14. Voluntarism (ld voluntas tahe ) Peedu Sula 14. Voluntarism (ld voluntas tahe ) 14.1. Sissejuhatus See on maailmavaade, kus suur r hk on tahtej ul ja ...
In 2013, the global output of fluorite was 6.7 million tons, which slipped by 5.2% compared that of last year. China is the biggest fluorite producing country. And in 2013, China produced 4.3 million tons fluorite, accounting for 64.2% of the total output of the world. Mexico is the second largest fluorite producing country, and the output was 1.24 million tons in 2013, accounting for 18.5% of that of the whole world. China’s fluorite consumption reached 4.03 million tons in 2013, increasing by 2.23% compared that of last year. The main fluorite consumption fields in China are steel industry, aluminum smelting industry, 7 industry, cement and glass industry, etc. The consumption structure represents as following: steel industry accounts for 13.3%; aluminum smelting industry accounts for 7.3%; 7 industry accounts for 29.4%; cement and glass industry accounts for 40.0%; others accounts for 10%.
Suguhaigused ja nende ennetamine Triin Valk Suguhaigus- mis see on? Suguhaigused on sugulisel teel levivad bakterid ja viirused, mis p hjustavad suguteede p letikke.
SISSEJUHATUS SEMIOOTIKASSE SOSE O1.137 Silvi Salupere 15.loeng Tekstide m istmisest Aru saadakse mitte asjadest, vaid m rkidest. Millestki aru saamine t hendab ...