Chapter Fourteen: Terrorism in the United States - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter Fourteen: Terrorism in the United States


1898- The United States captured Puerto Rico in the Spanish-American war ... Nationalistic Separatism: The Case of Puerto Rico. The Development of Right-Wing Violence ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter Fourteen: Terrorism in the United States

Chapter FourteenTerrorism in the United
Nationalistic Separatism The Case of
Puerto Rico
Nationalistic Separatism The Case of Puerto Rico
  • 1898- The United States captured Puerto Rico in
    the Spanish-American war
  • The United States granted Puerto Rico
    commonwealth status
  • Three opinions of the Puerto Rican population
  • Some desire Puerto Rican statehood
  • Some want to create an independent country
  • Some want to maintain a commonwealth status

Nationalistic Separatism The Case of Puerto Rico
  • Revolutionary organizations that embraced the
    nationalist terrorist campaign
  • Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN)
  • Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revolution (OVRP)
  • The Armed Forces of Liberation (FARP)
  • The Guerilla Forces of Liberation (GEL)
  • The Pedro Albizu Compos Revolutionary Forces

The Development of Right-Wing Violence
The Development of Right-Wing Violence
  • History of right-wing extremism
  • The first incident of antifederal behavior came
    shortly after the American Revolutionary War
  • 1791- The Whiskey Rebellion
  • Antifederal attitudes were common in some circles
    in the early 1800s
  • The Know-Nothings (a.k.a., the Order of the Sons
    of America and the Sons of the Star Spangled
    Banner) were anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, and
  • The Civil War
  • Southerners were fighting to keep the power of
    local government

The Development of Right-Wing Violence
  • The Ku Klux Klan
  • Founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, the KKK was
    created as an antiunionist organization that
    would preserve southern culture and traditions
  • Shortly after the Civil War, hooded Knight Riders
    terrorized African Americans to frighten them
    into political and social submission
  • In the 1920s, the Klan sought political
  • The modern KKK grew after WWII, becoming up to
    the present day, fragmented, decentralized, and
    dominated by hate-filled rhetoric

The Development of Right-Wing Violence
  • Right-wing extremism from the 1930s to the
  • Michael Barkun says that a new religion,
    Christian Identity, grew from the extremist
  • Anglo-Israelism saw white Americans as the lost
    tribes of Israel. William Swift preached this
    message beginning in the late 1940s
  • Two of Swifts disciples, William Potter Gale and
    Richard Butler, went on to form right-wing
  • Gale formed the Posse Comitatus
  • Butler formed the Aryan Nation
  • Christian Identity is based on the premise that
    God was white

The Development of Right-Wing Violence
  • Identity theology
  • Identity theology is based on a story of conflict
    and hate. According to this theology, Jews have
    gained control of the United States by conspiring
    to create the Federal Reserve System. The
    struggle between whites and Jews will continue
    until whites ultimately achieve victory with
    Gods help
  • Before the Christian Identity movement
  • Before the Christian Identity movement, American
    extremism was characterized by ethnocentrism and
    localized violence

Contemporary Right-Wing Behavior, Beliefs,
and Tactics
Contemporary Right-Wing Behavior, Beliefs, and
  • Issues that hold the right-wing movement together
  • The right-wing tends to follow one of the forms
    of extremist religions
  • The movement is dominated by a belief in
    conspiracy and conspiracy theories
  • Right-wing extremists continue to embrace
    patriotism and gun

Contemporary Right-Wing Behavior, Beliefs, and
  • Limit of right-wing terrorism
  • Groups are rural and tend to emerge from
    farm-based compounds

Contemporary Right-Wing Behavior, Beliefs, and
  • Trends of the right-wing movement in 1984
  • The White supremacy movement
  • Ku Klux Klan
  • Neo-Nazis
  • Other White European or Aryan-based organizations
  • Survivalism
  • Survivalists withdraw from society, forming
    compounds in rural areas
  • Religion
  • Many right wing extremists follow Christian

