily visits (Sept 98)
10Denmark (sources Gallup, DoubleClick and F_at_KDIS)
Internet access 45 of population
Internet users 28 of population
online advertising (growth rate last 4 years)
1998 DKR 25 mill. (growth 257)
1997 DKR 7 mill. auditing system F_at_KDIS/WebTren
ds title and audience of the 2 main online publis
hing ventures TV2 145,800 weekly visits (44/98)
Ekstrabladet 129,200 weekly visits (44/98)
- Internet users
- 1998 4 ( 80 vs 1997)
- Online advertising 1998
- BEF 75 mio /EUR 1.87 mio
- 0.15 of total ad spending in media
- Auditing nearly unexisting
- Main online publishing ventures
- Tijdnet (Dutch) 9000 user sessions/day
- Le Soir en Ligne (French) 6000 u-s/day
- Daily users 1997 4.8 , 1998 7.8
- Weekly 97 10.8 , 98 15.6 (REMP study,
- Most visited online publishing sites
- Edicom (3.3 mio pw/month)
- TA-Media (2.7 mio)
- Ringier (2.5 mio) NZZ (1.3 mio)
- (ISPs Swissonline and Blue Window 20 mio)
- Audience certification Open AdStream and/or
Netgravity used by all largest sites
- Online ad 19950, 19960.5 mio, 19973 mio,
19987 mio SFR (est. MMD, www.mmd.ch)