Title: AS 737 Categorical Data Analysis
1AS 737 Categorical Data Analysis
2Multiple Logistic Regression
3Multiple Logistic Regression
4Multiple Logistic Regression
5The Logistic Regression Model
- The "logit" model solves these problemsln?
/(1- ?) ?? ?X e - ? is the probability that the event Y occurs,
p(Y1) - ? /(1- ?) is the "odds ratio"
- ln? /(1- ?) is the log odds ratio, or "logit"
- The logistic distribution constrains the
estimated probabilities to lie between 0 and 1. - The estimated probability is ? 1/1
exp(-? - ? X) - if you let ? ? X 0, then ? .50
- as ? ? X gets really big, ? approaches 1
- as ? ? X gets really small, ? approaches 0
6- Interpretation of the parameters
- If p is the probability of an event and O is the
odds for that event then - the link function in logistic regression gives
the log-odds
7Newton - Raphson
Newton and Raphson used ideas of the Calculus to
create a method to find the zeros of an arbitrary
Let r be a root (also called a "zero") of f(x),
that is f(r) 0. Assume that           Â
Let x1 be a number close to r (which may be
obtained by looking at the graph of f(x)). The
tangent line to the graph of f(x) at (x1,f(x1))
has x2 as its x-intercept.
8Newton - Raphson
9Newton - Raphson
From the previous picture, we see that x2 is
getting closer to r. Calculations give
10Using Newton-Raphson Solve
11The Answer for f(x)0
12Find the maximum or minimum for the following
13The Answer for the maximum or minimum
14Newton Raphson for Maximization
Taylor Series Expansion
Take the derivative to maximize the function
15Find the square root of 5. Using Newton Raphson
16The Square root of 5 is