Title: State Leadership in an Accountable World
1State Leadership in an Accountable World
2A leader can give up anything except final
responsibility. John Maxwell 21
Indispensable Qualities of a Leader
3NCLB and state accountability legislation ensure
that you, the state leaders, have that final
responsibility. And the Leadership challenge con
tinues to grow!
4 School level District level 200405 first
year with districts in improvement status.
200506 the state must institute corrective
action if a district continues in improvement
5So what exactly IS your job? Educational,
Organizational, Political
6Educational Assessing needs, yours AND theirs,
and building local capacity to meet
them Customization What will success look
like DATA, DATA, DATA Benchmarks and
mid-course corrections Clear exit strategies
7Life is ambiguous there are many right
answersall depending on what your looking for.
But if you think there is only one right answer,
then youll stop looking as soon as you find
one. Roger von Oech
8If we were to go back in time 100 years and ask a
farmer what hed like if he could have anything,
hed probably tell us he wanted a horse that was
twice as strong and that ate half as many
oats. He would not tell us he wanted a
tractor. Philip Quiqley Former CEO, Pacific
9Discovery consists of looking at the same thing
as everyone else and thinking something
different. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
10Cartwheels I cant turn cartwheels. Ive tried
and tried. I can start. I can get about
halfway Then I buckle over somehow and collapse
sideways. I told Mother. Practice, she
advised. I said I had. It didnt work. I just
plain couldnt do them. Well, you can write
poems, she said, And youre so good at
math She went on and on and it was all very
nice. I appreciated it. I still cant turn
11 Think like a beginner, not an expert. ???? Be
smart ask stupid questions. Kreigel and
Brandt, Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers
12People cannot learn by having information pressed
into their brains. Knowledge has to be sucked
into the brain, not pushed in. First, one must
create a state of mind that craves knowledge,
interest, and wonder. You can teach only by
creating an urge to know. Victor Weisskopf
13CREDIT You asked me to do it, I promised to do
it. I planned to do it. I started to do it. I
really meant to do it Except I forgot. Couldnt I
get some credit For promising, Planning, Starting
, And really meaning to do it? Guess
not. Judith Viorst
14Organizational Building a state organization
able to accomplish the educational goals move
from compliance monitoring to service Every
system is perfectly designed for the results
its getting Difference between activity and
15It seems to me that systems do not change when we
simply modify or fine-tune their structures. They
change because of fundamental shiftswhen
processes and structures come to be viewed in
profoundly different ways. They also change when
people decide that the vision of what teaching,
learning, and schooling can be is more compelling
than current reality. Redeeming the American
Promise, p. 43
16What results are we currently getting out of our
state education systems? What is it in our
design that ensures those results? What needs
to change to get different results?
17It is not enough to have experience leaders must
draw appropriate lessons from their experience,
and then take their tacit knowledge and make it
explicit to others. This requires not only that
they have a point of view in their own minds, but
that they can explain or teach it to
others. Noel Tichy
18A master can tell you what he expects of you. A
teacher, however, awakens your own
expectations. Patricia Neal
19What qualities/skills must State Department staff
have to do this new work? Are they the same
skills and qualities that were needed in the past?
20Political Build partnerships and communication
plans to support and sustain the work of the
state with local districts and schools Build
constituencies that own the interventions
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- Beautiful mixed litter
- Full of energy
- 555-1090
- Please call after 6 PM
Puppies for Sale
22The ONLY way to support and sustain this type of
work is through partnerships and
communication. We all know that, but it takes
time and we have work to do!!!
23 Advocate and Catalyst
24Changes must be systemic, and supported by the
community, ALL of the community, to remain after
youre gone.
25Successful State Departments of Education in the
world of accountability Educational Organizatio
nal Political