3- Mrs. Quimby pushed her chair farther from the
table and glanced at her watch.
4Does this person look like he has glanced at,
taken a quick look at something?
5Has this person glanced, taken a quick look, at
6Has this child glanced, taken a quick look, at
7Does this girl look like she has glanced at,
taken a quick look at something?
8Is this a picture you have glanced at, taken a
quick look at?
- someone or something that makes you feel better
10- A big sister could be a comfort if she wanted
11Does this picture show someone who is trying to
be a comfort, someone or something that makes you
feel better?
12Does this picture show someone or something that
can make you feel better, comfort you?
13Is this lady trying to be a comfort, someone who
makes you feel better ?
14Is this person trying to be a comfort, someone or
something that makes you feel better?
16- The girls longed for their loving aunt, who was
cheerful in times of trouble and who was always
there when the family needed her.
17Is this something the child has longed to do,
wanted very much?
18Does this picture show someone who longed for
something, wanted it very much?
19Is this something the boy has longed for, wanted
very much?
20Do you think this boy has something that he has
longed for, wanted very much?
- able to be spread by contact going from
22- Children under twelve might have contagious
diseases, explained the nurse.
23This child has a contagious disease known as
chicken pox. It is spread by contact, going from
24Does this child have something contagious, able
to be spread by contact, going from person-to-
25Does this child have something contagious, able
to be spread by contact, going from person-to-
26Is this something that is contagious, able to be
spread by contact, going from person to person?
27Is this something that is contagious, able to be
spread by contact, going from person-to-person?
- a doctors written instructions for taking
29- He tore off the prescription he had written,
instructed Ramona to give it to her father, and
hurried on down the hall.
30This is what a prescription, a doctors written
instructions for taking medicine looks like.
31Is this a prescription, a doctors written
instructions for taking medicine?
32Is this a prescription, a doctors written
instructions for taking medicine?
33Is this a prescription, a doctors written
instructions for taking medicine?
- thoughtful care or kindness
35- Beezus paid no attention.
36Is this child being shown some attention,
thoughtful care or kindness?
37Is this child being shown some attention,
thoughtful care or kindness?
38Is this person receiving some attention,
thoughtful care or kindness?
39Is this someone or something receiving attention,
thoughtful care or kindness?
41- With her words came unexpected love and sympathy
for the tiny person in her mothers arms.
42Does this picture showing something that is
unexpected, not expected, surprising?
43Does this picture showing something that is
unexpected, not expected, surprising?
44Does this picture showing something that is
unexpected, not expected, surprising?
45Does this picture showing something that is
unexpected, not expected, surprising?
47glanced comfort longed contagious prescription
attention unexpected
48glanced comfort longed contagious prescription
attention unexpected
49glanced comfort longed contagious prescription
attention unexpected
50glanced comfort longed contagious prescription
attention unexpected
51glanced comfort longed contagious prescription
attention unexpected
52glanced comfort longed contagious prescription
attention unexpected
53glanced comfort longed contagious prescription
attention unexpected