Title: Rand Anderson
1Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits
Rand Anderson Manager Constituent Relations Office
- Employer Contribution Rates
- Employer Options
- Cost drivers
- Cost deferrals
- Cost reducers
- If time allows OPEB
3Employer Contribution Rates Return to Historical
4Employer Contribution Rates - Miscellaneous
5Employer Contribution Rates Return to Historical
6Employer Contribution Rates - Safety
7Is CalPERS Sustainable?
- CalPERS has more than enough money to pay
benefits for many years into the future. The
funded status of plans at CalPERS has decreased.
However, the ability to pay benefits remains
intact. - Nevertheless, some employers may consider their
future costs to be unsustainable. - Current employer rates are the highest in more
than 25 years - currently at levels similar to
the rates in the early 1980s. With the decline
in investment markets in 2008-2009, rates are
expected to be the highest they have ever been.
8Cost Drivers
- Payroll increases above projection
- - workforce growth
- - pay rate growth
- - payroll growth
- Benefit improvements
- Investment return
9Cost Increases Caused by More than Benefit
- Many newspapers blame the benefits provided by SB
400 and other benefit improvements that took
place in the last 10 years. - The reality is that this is only partially true.
- Growth in government has a lot to do with
increases in dollars being contributed to CalPERS.
10Cost Driver Growth in Workforce
11Cost Driver Growth in Pay Rate
12Cost Driver Growth in Payroll (million )
13Cost Increases Caused by More than Benefit
14Growth in Local Agencies Over the Last 10 Years
15Cost Driver Benefit Improvements
16Investment Returns Earned by CalPERS
- CalPERS assumes its long term return will be
7.75. - 1 Year Return -24
- 5 Year Return 1.5
- 10 Year Return 2.3
- 15 Year Return 6.9
- 20 Year Return 7.4
17Cost Driver Recent Investment Results
Results as of 9/30/2009. After -24 loss in FY
2008/09, the trust fund results are improving.
18Cost Deferral
19Impact of Temporary Method on Employer Rates
- The approved method will phase in the impact of
the investment loss in 2008-2009 over 3 fiscal
years. - Estimated impact of the -24 investment return in
2008-2009 on employer rates commencing July 1,
2010 for State and Schools and July 1, 2011 for
Public Agencies is
20Projected Employer Contribution Rate
Typical 2 at Age 60 and 2 at Age 55
Miscellaneous Plan with an Asset to Payroll Ratio
of 4 Based on a -24 return in 2008 2009 and
7.75 thereafter
21Projected Employer Contribution Rate
Typical 2 at Age 55 and 3 at Age 60
Miscellaneous Plan with an Asset to Payroll Ratio
of 6 Based on a -24 return in 2008 2009 and
7.75 thereafter
22Projected Employer Contribution Rate
Typical 3 at Age 50 Safety Plan with an Asset to
Payroll Ratio of 10Based on a -24 return in
2008 2009 and 7.75 thereafter
23Cost Reduction
24California Employers Retiree Benefit Trust
- Investment return
- Other progress
- Challenges
- Next steps
25California Employers Retiree Benefit Trust
Recent Investment Return
26CERBT Growth Statistics
27CERBT Employer by Program and Type
28CERBT Challenges
- How to reach out to so many California employers?
- Must reach beyond regional offices
- Local employers will host group meetings
- Web conferences
- Association conferences
- How to comply with evolving GASB standards
- Expand employer education to include financial
reporting changes - Become the source of compliant financial
reporting information
29CERBT and Financial Reporting Data
30CERBT Employer Population
PEMHCA ONLY Actuarial Valuation Required
PEMHCA ONLY Multiple OPEB Benefits Offered
31CERBT Next Steps
- Steps to maintain reporting compliance
- Immediately implement new GASB requirements
- Educate employers about requirements
- Gradually expand CalPERS ability to generate
compliant reporting data - PEMHCA employers who participate in the CERBT
- Self-funded (fee based) valuation services
32Questions? Where to get Information?
- CERBT Web Page
- www.calpers.ca.gov/cerbt
- Email
- CORE4U_at_calpers.ca.gov
- Employer Contact Center
- 888-CalPERS (225-7377)