Title: GG 612 Geomag' Paleomag' Part III
1GG 612 Geomag. Paleomag. Part III
Principles. Application. Astronomical tuning.
Require a recognizable pattern of reversals
Initially reversals named, but eventually a more
flexible, numerical system was adopted. Present
Chron Bruhnes - 1n Last initially Matuyama
1r, If we find another chron in 1r ,we call it
1r.1n etc.
4Principles 2
Linked to paleontological stratigraphy.
5Application Ocean Drilling Project
6Drilling system on theResolution
8Corer and Recovery
10Astronomic tuning
11Cyclicity in sediments
Trubi marls Sicily Grey marls are insolation
maxima White-beige-white minima
Ptolemais Basin Greece Marls are insolation
maxima Correlate with grey marls in Sicily
12Astronomic tuning of Sediment record to del
oxygen record.
In this case by susceptibility.
13Applications of Astronomic tuning has
revolutionized stratigraphy.
Sediments can be correlated to a few thousand
years. This allows us to build up geomagnetic
field history with this same resolution. Limitat
ions for the present about 25 Myrs
16Plate Tectonic Elements
17Plate tectonic world
18Euler Poles
19Relation between Apparent Polar Wander Curves and
Plate Motion
APW paths for different plates can be combined,
if relative motion known.
20Absolute Motion the Hotspot motion controversy
- Africa APW compiled from APW for several plates,
- b) Africa APW in hotpsot frame and (c ) True
polar wander (?)