Contemporary Right-Wing Behavior, Beliefs, and
  • Rejuvenation of the extremist right
  • The Brady Bill
  • The Brady Bill caused many conservatives to fear
    federal gun-control legislation Extremists felt
    they had an issue that appealed to mainstream
  • Ruby Ridge
  • The Ruby Ridge incident had a strong symbolic
    impact on the extremist right
  • The Waco siege
  • Although David Koresh had nothing to do with
    right-wing extremists per se, he had the formula
    guns, a survivalist compound, and a belief in a
    Warrior God

Contemporary Right-Wing Behavior, Beliefs, and
  • Current situation of the extremist right
  • After September 11, 2001, violent members of the
    right-wing movement melted away from large
    organizations and began to congregate in small
  • The existence of the smaller groups engaged in
    more individualistic violence

Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
  • Nordic Christianity
  • Using ancient Norse rites, they claimed to
    worship the Triune Christian Deity, but they
    added Odin (Wotan) and Thor. Odin, the chief of
    the Norse gods, called Nordic warriors to racial
    purification from Valhalla, or the Viking heaven.
    Thor, the god of thunder, sounded the call with a
    hammer that shook the heavens

Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
  • Creatorism
  • Creatorists call for a holy war or RAHOWA
  • Creatorism is a religion with more violent
    tendencies than Christian Identity

Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
  • Free-Wheeling Fundamentalists
  • The majority of right-wing extremists retreated
    to more conservative churches and relied on
    individual interpretations of scripture from lay
    preachers along the American frontier to justify
    antigovernment actions. This group can be
    described as Free-Wheeling Fundamentalists
  • They believe that the federal government and
    local governments are their enemies and the God
    will assist them in their confrontation with evil

Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
  • Militias
  • Militias thrive on conspiracy theories.
  • They believe the U.S. government is leading the
    country into a single world government controlled
    by the United Nations and that the New World
    Order is a continuation of a conspiracy outlined
    in the Protocols of Zion, a document written
    after World War I, claiming that Jews are out to
    control the world
  • Militias are almost always religious, but few
    embrace Christian Identity, Nordic Christianity,
    or Creatorism. For justification, they rely on
    Free-Wheeling Fundamentalism and violent passages
    of Christian scripture quoted out of context.
  • Simply joining a militia group does not make a
    person a terrorist

Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
  • Paramilitary groups
  • Paramilitary groups, or armed civilian militias
    that organize themselves in a military manner,
    operate on different levels
  • Paramilitary groups come in a variety of shapes
    and sizes, and most of their action is rhetorical

Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
  • Third position
  • The Third Position tried to unite both left- and
    right-wing extremists
  • Both extremes found that they had some things in
    common They hate the government, they have no
    use for large corporations, and they distrust the

Conspiracies, Militias, and the Call to Arms
  • Small violent groups after September 11, 2001
  • These small groups embrace the ideas of
    Marighella and felt that any act of violence
    would help to create the mayhem necessary to
    topple the government

Pierces Blueprint for Revolution
Pierces Blueprint for Revolution
  • William Pierce
  • William Pierce was a White supremacist with
    headquarters in rural West Virginia. He led an
    organization called the National Alliance,
    purchased Resistance Records, a recording label
    for Skinhead hate music

Pierces Blueprint for Revolution
  • The Turner Diaries
  • The Turner Diaries is a diatribe against
    minorities and Jews
  • From a technical standpoint, it is a how-to
    manual for low-level terrorism

Pierces Blueprint for Revolution
  • Dangers of The Turner Diaries
  • It could inspire copycat crimes
  • Some who have read this book have taken action
  • Robert Matthews founded The Order
  • Timothy McVeigh was arrested with a worn copy of
    The Turner Diaries

Pierces Blueprint for Revolution
  • Hunter
  • Hunter tells the story of a lone wolf named
    Hunter who decides to launch a one-person
  • It could and has inspired copycat crimes

The Decline of the Left
The Decline of the Left
  • Contributions to the demise of left-wing
  • Intellectual elites controlled the movement, yet
    the movement lost its base when student activism
    began to disappear from American academic life
  • Left-wing groups had engaged in symbolic violence
  • Guilt may have been a factor in the demise
  • Left-wing movements became more specific,
    focusing not only on certain political behavior,
    but on particular causes

