Title: Creating Shared Folders in Weblockrz and Adding Users
1Creating Shared Folders in Weblockrz and Adding
2Once youve logged in go to Manage Folders on
the toolbar
3Then choose to create a new shared directory
4Leave the homework/shared drop down alone, give
the directory a name and a description and make
sure you check the box that says give yourself
upload/download and delete rights.
5Choose to create the directory and then you will
see this screen. Once here go back to manage
6This time choose show my existing shared
7Select the directory/folder you want to add
people too
8In the top box select the school and teacher and
type in a last name (or if you want to select
from all of the teachers whose last name starts
with A type a and then search) Note Do Not
USE the 2nd box as it will add all teachers and
9Before you place a check mark next to the teacher
you want to share give them the rights you want
them to have (typically you would give them
upload and download, but you can decide what
rights they need) Repeat this process for any