Title: Andr
1Heavy-flavor particle correlations in STAR via
electron azimuthal correlations with open charm
André Mischke for the STAR Collaboration
Quark Matter ? Jaipur ? February 4-10, 2008
- Motivation
- Correlation technique
- Gluon splitting process at RHIC
- - comparison to MC_at_NLO simulations
- Data analysis in pp collisions
- - relative B?e contribution
- Summary
- Study dynamical properties of the QGP e.g.,
initial gluon density, drag coefficient - Heavy quarks
- - primarily produced in initial state of the
collision ? well calibrated probes - - expected to lose less energy due to suppression
of small angle gluon radiation (so-called
dead-cone effect) - Surprise in central AuAu Electrons from D and
B decays are strongly suppressed - Models implying D and B energy loss are
inconclusive yet - Goals
- Access to underlying production mechanisms
- Separate D and B contribution experimentally
D/B crossing point
M. Cacciari et al., PRL95, 122001 (2005)
4Correlation technique
- Identification and separation of charm and bottom
production events using their decay topology and
azimuthal angular correlation of their decay
products - electrons from D/B decays are used to trigger on
charm/bottom quark pairs - associate D0 mesons are reconstructed via their
hadronic decay channel (probe)
5Electron tagged correlationsbottom production
Charge-sign requirement on trigger electron and
decay Kaon gives additional constraint on
production process
6LO PYTHIA simulations
- Near-side
- B decays (dominant)
- Away-side
- charm flavor creation (dominant)
- small B contribution
- Away-side
- B decays (dominant)
- small charm contribution
7NLO Process Gluon splitting
- FONLL/NLO calculations only give single
inclusive distribution ? no correlations - PYTHIA is not really adequate for NLO
predictions -
- STAR measurement of D in jet ? access to charm
content in jets - Gluon splitting rate consistent with pQCD
calculation - ? Small contribution from gluon splitting at top
RHIC energy
E. Norrbin T. Sjostrand, Eur. Phys. J. C17,
137 (2000)
Mueller Nason PLB 157, 226 (1985)
P29 X. Dong, Charm Content in Jets
8MC_at_NLO predictions for charm production
- NLO QCD computations with a realistic parton
shower model - Away-side peak shape remarkable agreement
between LO PYTHIA and MC_at_NLO - Near-side GS/FC ? 5? small gluon splitting
contribution ? in agreement with STAR measurement
- S. Frixione, B.R. Webber, JHEP 0206 (2002) 029
- S. Frixione, P. Nason, and B.R. Webber, JHEP
0308 (2003) 007 - private code version for charm production
9STAR experiment
Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC Large acceptance
magnetic spectrometer
- Energy measurement
- - Barrel EMC
- fully installed and operational, ? lt 1
- Pb/scintillator (21 X0)
- dE/E 16/?E
- Shower maximum detector
- PID and tracking
- - TPC
- ? lt 1.5
- ?p/p 2-4
- ?dE/dx/dEdx 8
- - Magnet
- 0.5 Tesla
Dataset Run6 pp at ?s 200 GeV, L
9 pb-1 High ET trigger energy threshold
5.4 GeV
10Electron identification
- Quality cuts
- well developed shower in EM calorimeter
- 0. lt p/Etower lt 2.
- 3.5 lt dE/dx lt 5.0 keV/cm (pT dependent)
- High electron purity up to high-pT
- ? Clean electron sample
dE/dx (keV/cm)
purity ()
11Photonic electron background
- Most of the electrons in the final state are
originating from other sources than heavy-flavor
decays - Dominant photonic contribution
- gamma conversions
- ?0 and ? Dalitz decays
- Exclude electrons with low invariant mass minv lt
150 MeV/c2 - ? Non-photonic electron excess at high-pT
- Photonic background rejection efficiency is ?70
12(K?) invariant mass distribution
- D0 reconstruction dE/dx cut (3?) around Kaon
- Significant suppression of combinatorial
background factor 200 - S/B 14 and signal significance 3.7
13Azimuthal correlation of non-photonic electrons
and D0 mesons
expected D0/e ratio for charm flavor creationand
a track reconstruction efficiency of 80-90
- First heavy-flavor correlation measurement at
RHIC - Near- and away-side correlation peak ? yields
are about the same
14Relative B?e contribution
like-sign e-K pairs
- Model uncertainties not included yet
- Good agreement between different analyses
P215 S. Sakai, e-h correlation in pp - Data consistent with FONLL within errors
essentially from B decays only
?75 from charm ?25 from beauty
Comparable D and B contributions ? AuAu
suggests significant suppression of non-photonic
electrons from bottom in medium
15Summary and conclusions
- First heavy-flavor particle correlation
measurement in pp collisions at RHIC - MC_at_NLO simulations Small gluon-splitting
contribution - Azimuthal correlation of non-photonic electrons
and D0 mesons - access to production mechanisms
- ? allows separation of charm and bottom
production events - efficient trigger on heavy-quark production
events - significant suppression of the combinatorial
background in D0 reconstruction - Contribution to non-photonic electrons from
bottom is significant (?50 at pT 3-7 GeV/c) - Correlation technique is a powerful tool for
comprehensive energy-loss measurements of
heavy-quarks in heavy-ion collisions (e.g. IAA)
16The STAR collaboration
52 institutes from 12 countries, 582 collaborators
17Backup slides
18D0D- cross section measurement at the Tevatron
D0 or D
B. Reisert et al., Beauty 2006, Nucl. Phys. B
(Proc. Suppl.) 170, 243 (2007)
- Within errors near- and away-side yields are the
same ? gluon splitting as important as flavor
creation - Near-side yield PYTHIA underestimates gluon
19PYTHIA event generator
- Parameter settings
- version 6.222 (Jan. 2004)
- MSEL 4 or 5 charm or bottom
- PMAS(4,1) 1.3 or 4.5 mc or mb
- PARP(91) 1.5 ltkTgt
- PARP(31) 3.5 k factor
- MSTP(33) 1 common k factor
- MSTP (32) 4 Q2 scale
- PARJ(13) 0.594 D/D spin factor
- CKIN(3) 1
- MSUB(81) MSUB(82) sub-processes
- MSUB(84) 1
- kt ordering in shower
- String hadronization
- default FF (Peterson)
- B mixing included
20MC_at_NLO event generator
- Version 3.3 (Dec. 2006)
- HERWIG event generator (version 6.510, Oct.
2005) - - parton showering
- - hadronization
- - particle decays
- Parameter settings
- mc 1.55 GeV/c2
- mb 4.95 GeV/c2
- Angular-ordered shower
- Cluster hadronization
21Model comparison
22D0 yield versus ??(e, hadron pair)
- Calculate ?? between non-photonic electron
trigger and hadron pair pT - Extract D0 yield from invariant mass
distribution for different ?? bins
23D in jet measurement
Run V pp, jet patch triggered data1.7 M jets gt
8 GeV/c
- Magnitude at high z region is suppressed due to
trigger, and it is consistent with MC simulation
for only direct flavor creation process - Excess at low z region is expected to be from
gluon splitting process