Ecoterrorism, Animal Rights, and Genetic
Ecoterrorism, Animal Rights, and Genetic
  • Earth Liberation Front (ELF)
  • ELF migrated from Europe to the United States
  • The alliance has been responsible for more than
    six hundred criminal acts since 1996
  • Its tactics include sabotage, tree spiking,
    property damage, intimidation, and arson

Ecoterrorism, Animal Rights, and Genetic
  • The Monkey Wrench Gang, by Edward Abbey
  • In The Monkey Wrench Gang, the heroes drive
    through the western states sabotaging bulldozers,
    burning billboards, and damaging the property of
    people they deem to be destroying the environment
  • Abbey, however, is an environmental activist
    rather than a hate-filled ideologue

Ecoterrorism, Animal Rights, and Genetic
  • Ecoterrorism today
  • Most violence associated with ecoterrorism has
    taken place in the American West
  • From 1995-1999, damages total 28.8 million
  • ELF activities have increased each year since
  • Ecoterrorists are uncompromising, illogical
    extremists just like their right-wing
    counterparts They use ecology as a surrogate

Antiabortion Violence
Antiabortion Violence
  • Tactics of antiabortionists
  • Antiabortionists began with bombing and arson
  • Today assault and gunmen along with bombing and
    arson are antiabortionist tactics

Antiabortion Violence
  • Justification for antiabortion acts
  • Violent antiabortionist advocates justify their
    actions in the same manner as other political
  • Accepting the status quo is worse than using
    violence to change behavior. It is the standard
    justification for terrorism

Antiabortion Violence
  • Explanations for violent political behavior
  • Social control breaks down under stress and
  • Violence increases when people are not satisfied
    with political outcomes
  • Violence can be reinforced by social and cultural
  • Violence can stem from a groups strength or
    weakness, its lack of faith in the political
    system, or its frustration with economic

Antiabortion Violence
  • David Nice and abortion clinic bombings
  • Bombings tend to be regionalized
  • Most of the bombings occurred in areas of rapidly
    expanding population and declining social
    controls. This means bombings tended to occur in
    urban areas
  • Bombings also reflected a method a communicating
    frustration with political processes and outcomes
  • States that experience bombings also exhibit a
    greater toleration for crimes against women
  • Bombings are a sign of weakness
  • Killing was a means of communication

Black Hebrew Israelism An Apocalyptic Single
Black Hebrew Israelism An Apocalyptic Single
  • Black Hebrew Israelism
  • Black Hebrew Israelism is a Christian Identity
    with an African twist
  • Black Hebrew Israelites believe that the original
    Israelites were dark-skinned Africans
  • The mythology of Black Hebrew Israelites and
    their beliefs dates back to the Civil War. In the
    latter part of the twentieth century, again like
    Christian Identity, the group developed an
    elaborate theology to explain the status of
    African Americans
  • The African Heritage Study Bible is used to
    demonstrate that the Jews who Moses led out of
    Egypt were black

Black Hebrew Israelism An Apocalyptic Single
  • Hulon Mitchell Jr.
  • Mitchell and Linda Gaines moved to Miami,
    Florida, in 1979 and laid the foundation for a
    Black Hebrew Israelite group known as the Nation
    of Yahweh
  • By 1985, the Nation of Yahweh developed into a
    group of worshippers who focused their attention
    on Mitchell
  • Mitchell began expanding his theology, teaching
    that whites were devils and his followers were to
    kill them in the name of God. He created an
    internal group called the Brotherhood, and one
    could obtain membership only by killing a white
  • Over the next few years, Mitchell dispatched
    Death Angels to kill whites in the Miami area

Black Hebrew Israelism An Apocalyptic Single
  • The tension between believing and acting
  • Black Hebrew Israelism is indicative of the
    tension between believing and acting, and it
    presents a dilemma for those charged with
  • The problem for those charged with preventing
    violence is that when a belief system degrades or
    demonizes another group, violence often follows
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